


 Venusiam 2006-11-25

Greetings 問候語

1. Hello.你好!

2. Good morning.早晨好!

3. I’m John Smith.我是約翰、史密斯。

4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比爾、瓊斯嗎?

5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。

6. How are you?你好嗎?

7. Fine,thanks.很好,謝謝。

8. How is Helen?海倫好嗎?

9. She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,謝謝您。

10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。

11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。

12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好嗎?

13. Good night,John.晚安,約翰。

14. Good-bye,Bill.再見,比爾。

15. See you tomorrow.明天見。

Classroom expressions 課堂用語

16. Come in,please. 請進(jìn)!

17. Sit down. 坐下!

18. Stand up,please. 請站起來。

19. Open your book,please. 請把書打開。

20. Close your book,please. 請把書合上。

21. Don’t open your book. 別打開書。

22. Do you understand?你明白了嗎?

23. Yes,I understand. 是的,我明白了。

24. No,I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。

25. Listen and repeat. 先聽,然后再重復(fù)一遍。

26. Now read,please. 現(xiàn)在請大家讀。

27. That’s fine. 好得很。

28. It’s time to begin. 到開始的時候了。

29. Let’s begin now. 現(xiàn)在讓我們開始。

30. This is Lesson One. 這是第一課。

Identifying objects.辨別物品

31. What’s this? 這是什么?

32. That’s a book. 那是一本書。

33. Is this your book? 這是你的書嗎?

34. No,that’s not my book. 不,那不是我的書。

35. Whose book is this? 這是誰的書?

36. That’s your book. 那是你的書。

37. And what’s that? 還有那是什么?

38. Is that a book? 那是一本書嗎?

39. No,it isn’t. 不,不是。

40. It’s a pencil. 那是一枝鉛筆。

41. Is it yours? 它是你的嗎?

42. Yes,it’s mine. 是,是我的。

43. Where’s the door? 門在哪兒?

44. There it is. 門在那兒。

45. Is this book his? 這本書是他的嗎?

46. What are these? 這些是什么?

47. Those are books. 那些是書。

48. Where are the books? 那些書在哪兒?

49. There they are. 在那兒。

50. These are my pencils. 這些是我的鉛筆。

51. Where are your pens? 你的那些鋼筆在哪兒?

52. They’re over there. 在那里。

53. Are these your pens? 這些是你的鋼筆嗎?

54. Yes,they are. 是我的。

55. Those are mine. 那些是我的。

56. These are your books,aren’t they? 這些書是你的,對不對?

57. No,they aren’t. 不,不是。

58. They’re not mine. 不是我的。

59. These are mine,and those are yours. 這些是我的,而那些是你的。

60. Those aren’t your pens,are they? 那些鋼筆不是你的,對吧?

Identifying people by occupation 辨別身份

61. Who are you? 你是誰?

62. I’m a student. 我是學(xué)生。

63. Who is that over there? 那邊那個人是誰?

64. He’s a student,too. 他也是學(xué)生。

65. Is that lady a student? 那位女士是學(xué)生嗎?

66. No,she isn’t. 不,她不是。

67. Those men aren’t students,either. 那些人也不是學(xué)生。

68. Am I your teacher? 我是你們的教員嗎?

69. Yes,you are. 是的,你是。

70. That man is a teacher,isn’t he? 那個人是位教員,對不對?

71. Yes,he is. 是的,他是。

72. Who are those people? 那些人是誰?

73. Maybe they’re farmers. 他們可能是農(nóng)民。

74. Aren’t they students? 他們不是學(xué)生嗎?

75. I really don’t know. 我真的不知道。

Introductions and courtesies 介紹和禮節(jié)

76. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

77. My name is Jones. 我姓瓊斯。

78. What’s your first name? 你的名字叫什么?

79. My first name is Bill. 我的名字叫比爾。

80. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法?

81. Jones. J-O-N-E-S. 瓊斯,J-O-N-E-S。

82. What’s your friend’s name? 你的朋友叫什么名字?

83. His name is John Smith. 他叫約翰、史密斯。

84. John and I are old friends. 我和約翰是老朋友了。

85. Are you John’s brother? 你是約翰的兄弟嗎?

86. No, I’m not. 不,我不是。

87. This is Mr. Jones. 這是瓊斯先生。

88. How do you do? 你好!

89. Mrs.Jones,this is Mr. John Smith. 瓊斯夫人,這是約翰、史密斯先生。

90. Very please to meet you. 見到您很高興。

Days and months of the calendar 年歷的周日和月份

91. What day is today? 今天是星期幾?

92. Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。

93. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期幾?

94. Yesterday was Sunday. 昨天是星期日。

95. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期幾?

96. What month is this? 現(xiàn)在是幾月份?

97. This is January. 現(xiàn)在是一月份。

98. Last month was December,wasn’t it ? 上個月是十二月,對不對?

99. Yes,it was. 是,是十二月份。

100. What month is next month? 下個月是幾月份?

101. I was in the hospital for several weeks. 我在醫(yī)院里住了幾個星期了。

102. Where were you on Tuesday? 星期二你在哪里?

103. You were here in February,weren’t you? 二月份你曾在這里,對不對?

104. No,I wasn’t . 不,我沒有在這里。

105. Your friend was here a week ago,wasn’t he?


Talking about objects 談?wù)撌挛?nbsp; 

106. Do you have a book? 你有一本書嗎?

107. Yes,I do. 是的,我有。

108. You have a radio,don’t you? 你有一臺收音機(jī),對嗎?

109. No,I don’t . 不,我沒有。

110. I don’t have a phonograph,either. 我也沒有留聲機(jī)。

111. Dees this radio belong to you? 這臺收音機(jī)是你的嗎?

112. Yes,I think it does. 是的,我認(rèn)為它是我的。

113. How many sisters and brothers do you have? 你有幾個姊妹和兄弟?

114. Don’t you have my hat? 你沒拿我的帽子吧?

115. Yes,I have both your hat and your coat.


116. Does John have a yellow pencil? 約翰有一支黃鉛筆嗎?

117. Yes,he does. 是的,他有。

118. He has a radio,doesn’t he? 他有一臺收音機(jī),對不對?

119. No,he doesn’t have one. 不,他沒有。

120. He already has a phonograph,but he doesn’t have a radio yet.


Telling time 述說時間  

121. What time is it? 幾點(diǎn)鐘了?

122. It’s two o’clock. 兩點(diǎn)鐘。

123. It’s a few minutes after two. 兩點(diǎn)過幾分。

124. My watch is fast and your watch Is slow. 我的表快,而你的表慢。

125. Excuse me.Can you tell me the correct time?


126. No,I can’t . 不,我不能。

127. I don’t know what time it is. 我不知道現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘。

128. I don’t think it’s four o’clock yet. 我認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在還不到四點(diǎn)。

129. It must be about three thirty. 現(xiàn)在想必是三點(diǎn)三十分左右。

130. I get up before six o’clock every day. 每天我六點(diǎn)前起床。

131. The restaurant doesn’t open until seven forty-five.


132. Will you be here at ten o’clock tomorrow?


133. Yes,I will. 行。

134. We’ll be on time,won’t we? 我們將按時到,是嗎?

135. I hope so. 我希望如此。  

Talking about dates 談?wù)撊掌?/p>

136. What’s the date today? 今天是幾號?

137. Today is November first,nineteen sixty-three.


138. When were you born? 你是什么時候出生的?

139. I was born on November first,nineteen thirty-five.


140. Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。

141. My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.


142. I don’t know the exact date. 我不知道確切的日子。

143. Where were you born? 你出生在什么地方?

144. I was born in a little town not far from here.


145. What do you know about the tenth century?


146. I don’t know anything about that. 關(guān)于那個我什么都不知道。

147. Let’s talk about something else. 讓我們談點(diǎn)別的什么吧。

148. Where were you during the month of April last year?


149. I don’t remember where I was then. 我不記得那時我在哪里。

150. Where will you be nest year at this time?


About Visits 關(guān)于拜訪

151. Hello. Can I see Mr. Green? 你好,我能見格林先生嗎?

152. Do you have an appointment? 你有預(yù)約嗎?

153. Sorry, I don‘t. 對不起,我沒有。

154. Yes. At 3 pm. 是的,約的是下午3點(diǎn)。

155. Sorry, Mr. Green can‘t see you now. 對不起,格林先生現(xiàn)在不能見您。

156. He‘s on the phone. 他在打電話。

157. Would you wait here for a minute? 您能在這里等一下嗎?

158. Would you like something to drink? 您想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎?

159. Tea, please. 我喝點(diǎn)茶吧。

160. Mr. Green, Mr. Smith is here. 格林先生,史密斯先生在這里。

161. You may go in now. 您可以進(jìn)去了。

162. Nice to see you, my old friend. 真高興見到你,我的老朋友。

163. How have you been these years? 這些年你怎么樣?

164. You‘ve changed little. 你一點(diǎn)也沒變。

165. Do you still remember that Christmas? 你仍記得那個圣誕節(jié)嗎?

About Language 關(guān)于語言

166. Do you speak English? 你會說英語嗎?

167. Yes, a little. 會講一點(diǎn)。

168. How long have you studied English? 你學(xué)英語多久了?

169. He speaks English fluently. 他講英語很流利。

170. Your English is very good. 你的英語很好。

171. You speak English pretty well. 你的英語講的很好。

172. Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母語是英語嗎?

173. My native language is Chinese. 我的母語是漢語。

174. He speaks with London accent. 他帶點(diǎn)倫敦口音。

175. He has a strong accent. 他口音很重。

176. I have some difficulty in expressing myself. 我表達(dá)起來有點(diǎn)困難。

177. I‘m always confused with "s" and "th". 我常把s和th搞混。

178. Can you write in English? 你能用英文寫文章嗎?

179. Your pronunciation is excellent. 你的發(fā)音很好。

180. How can I improve my spoken English? 我該怎樣才能提高口語水平?

Talking About Activities 談?wù)摶顒?/p>

181. What are you doing? 你在干什么?

182. I‘m reading a book. 我在看書。

183. I‘m cooking. 我在做飯。

184. Are you watching TV now? 你在看電視嗎?

185. Yes, I‘m watching Channel 5. 是的,我在看5頻道。

186. No, I‘m listening to the radio. 沒有,我在聽收音機(jī)。

187. Where are you going? 你去哪兒?

188. I‘m going to work. 我去上班。

189. Who are you writing to? 你在給誰寫信?

190. I‘m writing to an old friend. 給一個老朋友。

191. What will you do this weekend? 這周末你將干什么?

192. I‘ll go to a concert. 我要去聽音樂會。

193. I‘ll go on an outing with some friends. 我與朋友去郊游。

194. Do you like traveling? 你喜歡郊游嗎?

195. Yes, I like it a great deal/it very much. 是的,我很喜歡。

About Age 關(guān)于年齡

196. How old are you? 你多大了?

197. I‘m twenty-two (years old). 我二十二了。

198. Mr. Smith is still in his forties. 史密斯先生才四十幾歲。

199. I‘m two years younger than my sister. 我比我姐小兩歲。

200. My elder sister is one year older than her husband.


201. He‘s the youngest in the family. 他是一家中最小的。

202. He looks much younger than he is. 他看起來比他實(shí)際上年輕得多。

203. I came here when I was 20. 我二十歲來這兒。

204. I started school at the age of 6. 我六歲開始上學(xué)。

205. My father is over 60 years old. 我父親已年過六十了。

206. Most of them are less than 30. 他們中大多數(shù)不到30歲。

207. I guess he‘s about 30. 我猜他大概30歲。

208. She‘s going to be 15 next month. 下個月她就滿15了。

209. They‘ll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.


210. He‘s still a boy after all. 他畢竟還只是個孩子。

Talking about daily activities 談?wù)撊粘;顒?/p>

211. When do you get up everyday? 每天你幾點(diǎn)起床?

212. I usually get up at 8 o‘clock. 我通常8點(diǎn)起床。

213. Where do you have your lunch? 你在哪兒吃午飯?

214. I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby. 我在附近一家快餐店吃午飯。

215. What did you have for lunch? 你中午吃些什么?

216. I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg?


217. What time do you start work? 你什么時候開始工作?

218. I start work at 8 o‘clock. 我八點(diǎn)開始工作。

219. What do you do at work? 你上班干些什么?

220. I answer telephones and do some typing. 我接電話和打字。

221. What time do you finish your work? 你什么時候下班?

222. At 6 o‘clock sharp. 6點(diǎn)。

223. What do you do in your spare time? 閑暇時,你干些什么?

224. I like listening to pop music. 我喜歡聽流行音樂。

225. I like playing football. 我喜歡踢足球。

Talking about yesterday’s activities 談?wù)撟蛱斓幕顒?/p>

226. When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上幾點(diǎn)起床?

227. At about seven. 七點(diǎn)左右。

228. I heard the clock, but I didn‘t get up until 9.


229. I woke up seven and got up right away. 我七點(diǎn)醒了,然后馬上起床了。

230. I hurried to my office. 我匆忙趕到辦公室。

231. I had my breakfast on the way. 我在路上吃的早飯。

232. I was just on time. 我剛好趕上。

233. I was 10 minutes late. 我遲到了五分鐘。

234. I had lunch with a friend of mine. 我和我的一個朋友一塊吃了午飯。

235. I finished my work at 6 p.m. 下午6點(diǎn)我下班了。

236. I stayed and did some extra work. 我留下加了一會兒班。

237. The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early.


238. I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看雜志。

239. I didn‘t sleep well. 我沒睡好。

240. I slept soundly all night. 我整夜睡的很熟。

Talking With Friends 與朋友聊天

241. Hi, Joe, is it really you? 喬,你好,真是你嗎?

242. Hi, Ann. Nice to see you again. 安,你好。真高興再次見到你。

243. It‘s been a whole year since I last saw you. 我整整一年沒見你了。

244. Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then.


245. Oh, thank you. How have you been these days?


246. Not too bad. 不太糟。

247. But you sound so sad. 但聽起來你很悲傷。

248. Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday. 是啊,昨天我的寵物貓丟了。

249. Oh, I‘m sorry to hear that. 聽到這消息我很遺憾。

250. That‘s all right. 沒事兒。

251. Have you seen Kate lately? 最近你看見凱特了嗎?

252. No, I have no contact with her. 沒有。我和她沒有一點(diǎn)兒聯(lián)系。

253. I heard she got married last week. 我聽說她上星期結(jié)婚了。

254. Oh, how nice. Sorry, I‘ve got to go now.


255. So do I. See you later. Keep in touch. 我也是,再見。記得聯(lián)系哦。

Talking About The Past 談?wù)撨^去

256. I used to take a walk in the early morning. 我過去常一大早出去散步。

257. He used to live in my neighborhood. 他曾與我是鄰居。

258. Did you use to go fishing with friends? 過去你常和朋友釣魚嗎?

259. We have known each other for 6 years. 我們認(rèn)識有六年了。

260. It has been a long time since last came here.


261. Have you seen Mr. Smith recently? 最近你見過史密斯先生嗎?

262. They‘ve been working on this project since last year.


263. I‘ve been watching TV all night. 我看了一整晚的電視。

264. The movie began as soon as we got there. 我們一到那兒電影就開始了。

265. When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.


266. The late arrival of the ship had messed up all our plans.


267. I had thought he knew the time of the meeting.


268. They had excepted me to go with them. 他們原本希望我和他們一起去。

269. That was the third time that I had visited the place.


270. After I had finished my paper, I put it in the drawer.


Asking About The Address 詢問地址

271. Hi, Jack, where do you live now? 你好,杰克,你現(xiàn)在住哪兒?

272. I live at 203 Curzon Street. 我住在可勝街203號。

273. Curzon Street? Isn‘t Mary living there? 可勝街?瑪麗不是也住那兒嗎?

274. Yes, she lives just across the street. 是的,她就住在街對面。

275. How long have you stayed there? 你在那兒住多久了?

276. Just a few months. 才幾個月。

277. How about Mary? How long has she lived there?


278. She‘s been living there since her birth. 她生下來就住那兒。

279. Will you stay there for long? 你會在那兒待很長時間嗎?

280. No, I‘ll move to Hollywood next month. 不,我下個月搬到好萊塢去。

281. Oh, really? I‘m moving there too. 真的?我也會搬到那兒去。

282. Great. Then we can drink beer together.


283. Yes, and you may stay there longer. 對,而且你也許會在那兒住久一些。

284. I hope so. 希望如此。

285. I‘m sure we‘ll have a good time. 我相信我們會很開心的。

Asking questions 提問題

286. Where are you going? 你去哪兒?

287. Where did you go for dinner yesterday? 你們昨天去哪兒吃的飯?

288. When will he come to see you? 他什么時候來看你?

289. When did you buy the car? 你什么時候買的車?

290. Who told you? 誰告訴你的?

291. Who will accompany you to the airport? 誰將陪你去機(jī)場?

292. Why don‘t you agree? 你為什么不同意?

293. Why not go out for a walk? 干嗎不出去散步?

294. How did you doing spend your holiday? 你假期怎么過的?

295. How are you doing these days? 這些日子你怎么樣?

296. What did he say in the letter? 他在信里說什么了?

297. What are you going to do with the books? 你打算拿這些書怎么辦?

298. What were you doing when I called? 我打電話給你時你在干嗎?

299. I was about to leave. 我正要出門。

300. Can you guess what I was doing this morning?


Measuring And Comparing 形容物品、度量、比較

301. What‘s the height of the building? 這座樓有多高?

302. How much does the elephant weight? 這個大象有多重?

303. What‘s the color of your new dress? 你的新衣服是什么顏色的?

304. What‘s the size of your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺寸?

305. My brother is twice as tall as your sister. 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

306. My grandma is 40 years older than me. 我祖母比我大40歲。

307. This river is one third as long as that river.


308. What‘s the shape of your balloon? 你的氣球是什么形狀?

309. How wide is this bridge? 這座橋有多寬?

310. How thick is the ice here? 這兒的冰有多厚?

311. This metal is harder than that one. 這種金屬比那種硬。

312. He can run as fast as Jim. 他跑的和吉姆一樣快。

313. Kate is smarter than I. 凱特比我聰明。

314. How long do you watch TV every day? 你每天看多長時間電視?

315. How often do you go swimming? 你多久去游一次泳?

Asking For Help 尋求幫助

316. Would you please open the door for me? 請你幫忙開個門好嗎?

317. May I ask you a question? 我能問你個問題嗎?

318. Please give me a hand. 請幫我個忙。

319. Could you do me a favor? 能請你幫個忙嗎?

320. Would you help me remove the refrigerator? 能幫忙移一下冰箱嗎?

321. Get me my coat, please. 請幫我拿下外套。

322. Make me a cup of coffee, will you? 給我沖杯咖啡,好嗎?

323. Call me tomorrow if you have time. 明天要有時間就給我打個電話。

324. Could you tell me where I can find these books?


325. Certainly. 當(dāng)然了。

326. Witch pleasure. 很高興。

327. I‘m sorry. I‘m engaged now. 對不起,我現(xiàn)在正忙著。

328. I‘m glad to, but I‘m afraid I don‘t have the time.


329. Would you mind closing the window for me?


330. Not at all. 當(dāng)然可以。(當(dāng)然不介意)

Getting information and directions 打聽情況和問路

331. Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the post office is?


332. It‘s just around the corner. 轉(zhuǎn)彎就是。

333. Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station? 對不起,汽車站怎么走?

334. You can take the bus and get off at the second stop.


335. Excuse me. Where is No.5 Street? 對不起,第五大街在哪兒?

336. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing.


337. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Mr. Hu‘s restaurant?


338. Go on for about 100 meters. It‘s on your left side. You can‘t miss it.     往前走約100米,在你左手邊,你不會錯過的。

339. Which one is Mr. Jame‘s office? 哪間是詹姆司先生的辦公室?

340. It‘s Room 201 on the second floor. 二樓201房間。

341. Can I use the lift? 我能用電梯嗎?

342. Sorry, it‘s broken. You have to use the stairs.


343. Where are the stairs? 樓梯在哪里呢?

344. Go along the corridor and it‘s on your right side.


345. Thank you for directions. 感謝你為我指路。

About Marriage 關(guān)于婚姻

346. Are you married? 你結(jié)婚了嗎?

347. I‘m single. 我現(xiàn)在單身。

348. You have a younger brother, don‘t you? 你有個弟弟,是嗎?

349. How is your family? 你的家人怎么樣?

350. She‘s engaged/married to John. 她和約翰訂婚/結(jié)婚了。

351. How long have you been married? 你們結(jié)婚多久了?

352. We‘ve been married for 2 years. 我們結(jié)婚兩年了。

353. My parents got married in 1954. 我父母1954年結(jié)婚的。

354. Mary gave birth to a baby last week. 瑪麗上星期做媽媽了。

355. They‘ve been divorced. 他們已離婚了。

356. His wife died a year ago. Now he lives alone.


357. My aunt will come to live with me for some days.


358. John has his own family now. 約翰現(xiàn)在有自己的家了。

359. Do you live with your parents? 你和你父母住一起嗎?

360. No. I live in my own house. 不,我住在自己的房子里。  

Talking about neighbors and friends 談?wù)撪従雍团笥?/p>

361. Do you know Mary? 你認(rèn)識瑪麗嗎?

362. Sure. We are friends since primary school.


363. Really? I was introduced to her just last weekend.


364. What is she doing now? 她現(xiàn)在干些什么呢?

365. She told me she wanted to start a company. 她告訴我她想開公司。

366. Start a company? But I thought she would be a scholar.


367. People are always changing, aren‘t they? 人總是在變,不是嗎?

368. Yes, you‘re right. After all, she is smart enough to go into business.


369. But she doesn‘t have much experience. 但她沒有太多經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

370. You two don‘t have much contact? 你們倆沒怎么聯(lián)系嗎?

371. No, I only wrote her one letter this year.


372. And she? 她呢?

373. She sent me a Christmas card last year. 去年寄過一張圣誕卡。

374. Oh, that‘s not good. 哦,那可不好。

375. Yes, we should try to contact more. 是的,我們應(yīng)該聯(lián)系多點(diǎn)。

Planning The Future 計(jì)劃將來

376. What time are you going to leave for the airport tomorrow?


377. Is he coming to dinner? 他回來吃飯嗎?

378. I‘m going to the bookstore. Will you go with me?


379. They‘re going to discuss it at the meeting next Friday.


380. I‘ll be waiting for you at the restaurant this time tomorrow.


381. After I get home, I‘ll call you. 到家以后,我會給你打電話。

382. How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么?

383. I‘ll probably stay home and watch TV. 我可能會呆在家看電視。

384. What‘s your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假計(jì)劃干什么?

385. I‘m thinking about a visit to Paris. 我在考慮去巴黎旅游。

386. There‘s going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery.


387. You are still thinking about a Ph.D., aren‘t you?


388. What will you do about it? 你會拿這事怎么辦?

389. What do you want to do after graduation? 你畢業(yè)后想干什么?

390. I‘ll further my study. 我想繼續(xù)深造。

Talking about the weather 談?wù)撎鞖?/p>

391. Have you heard the weather forecast? 你聽天氣預(yù)報(bào)了嗎?

392. No, what does it say? 沒有,它說什么了?

393. We‘ll have fine weather for the next few days? 以后幾天天氣晴朗。

394. But it‘s still raining today! 可今天還在下雨。

395. It is said it will clear up tonight. 天氣預(yù)報(bào)說今晚雨就會停。

396. What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天氣會怎么樣?

397. It says a storm may come next month.


398. And it may get colder, it‘s already November. 并且天氣會更冷。

399. Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter.


400. I‘m afraid it won‘t be cold enough for a snowfall.


401. But last year we had a big one. 但去年下了大雪。

402. Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature.


403. You are probably right. 你也許是對的。

404. I‘m going skating in the Alps next month.


405. I hope the weather there is cold enough. 我希望那兒天氣夠冷。

About Sickness 關(guān)于生病

406. How are you feeling today? 你今天感覺怎么樣?

407. I don‘t feel very well. 我覺得不太舒服。

408. Do you fell better now? 你現(xiàn)在覺得好點(diǎn)了嗎?

409. Much better. 好多了。

410. I‘m sick. 我病了。

411. He‘s got a bad headache. 他頭痛的厲害。

412. My fever is gone. 我的燒已經(jīng)退了。

413. What‘s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?

414. I‘ve got a pain in my back. 我背疼。

415. It really hurts. 可真疼。

416. It hurts right here. 就這兒疼。

417. It‘s bleeding. You‘d better see a doctor about that cut. 在流血呢,你最好找個醫(yī)生看看這傷口。

418. Call the doctor! 快打電話叫醫(yī)生!

419. Take two pills and have a good rest.


420. I hope you‘ll be well soon. 祝你早日恢復(fù)健康。

Talking About Habits 談?wù)撊粘I盍?xí)慣

421. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8點(diǎn)起床。

422. I then take a bath in the bathroom. 然后我去洗澡間洗個澡。

423. I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair.


424. I put on a bit of makeup. 我化一點(diǎn)妝。

425. I cooked breakfast for the family. 我為一家人做早餐。

426. I go downstairs and have my breakfast. 我下樓吃早飯。

427. I read the newspaper over breakfast.


428. I wake my sister up. 我叫醒我妹妹。

429. I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.


430. I get to my office at 10:30. 十點(diǎn)半到辦公室。

431. I leave the office at 7. 我七點(diǎn)離開辦公室。

433. I buy some food on my way home. 我回家路上買些吃的。

434. I pick up my sister from her school. 我到學(xué)校接妹妹。

435. We go to bed at 10:30. 我們十點(diǎn)半睡覺。  

Asking For Other‘s Opinions 詢問別人的意見

436. What do you think about it? 你對此怎么看?

437. Is that right? 那樣對嗎?

438. Absolutely right. 絕對正確。

439. I think you‘re mistaken about that. 我想你那樣不對。

440. Is that ok? 這樣行嗎?

441. That‘s ok/fine. 挺好的。

442. That‘s excellent. 那太棒了。

443. He was absent yesterday. Do you know why?


444. Do you have any idea? 你怎么想?

445. I suppose he was sick. 我猜他大概是病了。

446. Will it rain tomorrow? 明天會下雨嗎?

447. No, I don‘t think so. 不,我想不會。

448. Do you really want to know what I think?


449. Please give me your advice. 請給我提些建議。

450. I want to hear your opinion. 我想聽聽你們想法。

Making Plans 訂計(jì)劃

451. What do you plan to do this Friday? 明天你打算干什么?

452. What are you doing next week? 下周你干什么?

453. I plan to go to the concert. 我打算去聽音樂會。

454. I‘m thinking of going to my grandma‘s. 我想去外婆家。

455. I‘ll go skiing of the weather permits.


456. I suppose I can finish the project next year.


457. I have no idea. 我不知道。

458. It‘s up to you. 由你決定。

459. I‘m considering buying a house. 我想買套房子。

460. Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester?


461. Hi, Lucy. I‘ll take French and Economics.


462. I‘m taking Chinese and History. 我將選中文和歷史。

463. Do you plan to do some odd jobs? 你打算打工嗎?

464. Yes, I‘m applying to work at the library.


465. Good luck! 祝你好運(yùn)。

About Decisions 關(guān)于決定

466. It‘s up to you. 由你決定。

467. You have the final say. 你說了算。

468. She insists that it doesn‘t matter. 她堅(jiān)持說那沒關(guān)系。

469. He‘s made up his mind to quit his job.


470. I‘ve decided not to sell the house. 我決定不賣房子了。

471. I‘m determined to leave. 我決意要走了。

472. Have you decided? 你決定了嗎?

473. No, I haven‘t decided yet. 不,還沒有。

474. I‘ve changed my mind. 我改注意了。

475. It‘s still undecided. 還沒決定。

476. Don‘t hesitate any more. 別在猶豫了。

477. Give me a definite answer, please. 請給個明確的答復(fù)。

478. It‘s really hard to make a decision. 挺難做決定的。

479. I‘m always making resolutions, like giving up smoking.


480. Don‘t shilly-shally. 別猶豫不決。

Traveling 旅游

481. Do you like traveling? 你喜歡旅游嗎?

482. Yes, I‘ve just come back from Scotland. 是的,我剛從蘇格蘭回來。

483. How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

484. I got there by plane. 我坐飛機(jī)去的。

485. Where did you visit? 你去參觀了哪些地方?

486. I only had time to visit Edinburgh. 我只有時間去愛丁堡。

487. How did you like it? 你喜歡那兒嗎?

488. It‘s fantastic. 那兒棒極了。

489. Why did you go there? 你為什么去那兒?

490. I went there on business. 我出差到那兒。

491. And do you have friends there? 你在那兒有朋友嗎?

492. Yes, a lot of friends. 是的,很多。

493. You must have enjoyed yourself. 你一定玩的很開心。

494. Yes, and I took many pictures. 是的,我還照了好多照片。

495. Please let me see them. 讓我看看。 

About Shopping 關(guān)于購物

496. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去買東西嗎?

497. Here‘s your change. 這是找你的錢。

498. I‘ll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store.


499. Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter?


500. May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看這塊表嗎?

501. May I try it on? 我能試試嗎?

502. This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one?


503. Do you have any more colors? 有別的顏色嗎?

504. What‘s your size? 你穿多大號?

505. It suits you to a T. 特別適合你。

506. It‘s too expensive for me. 對于我來說太貴了。

507. Can you came down a bit? 可以再便宜點(diǎn)嗎?

508. I‘ll take it. 我買了。

509. How much is it? 這賣多少錢?

510. How much do I owe you? 我該付多少錢? 

In The Restaurant 餐館進(jìn)餐

511. What would you like to eat? 你想吃點(diǎn)什么?

512. Are you ready to order? 你要點(diǎn)菜了嗎?

513. I‘d like some steak and bread. 我要牛排和面包。

514. What would you like for dessert? 你要什么甜點(diǎn)?

515. I‘ll have some ice cream. 我要冰淇淋。

516. Do you want some fruit? 你要水果嗎?

517. Yes, please. I want an apple. 是的,我要一個蘋果。

518. Anything to drink? 喝點(diǎn)什么?

519. A small glass of whisky, please. 請來一小杯威士忌。

520. Here is your food. 你的菜來了。

521. Bring me the bill please. 請買單。

522. Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡嗎?

523. Sorry, we only take cash. 對不起,我們只收現(xiàn)金。

524. Here you are. 給。

525. Here is your change. 找您的錢。

About Evening Entertainment 關(guān)于夜生活

526. I‘m free tonight. 我今晚有空。

527. Shall we go to the cinema? 我們?nèi)タ措娪昂脝幔?/p>

528. Do you know what‘s on tonight? 你知道今天上演什么?

529. May I ask you for a dance? 可以請你跳支舞嗎?

530. With pleasure. 很榮幸。

531. Sorry, I‘m engaged. 對不起,我有約在先了。

532. What about another dance? 再跳一曲好嗎?

533. You‘re a good dancer. 你舞跳的真好。

534. What‘s on Channel 8 now? 現(xiàn)在8頻道播什么節(jié)目?

535. I don‘t know. You may look in the TV Guide.


536. Let‘s see what else is on. 咱們看看有沒有別的節(jié)目。

537. Did you see the special last night? 昨晚你看特別節(jié)目了嗎?

538. I don‘t want to see any more of this TV show.


539. Can we change the channel? 能換個頻道嗎?

540. I want to see the weather. 我想看天氣預(yù)報(bào)。

Appointments 約會

541. I‘d like to make an appointment with Mrs. Green.


542. She‘s free on Friday and Saturday. 她周五和周六有空。

543. Sorry, can I see her before Friday? 對不起,我能周五之前見她嗎?

544. Let me see. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afternoon.


545. At what time? 什么時間?

546. From 4 to 4:30. 四點(diǎn)到四點(diǎn)半。

547. All right. 好吧。

548. So you‘ll come then. Please phone in if you can‘t make it.


549. I have an interview this afternoon. 我今天下午有面試。

550. I can come any time except Sunday. 除星期天外我都能來。

551. You can reach me at 6609823. 你打電話6609823就能找到我。

552. He phoned to cancel the meeting. 他打電話來取消會議。

553. Please call me before you come. 你來之前請打電話。

554. Please make an appointment with my secretary.請跟我秘書定個見面時間。

555. I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday.


Seeing A Doctor 看醫(yī)生

556. What‘s your trouble? 你有什么不舒服?

557. How long have you had it? 你得這病多久了?

558. I should say you‘ve caught a cold. 我看你感冒了。

559. You need an injection. 你需要打針。

560. Is it serious? 我的病嚴(yán)重嗎?

561. Do I need to be hospitalized? 我需要住院嗎?

562. Have you seen the doctor? 你看過醫(yī)生了嗎?

563. What did the doctor say? 醫(yī)生怎么說?

564. Jack is up and about now. 杰克病后復(fù)原了。

565. The doctor says that I should take quinine.


566. What sort of medicine do you take? 你吃的是什么藥?

567. The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily.


568. I had a shot of penicillin. 我打了一針青霉素。

569. You have to be operated on. 你得做手術(shù)。

570. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.


Making A Phonecall 打電話

571. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 你好,我找格林先生。

572. Just a moment. 等一會兒。

573. Hold on. 等一會兒。

574. He‘s not in. May I take a message for him?


575. Yes, please. 是的,麻煩了。

576. Would you answer the phone please? 你能接下電話嗎?

577. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打個長途電話。

578. This is Mary Speaking. 我是瑪麗。

579. Would you tell Mr. Green that I called?


580. I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定撥錯號了。

581. I couldn‘t get through. 我打不通。

582. I have to hang up now. 我得掛電話了。

583. Would you call back tomorrow? 你能明天回個電話嗎?

584. There‘s something wrong with the phone.


585. I tried to call you, but the line was busy.


About Mail 關(guān)于郵政

586. I have received a letter from my cousin. 我收到了我表兄的信。

587. I haven‘t heard from him for a long time. 我很久沒有收到他的信了。

588. Send a postcard to me when you arrive in Shanghai.


589. I put some photographs in the envelope. 我在信里夾了幾張照片。

590. He hasn‘t answered my letter yet. 他還沒有給我回信。

591. My mother mailed me a parcel. 我媽給我寄了一個包裹。

592. We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China.


593. Don‘t forget to put stamps on your letter. 別忘了貼郵票。

594. How long does it take for a letter to get to America from Beijing?


595. You‘ve got an express mail. 你有特快專遞。

596. To make it fast, you can send a fax. 要想快點(diǎn)的話就發(fā)個傳真。

597. My mother has sent me a registered letter, I guess she has something important to tell me.


598. I find my name on the blackboard. I must have got a remittance.


599. Do you want to airmail it or not? 你想發(fā)航空信嗎?

600. I drop the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office.


Talking About Feelings 敘述感受

601. You look radiant tonight. 你今晚真是光彩照人。

602. It was a terrible experience. 那是一次可怕的經(jīng)歷。

603. I am on top of the world. 我高興到了極點(diǎn)。

604. The dinner was wonderful. 晚餐棒極了。

605. The Christmas tree is gorgeous. 圣誕樹真華美。

606. What a boring movie it is! 多么無聊的一場電影啊。

607. How can he give us such a tedious lecture!


608. How fragrant the flowers are! 這些花真香!

609. The party is making too much noise. 這次聚會太吵了。

610. You look elegant in that dress. 你穿這條裙子顯的很漂亮。

611. The coat doesn‘t suit you. 這件外衣不太適合你。

612. His flattery makes me sick. 他的恭維讓我惡心。

613. We had a good time. 我們玩的很開心。

614. We enjoyed ourselves very much. 我們玩的很開心。

615. I am bored to death. 我無聊死了。

Looking For A House 尋找住房

616. This house is for rent. 此房出租。

617. It‘s really a bargain. 租金很便宜。

618. I want to rent a furnished house. 我想要有家具的房子。

619. That house is for sale. It has central heating.


620. What kind of furniture do you like? 你喜歡什么樣的家具?

621. This is a rather old house. It needs painting.


622. I want an apartment with two bedrooms and a kitchen.


623. The houses downtown are very expensive. 市區(qū)的房子很貴。

624. How much is the rent for a month? 每月租金多少?

625. I feel at home living here. The landlady is very kind to me.


626. We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set.


627. There‘s no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove.


628. There is a shower in the bathroom. 浴室里有淋浴器。

629. I have a dog, but it‘s very quiet. 我有一只狗,不過它很安靜。

630. The room has a big closet. You can put your baggage in it.


Talking About Dressing 談?wù)撘轮?/p>

631. What will you wear for the party? 晚會上你穿什么?

632. I‘ll wear my blue dress. 我會穿我的蘭色裙子。

633. Don‘t you think it‘s too formal? 你不覺得太正式了嗎?

634. Why? What will you wear? 為什么?你會穿什么?

635. Just my shirt and jeans. 我就穿襯衣和牛仔褲。

636. You should have your suit cleaned and ironed.


637. You‘d better put on your jacket. It‘s cold outside.


638. The blouse no longer fits me. 這件襯衣不再合我身了。

639. My son has outgrown these trousers. 我兒子已經(jīng)長的穿不了這條褲子了。

640. The shoes are worn-out. 這鞋已經(jīng)不能穿了。

641. I don‘t like wearing the uniform. 我不喜歡穿制服。

642. Do you want to change before the banquet? 宴會前你想換衣服嗎?

643. Your shoe lace is loose. 你的鞋帶松了。

644. You forgot to fasten the collar buttons. 你忘了系鞋帶。

645. Take off your hat. It doesn‘t fit. 取下你的帽子,它不適合你。

Expressing Different Opinions 表達(dá)不同的觀點(diǎn)

646. He is a very creative student. 他是個很有創(chuàng)造力的學(xué)生。

647. What you have said about this is very interesting. 你說的很有意思。

648. I cannot agree with you on this point.


649. You‘ve got the point. 你抓住了問題的實(shí)質(zhì)。

650. That‘s the point. 這正是問題的關(guān)鍵。

651. The whole class is in a heated discussion. 全班同學(xué)正在熱烈討論。

652. Let‘s just run through the arguments for and against.


653. Please sum up what you said just now. 請把你剛才說的總結(jié)一下。

654. Has anybody else anything to say on this?


655. Does anybody share David‘s opinion? 有誰同意大衛(wèi)的觀點(diǎn)嗎?

656. Is there any evidence to support what you have said?


657. Well, it depends. 這得視情況而定。

658. I don‘t think it‘s necessary for us to discuss this question any further.


659. There are always two sides to everything. 每件是都有兩面性。

660. Finally, we came to an agreement. 最后我們達(dá)成了一致。

About Things In The future 考慮將來可能從事的活動

661. I want to be a journalist after graduation. 畢業(yè)后我想當(dāng)記者。

662. If it doesn‘t rain tomorrow, we‘ll have a picnic.


663. As soon as he comes, we‘ll let him know. 他一來,我們就告訴他。

664. You can stay as long as you pay the rent on time.


665. When she leaves, he‘ll cry for a day. 她走時,他會哭一天。

666. She will go into business when she likes to. 她想經(jīng)商時就會去經(jīng)商。

667. I‘ll leave for London if I finish my work today.


668. I‘ll work for 5 years and then go back to school.


669. He will become a writer if he goes on doing well in writing.


670. I hope he will meet me at the airport. 我希望他能到機(jī)場接我。

671. I‘m thinking of quitting the job. 我在考慮辭職。

672. I plan to learn photography. 我打算學(xué)攝影。

673. What do you say we have a party this weekend?


674. She will certainly remain single. 她肯定會保持獨(dú)身。

675. He will probably follow in his father‘s footsteps. 他可能會繼承父業(yè)。

Things That Might Have Happened 可能發(fā)生的事

676. I would have had a much better holiday if I had stayed at home.


677. What have you been doing since I saw you last time?


678. If I had got enough money yesterday, I would have bought that tape.


679. Looking back on it, I think I shouldn‘t have given up the contest so easily.


680. Had I taken a taxi, I wouldn‘t have been late.


681. Even if you take the exam again, you won‘t pass it.


682. Even if you had given him much more money, he might not have paid off the debt.


683. What would you have done if you hadn‘t gone out for a picnic yesterday?


684. I wish I had told him the truth. 我真希望我把真相告訴了他。

685. I wish you hadn‘t cheated me. 我希望你沒有欺騙我。

686. If it had been fine, we would have gone to the park.


687. Would he have seen you if you hadn‘t waved to him?


688. You should have studied much harder. 你本應(yīng)該更努力的學(xué)習(xí)。

689. I had thought about arguing with the teacher about that, but I didn‘t have enough courage. 我本想和老師爭論那個問題,但我沒有足夠的勇氣。

690. I had thought about living with my grandparents when my parents went abroad last year.  


Talking About Likes And Dislikes 詢問喜歡和不喜歡的事

691. What‘s your favorite sport? 你最喜歡什么運(yùn)動?

692. I like football best. 我最喜歡足球。

693. Football is my favorite. 足球是我最喜歡的。

694. Which do you prefer, fishing or mountain-climbing?


695. Neither. 一個都不喜歡。

696. What do you like best, apples, pears, or bananas?


697. He‘s crazy about Michael Jordan. 他瘋狂喜愛邁克?喬丹。

698. She hates boxing. 她討厭拳擊。

699. She is sick of watching boxing. 她厭惡觀看拳擊。

700. She has good taste in clothes. 她對服裝很有鑒賞力。

701. What do you like to do in your spare time? 空閑時你喜歡干什么?

702. I like collecting stamps. 我喜歡收集郵票。

703. I prefer tea to coffee. 和咖啡相比,我更喜歡茶。

704. What do you dislike most about this movie? 這部電影你最不喜歡什么?

705. I would rather sleep than watch this movie.我情愿睡覺也不看這部電影。

Putting Forward Your Own Opinions 提出自己的想法。

706. You should take the advice of your teacher. 你應(yīng)該聽老師的話?

707. That‘s just what I was looking for. 那正是我所期待的。

708. It might be, I suppose. 我想可能是這樣。

709. Good try, but not quite right. 是個很好的嘗試,但并不完全正確。

710. That‘s rather disappointing. 真是讓人失望。

711. In my opinion, your new coat is not worth so much money.


712. Would you mind not spitting everywhere? 不要隨地吐痰行嗎?

713. It‘s only a suggestion, you don‘t have to take it.


714. If you really want my advice I don‘t think you should quit school.


715. Thanks for your advice but I have to consider it myself.


716. He does not pay attention to anybody. You are wasting your time in persuading him.


717. I am old enough to make up my own mind.


718. Your work seems not satisfactory. 你的工作看起來并不令人滿意。

719. What about your opinion? 你怎么想?

720. I generally agree with you. 我大體上同意你的看法。

Asking For Help 請別人幫忙

721. Would you open the door for me, please? 你能替我開門嗎?

722. With pleasure. 樂意幫忙。

723. Would you mind opening the window? 你介意開窗嗎?

724. Not at all. 一點(diǎn)兒也不。

725. I wondered if you could buy me some pencils?


726. Sure. 當(dāng)然。

727. Would you be so kind as to lend me some money? 你能借我一點(diǎn)兒錢嗎?

728. No problem. How much? 沒問題,你要多少?

729. I hope I‘m not bothering you. 我希望我沒有打擾你。

730. I hope that will not cause you too much trouble.


731. I really appreciate your help. 我非常感謝你的幫助。

732. I don‘t want to put you to any trouble. 我不想麻煩你。

733. Excuse me, would you give me a hand? 對不起,你能幫我個忙嗎?

734. I‘d be glad to help. 我樂意幫忙。

735. Would you mind mailing this letter for me? 你能替我寄這封信嗎?

Getting Ready For A Journey 準(zhǔn)備旅行

736. I have so many things to do before I leave.我走之前還有很多事情要做。

737. I have to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得到銀行去取一下錢。

738. Traveler‘s check‘s are very convenient for long-distance travel.


739. Do you have anything to declare? 你有什么東西要向海關(guān)申報(bào)的嗎?

740. You have to apply for a passport in advance. 你必須提前申請護(hù)照。

741. You don‘t have to pay any duty on personal belongings.


742. Make it an hour and a half. We have to get more food.


743. Shall we ask Betty to join us? 我們應(yīng)該叫貝蒂一起去嗎?

744. I put myself entirely in your hands. 我按你說的辦。

745. Can you tell me the phone number of the inquiry office?


746. Do you like to take a local train or an express?


747. I have bought a ticket for a sleeper. 我買了張臥鋪票。

748. Have you reserved your ticket? 你訂票了嗎?

749. I would never have thought of it if you hadn‘t mentioned it.


750. I will see you off at the railway station. 我會去機(jī)場送你。

Countries And Nationalities 國家和國籍  

751. Where are you from? 你來自哪兒?

752. What‘s your nationality? 你是什么國籍?

753. What‘s your motherland? 你祖國是哪兒?

754. Are you a native Chinese? 你是土生土長的中國人嗎?

755. What‘s the population of China? 中國有多少人口?

756. How many provinces do you have? 你們有多少個區(qū)?

757. What‘s the capital of your country? 貴國首都是哪兒?

758. I come from Japan. 我來自日本。

759. I was born in China and brought up in the U.S.A.


760. My country has an area of 500,000 square kilometers.


761. The capital of my country id Beijing. 我國首都是北京。

762. We have 50 provinces. 我們有50個省。

763. My country is rich in natural resources. 我國自然資源豐富。

764. That nation is famous for its tourism. 那個國家以旅游業(yè)聞名。

765. The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival.


Geography And Land Features 地理和地貌

766. Geographically, China is located in the Northern Hemisphere.


767. In this country, the weather is usually very awful.


768. It is a very beautiful country with many mountains.


769. This country is famous for its beautiful lakes.


770. The land in this region is rather dry and parched. 這片土地十分干燥。

771. Along the northern coast of this continent, there are many crags.


772. In Brazil, many ancient forests are very well preserves.


773. Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries.


774. The scenery is very beautiful in the small islands in the Pacific Oceans.                        


775. What kind of climate do you have in this country?這個國家的氣候如何?

776. In the west of America, there are many high peeks and deep canyons.


777. Which one is the longest river in China? 中國哪條河流最長?

778. Do you get much rain in summer? 這里夏天雨水多嗎?

779. Is the plain along the river good for farming?


780. It‘s cold and foggy in London at this time of the year.


School And Education 學(xué)校和教育

781. Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education.


782. Children enter primary school at the age of 7. 孩子們7歲進(jìn)小學(xué)。

783. Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些學(xué)生因貧困而輟學(xué)。

784. There is fierce competition in the college Entrance Examination.


785. He majored in Computers. 他主修計(jì)算機(jī)。

786. She is working for her double major in English and Economics.


787. I graduated from Yale University 5 years ago.


788. It is desirable to apply to good schools. 申請好學(xué)校是令人向往的。

789. Mary is in her freshman year. 瑪麗大學(xué)一年級。

790. Lily is a Sophomore now. 莉莉現(xiàn)在大學(xué)二年級。

791. Mike is already a junior. 邁克已經(jīng)大學(xué)三年級了。

792. As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis.


793. Mr. Green is a member of the faculty. 格林先生是大學(xué)教員。

794. In Britain, there are open universities. 在英國,有成人大學(xué)。

795. There are many training classed and night classes.


About Jobs 關(guān)于工作

796. What does your father do? 你父親做什么工作?

797. He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是個醫(yī)生,他自己開業(yè)。

798. Do you have any plan for your career? 你對未來有什么計(jì)劃嗎?

799. I want to be a pilot of possible. 如果可能的話,我想做個飛行員。

800. I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary.


801. I have an interview next week. 我下周要參加考試。

802. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school. 當(dāng)湯姆的同學(xué)還在學(xué)校苦讀時,他已經(jīng)開始了自己的事業(yè)。

803. I like writing, but I wouldn‘t take it as my career.


804. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer.


805. He‘s a very efficient young man though a little proud.


806. He made a successful career in business. 他的商務(wù)生涯十分成功。

807. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major.


808. He is a manager of a famous corporation. 他是一家著名公司的經(jīng)理。

809. The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.


810. He was appointed president of the committee recently.


Farms And Factories 農(nóng)場和工廠

811. This area is noted for its rich soil. 這個地區(qū)以土壤肥沃著稱。

812. The place is too stony for farming. 這地方太多石塊,不適合耕種。

813. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle.


814. He has bought 10 tractors for the village. 他為村里買了10臺拖拉機(jī)。

815. What‘s the typical farm product in this region?


816. At this time of the year farmers begin to plow their fields.


817. Have you milked the cows? 你已經(jīng)擠過奶了嗎?

818. Pile the hay in the corner. 把干草堆到邊上。

819. What‘s the average yearly output of cars in your factory?


820. The meat packing industry is developing fast. 肉類加工業(yè)發(fā)展迅速。

821. Car manufacturers are having a bad time. 汽車制造商的日子不好過。

822. State-owned enterprises are getting out of difficulty.


823. How many workshops are there in your factory? 你們廠有多少車間?

824. The computer industry is booming. 計(jì)算機(jī)業(yè)繁榮起來。

825. The information industry helps boost the global economy.


About Hobbies 關(guān)于愛好

826. Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么愛好嗎?

827. What are you interested in? 你對什么比較感興趣?

828. What are your interests? 你的愛好是什么?

829. What do you do in your spare time? 空閑時間你干什么?

830. How do you spend your evenings? 夜生活你都是怎么過的?

831. Lots of people like stamp collecting. 許多人喜歡集郵。

832. I am a Michael Jordan fan. 我是邁克爾?喬丹迷。

833. Does his film appeal to you? 你喜歡他的電影嗎?

834. Do you go on picnics? 你常去郊游嗎?

835. I particularly like English literature. 我對英國文學(xué)情有獨(dú)鐘。

836. What‘s so interesting about football? We girls don‘t like it.


837. She has a particular interest in painting. 她特別愛好繪畫。

838. I often take my mind off my work by reading an interesting novel.


839. He plays violin just for enjoyment. 他拉小提琴只是為了自娛自樂。

840. Photography is an expensive hobby. 攝影是門花費(fèi)很多的愛好。

Recreational Activities 文體活動

841. What‘s your favorite sport? 你最喜歡什么活動?

842. I like football. 我最喜歡足球。

843. What position do you play? 你踢什么位置?

844. I‘m a catcher. 我是個接球員(壘球運(yùn)動中)。

845. Our team beat their team yesterday. 昨天,我們隊(duì)打敗了他們隊(duì)。

846. We are sure to defeat them. 我們一定會打敗他們。

847. How many years have you been playing pingpong? 你打乒乓球多少年了?

848. My favorite winter sport is skiing. 我最喜歡的動機(jī)運(yùn)動是滑雪。

849. The basketball championship is exciting. 那次籃球冠軍賽真激動人心。

850. I was on the track team 10 years ago. 十年前,我在田徑隊(duì)。

851. I prefer fishing to swimming. 比起游泳,我更喜歡釣魚。

852. She is a member of the ski club. 她是滑雪俱樂部的成員。

853. The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser.


854. My class went camping last summer. 去年夏天我們班去露營了。

855. He‘s good at lifting weights. 他善于舉重。

About Newspapers And Magazines 關(guān)于報(bào)紙雜志

856. I subscribed to a lot of periodicals last year. 去年我訂了許多期刊。

857. Tom reads newspapers in the afternoon. 湯姆下午讀報(bào)。

858. What kind of newspapers do you read? 你讀什么樣的報(bào)紙?

859. Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs.


860. What column do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個欄目?

861. Which do you like better, the news or the editorial?


862. Do you read advertisements too? 你也看廣告嗎?

863. I recommend to you Time and Newsweek. They are excellent.


864. Fashion is a very popular magazine in America.


865. What‘s the circulation of this magazine? 這雜志發(fā)行量怎么樣?

866. Why don‘t you put an advertisement in the paper to sell that old car?


867. I once took a part-time job delivering the Evening Post.


868. Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage?


869. There was much news in the morning paper today.


870. My friend Tom is a reporter for the New York Times.


Radio And TV 收音機(jī)和電視機(jī)

871. What channel are you watching now? 現(xiàn)在你在看哪個新聞?

872. There‘s TV coverage of the NBA tournament. 有個NBA聯(lián)賽的電視報(bào)道。

873. Do you have a TV guide? 你有電視節(jié)目嗎?

874. You‘ll be on air in two minutes. 兩分鐘以后你會上電視。

875. Channel 5 is off the air now. 五頻道已經(jīng)停止播放。

876. Turn up your radio please. 請你把收音機(jī)開響一點(diǎn)兒。

877. We can‘t get good pictures on our TV set. 我們的電視機(jī)圖象有問題。

878. Can this radio receive short-wave? 這個收音機(jī)能收短波嗎?

879. If you install an outside antenna, you will have better reception.


880. Turn down the radio please. 請放低音量。

881. We‘ll have a soap opera series on TV this week.


882. Please tune in next time. 請下次收聽。

883. We‘re broadcasting from London. 我們從倫敦播放。

884. You can receive our program at short wave 37.5 MH.


885. There‘s too much static. 干擾太大。

About Music And Literature 關(guān)于音樂和文學(xué)

886. What‘s your favorite music? 你最喜歡什么音樂?

887. Do you often go to a concert? 你經(jīng)常去聽音樂會嗎?

888. I hate Jazz. It‘s too noisy. 我討厭爵士,太吵了。

889. Do you like pop music? 你喜歡流行音樂嗎?

890. I have never heard the piece before, who wrote it?


891. What do you think of their skill? 你覺得他們演奏技術(shù)如何?

892. I find classical concerts more to my liking than rock concerts.


893. I‘ve never read a more stirring story.


894. He has a passion for literature. 他很熱衷于文學(xué)。

895. I am most attracted by Dickens. 狄更斯的作品更吸引我。

896. I never grow tired of novels though I read them everyday.


897. On Sundays I often spend some time reading in the library.


898. What do think about this poem? 你覺得這首詩怎么樣?

899. I like Shakespeare better than Milton.


900. How much do you know about the works of George Eliot?


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