


 weicat 2010-08-31
標(biāo)簽: python  科學(xué)計(jì)算  matlab  分類: matlab/sage/python 2009-12-31 22:41


    python是一種面向?qū)ο蟮膭?dòng)態(tài)類型編程語(yǔ)言,自Guido van Rossum于1989年創(chuàng)立以來(lái),已經(jīng)有了整整20年的歷史。的語(yǔ)法簡(jiǎn)潔優(yōu)美,接近自然語(yǔ)言,數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)與內(nèi)存管理簡(jiǎn)潔明了,學(xué)習(xí)門檻低,程序調(diào)試容易,編制程序效率很高。的良好支持,擁有強(qiáng)大的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)庫(kù),并且可以任意擴(kuò)充,這使它成為一種用途廣泛的“膠水語(yǔ)言”。用C和C++編寫高性能的函數(shù)庫(kù),并用python處理復(fù)雜的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu),執(zhí)行函數(shù)調(diào)用,便可以做到兼顧編寫效率和執(zhí)行效率:編寫和調(diào)試簡(jiǎn)單,執(zhí)行起來(lái)也很快。



    擴(kuò)展庫(kù)名稱 版本號(hào) 英文介紹 中文介紹


Python 2.6.2 Python standard libraries Python標(biāo)準(zhǔn)庫(kù)

xy 1.1.0 xy is a module that gathers all Python(x,y) tools 集成所有python(x,y)包含的函數(shù)庫(kù)和工具

xydoc 1.0.3 Collection of all freely available help files and examples on Python language and its libraries python(x,y)的文檔管理程序

PyQt 4.5.4 Cross-platform Application Framework: GUI, widgets, SQL, OpenGL, XML, Unicode ...(Dependencies: PyQt4, spyder, xydoc, ipython, scipy) 跨平臺(tái)的應(yīng)用程序框架,提供圖形用戶界面,數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)和多國(guó)語(yǔ)言支持

Spyder 1.0.1 Scientific Python Development EnviRonment: designed for interactive computing and data visualisation with a simple and intuitive user interface(Dependencies: PyQt4) 用于科學(xué)計(jì)算的Python集成開發(fā)環(huán)境,可以進(jìn)行交互式計(jì)算和數(shù)據(jù)可視化

formlayout 1.0.5 Module for creating form dialogs/widgets to edit various type of parameters without having to write any GUI code(Dependencies: PyQt4) 創(chuàng)建用于編輯參數(shù)的對(duì)話框和窗口部件

QtHelp 4.5.2 Complete Qt documentation for Qt Assistant(Dependencies: PyQt4) 完整的Qt庫(kù)幫助文檔

PyQwt 5.2.0 2D plotting library (set of Python bindings for the Qwt library featuring fast plotting)(Dependencies: PyQt4) 基于Qt的二維繪圖庫(kù)

wxPython Cross-platform GUI library 跨平臺(tái)的圖形用戶界面庫(kù)

NumPy 1.3.0 Multidimensional arrays support and basic operations (SciPy's core module)(Dependencies: nose) 多維數(shù)組支持

SciPy 0.7.1 Advanced math, signal processing, optimization, statistics, ...(Dependencies: numpy) 高級(jí)數(shù)學(xué)庫(kù),包括符號(hào)計(jì)算、優(yōu)化、統(tǒng)計(jì)等功能

numexpr 1.3.1 Fast evaluation of array expressions elementwise by using a vector-based virtual machine(Dependencies: numpy) 基于向量的虛擬機(jī),可以更快的計(jì)算含有數(shù)組的表達(dá)式

Matplotlib 0.99.1 2D plotting library (embeddable in GUIs created with PyQt)(Dependencies: numpy) 二維繪圖庫(kù)

gnuplot 1.8 Complete plotting package: include the popular open-source plotting program gnuplot (v4.2.5) and the Python interface 開源繪圖工具gnuplot

PIL 1.1.6 Python Imaging Library - Image processing library Python圖像處理庫(kù)

IPython 0.10 Enhanced Python shell(Dependencies: pyreadline) 加強(qiáng)的python命令行工具

Pyreadline 1.5 IPython needs this module to display color text in Windows console 在windows中顯示彩色的命令行

SetupTools 0.6.9 Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily 下載、編譯、安裝、升級(jí)、卸載python包的輔助程序

ETS 3.3.0 Enthought Tool Suite: MayaVi 2 (powerful 2D and 3D scientific visualization tool), Traits, Chaco, ...(Dependencies: wxPython, vtk, setuptools) Enthought公司提供的python工具,包括MayaVi(2D和3D數(shù)據(jù)可視化)、Traits、Chaco等等

VTK 5.4.2 Open-source software system for visualization, 3D graphics, volume rendering and image processing 開源的3D可視化工具庫(kù),用于處理超大規(guī)模的三維數(shù)據(jù)

ITK 3.16 Open-source software system for medical image processing (leading-edge segmentation and registration algorithms) 開源的3D醫(yī)學(xué)影像處理庫(kù)

mx 3.1.2 eGenix.com mx Base Distribution: mxDateTime, mxTextTools, mxProxy, mxBeeBase, mxURL, mxUID, mxStack, mxQueue and mxTools eGenix.com公司提供的python庫(kù),提供數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)連接、文本處理、網(wǎng)絡(luò)功能

pydicom Pure python package for working with DICOM files (medical imaging) 讀取醫(yī)學(xué)影像文件DICOM

PyOpenGL 3.0.1a3 Cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs 使用python操作OpenGL繪制3D圖形

VPython 5.13 Creation of 3D interactive models of physical systems 建立可交互的3D物理系統(tǒng)模型

SymPy 0.6.5 Symbolic Mathematics Library 符號(hào)計(jì)算庫(kù)

PyWavelets 0.1.6 Wavelet transforms module 小波變換庫(kù)

scikits.timeseries 0.91.2 Module for manipulating, reporting, and plotting time series of various frequencies 時(shí)間序列庫(kù)

OpenCV 1.1pre1a Intel image processing library with Computer Vision algorithms, Copyright © 2000-2006, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved Intel提供的圖像處理庫(kù)

NetworkX 1.0rc1 Creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks 用于研究復(fù)雜網(wǎng)絡(luò)的庫(kù)

MDP 2.5 Modular toolkit for Data Processing - Collection of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms(Dependencies: numpy, scipy) 模塊化的數(shù)據(jù)處理庫(kù)——監(jiān)督與非監(jiān)督學(xué)習(xí)

PyTables 2.1.2 Package based on HDF5 library for managing hierarchical datasets (extremely large amounts of data)(Dependencies: numpy) 用于讀取和編輯HDF5數(shù)據(jù)集的庫(kù)

vitables 2.0 Graphical tool for browsing and editing files in both HDF5 and PyTables formats(Dependencies: tables) 用于讀取和編輯HDF5和pyTables格式的圖形化工具

h5py 1.2.1 General-purpose Python interface to HDF5 files (unlike PyTables, h5py provides direct access to the full HDF5 C library) 提供對(duì)HDF5的C程序庫(kù)的直接訪問(wèn)

PP 1.5.7 Parallel Python - Parallel execution of Python code on systems with multiple processors or cores, and clusters Python并行計(jì)算庫(kù),支持多核和集群

Pywin32 2.14 Python library for Windows Python的win32庫(kù)

pyvisa 1.3 Control all kinds of measurement equipment through various busses (GPIB, RS232, USB) USB支持庫(kù)

PyParallel 0.2.0 Library encapsulating the access for the parallel port 并口庫(kù)

PySerial 2.4.0 Library encapsulating the access for the serial port 串口庫(kù)

Cython 0.11.3 Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python Cython讓為python寫c擴(kuò)展更容易

psyco 1.6 Specializing compiler which can massively speed up the execution of any Python code 極大提升python語(yǔ)言執(zhí)行效率的編譯器

py2exe 0.6.9 Deployment tool which converts Python scripts into stand-alone Windows executables (i.e. target machine does not require Python or any other library to be installed) 將python腳本編譯為exe文件

Sphinx 0.6.3 Tool for generating documentation which uses reStructuredText as its markup language(Dependencies: docutils, jinja2, pygments) 用reStructuredText作為標(biāo)記語(yǔ)言生成文檔

docutils 0.5.0 Text processing system for processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX (includes reStructuredText) 文本處理系統(tǒng),將純文本文件轉(zhuǎn)化為HTML或LaTeX

jinja2 2.2.1 Sandboxed template engine (provides a Django-like non-XML syntax and compiles templates into executable python code) 沙箱模板引擎

pygments 1.1.1 Generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software 基本的語(yǔ)法高亮

ReportLab 2.3 The PDF generation library 生成PDF

rst2pdf 0.12.1 Tool for transforming reStructuredText to PDF using ReportLab(Dependencies: reportlab, simplejson) 將reStructuredText轉(zhuǎn)化為PDF

simplejson 2.0.9 Simple, fast, extensible JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder JavaScript支持庫(kù)

xlutils 1.4.1 Utilities for working with Excel files (includes xlrd, xlwt and errorhandler modules) 支持讀取excel文件

nose 0.11.1 nose is a discovery-based unittest extension (e.g. NumPy test module is using nose) 單元測(cè)試庫(kù)

pylint 0.18.1 Logilab code analysis module: analyzes Python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality Python源碼分析器,用于檢查性能瓶頸和bug

winpdb 1.4.6 Python debugger with support for multiple threads, namespace modification, embedded debugging, encrypted communication and is up to 20 times faster than pdb(Dependencies: wxPython) Windows下的python調(diào)試器


Eclipse 3.5.1 Cross-platform Integrated Development Environment 跨平臺(tái)的集成開發(fā)環(huán)境

Pydev 1.5.0 Python Development environment(Dependencies: eclipse) Eclipse中的python開發(fā)插件

CDT 6.0.1 C/C++ Development Environment(Dependencies: eclipse) Eclipse中的C/C++開發(fā)插件

Photran 5.0.0 Fortran Development Environment(Dependencies: eclipse, CDT) Eclipse中的fortran開發(fā)插件

Qt Eclipse Integration 1.5.2 Qt design tools within Eclipse(Dependencies: eclipse) Eclipse中的Qt開發(fā)插件

Start Explorer 0.5.0 Integration of the Windows Explorer into Eclipse(Dependencies: eclipse) 在Eclipse中集成windows資源管理器

Wicked Shell 2.0.4 Windows command shell with code-completion and history management(Dependencies: eclipse) 在Eclipse中集成windows命令行


Console 2.0.144 Windows console window enhancement 加強(qiáng)的Windows命令行窗口

SciTE 2.01 SCIntilla based Text Editor - Multilanguage, powerful and light-weight text editor 功能強(qiáng)大的輕量級(jí)文本編輯器

WinMerge 2.12.4 Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows 文本文件對(duì)比與合并工具

MinGW 4.4.0 Windows specific header files and import libraries, C/C++ and Fortran compilers :GCC Core, G77, G++ 3.4.5 ;BinUtils 2.17.50 ;Make 3.81 ;Runtime 3.15.1 ;W32API 3.12. GCC編譯器windows版

SWIG 1.3.40 SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is a compiler that integrates C and C++ with several languages including Python 混合編譯C/C++與python語(yǔ)言

gettext GNU gettext Win32 porting - the GNU translation tool (useful tools for pygettext, a standard library module) GNU幫助文檔翻譯工具

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