

Intention to develop customer loyalty

 afire,davie 2011-09-23

With the above;

From Best Buy bought a TV Linda, think they got a good price, because it also includes the extension of shelf-life maintenance costs. But a year later, the TV began to go wrong: every 15 minutes automatically shut down. Home repair service technician can not fix, then put the store back this TV three weeks. Maintenance staff, said after the TV to get everything back to normal. But Linda a move home, the TV and immediately re-emergence of such problems.

Linda call Best Buy to make a complaint, but caused her claim with a customer service manager who is among the endless debate.
He often let her on the phone, waited a long time to wait, the meaning is clear: "I hope this woman walk away quickly." Well, Linda finally did and walked away. But she knew with every person this endless talk about the altercation on the television. Because this value is only $ 270 TV, Best Buy customers who lost forever. Here we ask, Best Buy and promising good customer service will? They say there, but their performance then? Linda who has not at least reflected.

Obviously mouth about customer service and true customer experience vary widely. Not all companies are able to see this difference? If you see, and then how to do it? The first reaction of many companies often hire consultants or training teachers to "motivate staff." They seem to think that employees can make a call to action words burst out of passion and love their customers. Unfortunately, this alone is not enough to cultivate customer loyalty.

Develop customer loyalty efforts often fail because of the following mistakes: vague objectives, false assumptions, inefficient system, over-reliance on marketing, there is no sincere commitment to customer loyalty and not for evaluation. If these problems, even if it was the best strategy, it will weaken the company's results.

Customer loyalty is composed of five factors: overall customer satisfaction; customers to maintain and strengthen the existing relationship with the company's initiative; will become repeat buyers; recommend the company to the wishes of others; and turned to competitors resistance. After the formation of a true customer loyalty, the relationship between the company and its customers will be strengthened and eventually form, such as management guru Stephen Covey calls "customer synergy." "Concord", according to Covey's statement, "is due to interaction with suppliers and customers, their mutual relations have changed, and the early days, both sides brought some new things not aware of these contacts to form a relationship , the strength of this relationship is unparalleled, and it allows you to enhance competitiveness. "

Determine the customer orientation

Know ourselves before being victorious. Develop customer loyalty to win this war, we must first know which factors will affect the customer's orientation. Customer orientation usually depends on three aspects: values, systems and people.

When customers feel the products or services on quality, quantity, reliability, or "suitability" of a lack of time, they usually focus on values. Expected cost of goods or services by the impact on low-cost and higher cost of goods are different expectations. But the core product of lower quality than expected, they will control the price to be considered. A simple example: a $ 5 fast food even taste very good, customers will soon forgive, but hard to swallow the $ 50 meal meals a reaction to be much greater.

Customer experience unnecessarily complex procedures, inefficient or even trouble, the system has become the factors affecting its orientation. Customers for the long lines, slow service, lack of training employees, the environment is poor and unclear signs and other complaints, are examples of system problems.

Employees move to the defect, say rigid, indifferent tone, this time, people will become the main factor. This also includes rude, not eye contact, and inappropriate clothing or modification.

To make the business a long time in the past, companies should seek to reduce the negative impact of customer orientation factors, and exceed customer expectations to provide products and services to build a good reputation. A company may be able to produce the best product, but if it does not adversely affect customer orientation factors to a minimum and to provide positive and effective service, then, very few people will notice that the company compete with other What is the difference between.

Appease dissatisfied customers

Any company can provide in the case of relatively smooth sailing full service. Smooth handling things very simple. However, problems arise, good companies can immediately display its extraordinary place.

Poor service harm is obvious. Compensate for the impact of this hazard and should be seen as an opportunity rather than a painful routine. This work includes two aspects, one is to facilitate customer complaints, second, of these complaints promptly and effectively.

With some creative ways to compensate, at least, has been offset by customer dissatisfaction or inconvenience to them. Such as the replacement, maintenance, offers on-site service. If a customer's car needs repair, auto dealers can visit the trailer without having to let their customers get the car over, he will win the trust of customers.

To provide A + service

In some unusual places can often find some excellent value for money stuff. A Wall Street Journal article has been praised over Suwon public toilets. The city is proud of its unique toilet, every week to visitors. The visitors will be invited to come try "warm toilet seat, take a look at flushing the system, but also take pictures. The house echoed with the melodious sound of the violin, hanging on the wall four weeks Korean rural landscapes, as well as sensor taps, disabled dedicated slide and solar water heaters. "

The perception of this value is very subjective, but was able to experience the process in which people actually feel. Durability is often regarded as products of the highest value, based on this, businesses must find ways to let customers know this, because the customer's attention is only focused on the perception of value.

The key issue is to create conditions to facilitate the customer's perception of value. Companies can improve the following aspects to achieve their goals: Packaging; and warranties; applicability of the product; products commemorative value; company's reputation and so on.
Pleasantly surprised to customers the easiest way is to give them some unexpected things, or give them to recommend some of the needed goods. When a shoe store shoe salesman with a shoe horn to give the customer, or ask the customer if still willing to try insoles socks or a pair of durable, when the salesman is selling method using the A +. Regardless of these additional products or services are sold out, this approach has indeed produced a utility.

Information provided A +

Every product, every service or every purchase includes information elements are included. Such as the sale of food required to provide nutritional data, notes and recipes. Cars, household goods and appliances are attached to the user manual. By accepting these people fully aware of the product information or service will bring them the benefits.

Innovative companies have sought different ways to achieve the A + standard. For example, Chevrolet Motor Company in addition to providing the user manual, it also comes with videos to guide users how to use their cars. Minnesota continent a cable television network dedicated "TV House Call" channel for real-time solution for individual users to watch TV when they encounter problems. But the best way is for new customers, respectively, and old customers to provide different levels of consulting services.

Convenient to give A +

Mainly in services to facilitate the speed and the easy handling of the issue. Committed to providing efficient and convenient service agencies easy access to customer loyalty.

One convenient way to provide A + is to provide support services. Loblaw is Canada's largest supermarket chain stores, continue to provide customers with various forms of additional services. A recent innovation is a newly opened branch in Toronto to provide specifically for women with sauna, sun beds and child care centers and other functions of the club. The club also offers bicycles, open taekwondo courses and so forth.

And, like many commodity chains, Loblaw leased to a lot of pavement dry cleaners, beverage shops, cafes, as well as pharmacies and banks, but few stores can be as thorough as Loblaw implement this philosophy. Loblaw has already begun the game in a number of counter offers TV and mobile phone services. These support measures to provide customers with the convenience of a A +, where customers can enjoy "one stop" shopping service.

A + in the use of strategy, companies should always pay attention to improve the existing service system, so that customers feel more convenient. What the customer wants, you should try to meet.

Taken these five powerful steps to see what changes. The use of these strategies can help you put good intentions into practical reality, cultivate customer loyalty to the company's unprecedented.

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