Robert L. Fulghum.:美國猶他州州立大學計算機科學系主任。在發(fā)表于ACM(美國計算機學會)的論文中,他以《令我受益終身的學前教育》為題,闡述了在日后的社會工作和生活中,學前教育所給予人們的無法替代的影響。
Share everything. 與人分享
Play fair. 公平游戲
Don't hit people. 不用暴力
Put things back where you found them. 結束游戲時物還原處
Clean up your own mes. 自已收拾殘局
Don't take things that aren't yours. 不將他人之物占為已有
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. 當你傷害了別人要會說“對不起”
Wash your hands before you eat. 飯前洗手
Flush. 廁后沖水
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. 吃熱的點心和喝冷的牛奶對你有好處
Live a balanced life: learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon. 每天午后小睡
When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. 當走上街頭時,觀察交通情況,并與身旁的人手拉手前進
Be aware of wonder. 保持好奇心