

影像中國 :從深圳到香港

 昵稱5769371 2013-12-22
We’d arranged with Robert Lio and his lovely wife Xiao to stay at their apartment in the Nanshan section of Shenzhen for a few days. They are in Montreal for the summer and assured us that we were more than welcome to use their place . After the long ride we were ready to veg out for a while so we called Xiao’s brother to make arrangements for the key and he told us that his father was already waiting for us at the apartment. Great! A combined subway/taxi trip and we were there in thirty minutes. Xiao’s father is a spry little man with smiling eyes, in fact he has a great face for photography, I don’t know why I didn’t take any pictures.
    我們來深圳之前就與Robert Lio和他美麗的妻子Xiao 商議好了,我們將在他們夫妻倆位于深圳南山區(qū)的公寓住上幾天。他們倆正在蒙特利爾度假呢,表示非常歡迎我們?nèi)ニ麄兗?。在長時間的舟車勞頓之后,我們打算先放松一下,所以,我們聯(lián)系了Xiao的哥哥,找他拿房屋的鑰匙,然而他跟我們說,他爸已經(jīng)在公寓里頭等我們了。太棒了!換乘了地鐵和的士之后,花了大概三十分鐘,我們終于來到了目的地。Xiao的爸爸是一位精神矍鑠的小個子男人,他總是笑瞇瞇的,事實上,他的臉型很適合人像攝影,不知道為什么我沒有拍照。

    He’d turned on the AC and supplied the fridge with bottled water before we got there. He and Lily struck up a conversation that lasted the better part of three hours while I checked email and then dozed in the bedroom.


    In the early afternoon, I decided it was past time to take care of my Starbucks fix. Now I am NOT like this big Starbucks disciple but unlike most places in Liuzhou, at Starbucks I know I am going to get a decent cup of coffee brewed the way I like it. I know I’ll also find bags of ground coffee for the coffee maker at home.


    I remembered visiting a Starbucks near Amigos Mexican Restaurant in Shekou, so we said our goodbyes to Xiao’s father and off we went in search of caffeine and salsa. We found Amigos fairly quickly and low and behold a NEW starbucks had opened just next door. Coincidence? I think not. Mission accomplished…

    我記得以前去過蛇口的Amigos墨西哥餐廳附近的星巴克,所以我們和Xiao的爸爸告了別,然后出去尋找咖啡和美食。很快,我們就找到了Amigos,緊接著一家新開張的星巴克就出現(xiàn)在餐廳隔壁。這一切難道是天意嗎? 我認(rèn)為不是。但是不管怎樣,心愿達(dá)成了。

    After a slow cup of Americano, I bought bags of Komodo Dragon Blend, Columbia, and Italian Roast to take back to Liuzhou and then we moved next door. Now Amigos is not a great Mexican restaurant compared to those back home (or Mexico) but for China… it does the job quite nicely. They do other dishes as well but I was there for something from south of the border, and I don’t mean Hong Kong. Chips, salsa, guacamole, and refried beans came first and then Lily got her first taste of a Chicken Caesar Salad followed by the entree (that’s for you Ken),   anice sized beef and bean burrito.

    慢慢品完一杯美式咖啡之后,我買了幾袋祥龍咖啡豆、哥倫比亞咖啡豆以及意式烘焙咖啡豆,準(zhǔn)備帶回柳州。接著,我們?nèi)チ烁舯诘哪鞲绮蛷d。說實話,如果和美國或者墨西哥本土的餐廳比起來,Amigos算不上一流,但是對于中國來說···它的服務(wù)已經(jīng)非常好了。雖然他們也做其他的菜系,但是我來這里只是為了吃南方邊境的食物,當(dāng)然我不是指的香港(譯者:指美國和墨西哥的邊境)。首先端上桌的是薯條、調(diào)味汁,沙拉醬, 和炸土豆泥,然后Lily點的一份凱撒雞肉沙拉也來了,接著是主菜,一份分量十足的牛排和大豆卷餅。

    It was nice. We stayed in Shekou for a good three hours on a drizzly, humid afternoon enjoying the food, air conditioning and… quiet. It was about an hour into the meal when I realized there was no noise. That NEVER happens in Liuzhou. It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon and we had the run of the place, with the cooks sitting around taking part in the Chinese national pastime, texting. These guys were world class too. I took 20 shots of one or the both of them and they never stopped texting… to be a champion, concentration is key.


    After lunch, we walked around the neighborhood a while. I bought some French bread. We browsed through maybe 6 different wine stores and were overwhelmed with the sheer amount of construction going on. In one area there was all this colorful wall art erected to hide the construction. I admit I waited in the heat for maybe 15 minutes for someone to walk by… I wish now that I had moved that traffic cone and chain first.


    We later made a stop in Wal-Mart and did some window shopping at the mall next door before working our way back to Nanshan. These guys were set up near Bob’s apartment on the sidewalk (also for you Ken) directly in front of a Japanese restaurant. Few places on earth can you set up a street stall on your competition’s doorstep. In China… mei wenti (no problem).

    接下來,我們又去逛了沃爾瑪,然后在回南山區(qū)之前又在隔壁的購物商場逛了逛。Bob的公寓附近,這些人直接就在日本餐廳前的人行道上擺起了小攤,全世界看來,幾乎沒有地方允許你在競爭對手的門面前擺攤做生意。但是在中國…mei wenti(沒問題的意思)

    Just a block from Bob’s we found a typical Chinese alley market. These two were arguing about something but it wasn’t clear as to what exactly. I also couldn’t tell if they were a couple or if perhaps they just wanted the same melon.


    We decided to call it a night fairly early. It was hot and humid and we were both soaked and we still needed to re-pack for our weekend in Hong Kong. We got back to the apartment and unlocked the door to find Xiao’s father sitting on the sofa watching TV! It was only then that we realized that he was living there for the summer and that we were his guests! I was disappointed at first (no running around in my boxers to cool off) but the old man was a bit of a card and he was really happy to have someone to talk to so it worked out well.

    我們決定早點回去。外面非常炎熱而且濕悶,我們兩個全都濕透了,而且我們還得為周末去香港收拾行李。當(dāng)我們回到公寓,打開門,發(fā)現(xiàn)Xiao的爸爸居然坐在沙發(fā)上看電視! 直到那個時候我們才知道他整個夏天都住在那里,而我們是他的客人!我起初很失望(因為這樣我就不能光著膀子,只穿一條平角褲乘涼了)但是這個老人挺有趣,并且他非常開心有人能陪他說話,所以也挺好的。

    So, the next stop would be two days in Hong Kong. We packed very conservatively, jamming only what we would absolutely need into one small bag. In addition I was in charge of all the camera equipment and Lily was to take care of all the finances. Vowing to leave early enough to get checked into our hotel and still meet my friends for an afternoon photo walk, we were asleep by 10.


  The new site here is not completely on-line yet. Yes friends, before you leave that comment, I am aware that some of the links still go nowhere or even worse to the wrong place and I am working furiously to have it all synced up and integrated as soon as possible.


    If you are here trying to find out how to register for the September , first you need to subscribe to my RSS feed and then just leave a comment here on the blog telling me you would like to win. Make sure you include your email address when filling out the comment form (I am the only one who’ll see it) so I can get in touch with the winners.


    Again, all you have to do is subscribe to the RSS feed and then leave a comment telling me you’d like to win something! During the month of September I’ll be giving away some great prizes to celebrate the launch of the new website, including an Apple iPad, a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 MACRO lens, autographed limited edition prints and copies of Saving Faces -A Portrait Collection. My family is not eligible but friends certainly are!

    再重復(fù)一遍,你們所需要做的僅僅是訂閱本站的RSS,然后留言告訴我你想贏得大獎!在整個九月份,我將送出一些很棒的獎品來慶祝這個新網(wǎng)站的成立,獎品包括一個iPad,一個佳能EF 100mm f/2.8 MACRO 鏡頭,限量版的親筆簽名照,以及一本《Saving Faces》:一本人像攝影集。另外,我的家人排除在此次抽獎活動之外,而朋友們以及網(wǎng)友都可以來參加。

I hope you’ll tell your friends and family too.


School is back in session this week… joy.


Tomorrow: Day 3 – Shenzhen to Hong Kong


The plan was to take the 11:30 ferry from Shekou to Hong Kong which would put us in the city around 12:30, more than enough time to get settled into the hotel before meeting friends for a three o’clock photo walk. Already hot and humid when we left Nanshan and the forecast was more of the same over the weekend. We arrived at the ferry terminal with time to spare, bought our tickets and had to wait for a while before heading upstairs to clear immigration. Ah, immigration… remember when I wrote this in the last post?

     我們的計劃是,在蛇口乘坐11:30發(fā)出的渡輪去香港,大概12:30就能到那兒??偟膩碚f,我們在趕去參加下午三點朋友們舉辦的街拍活動之前,有足夠的時間入住酒店。離開南山的時候,天氣炎熱而潮濕,而根據(jù)天氣預(yù)報的消息,這種狀況將持續(xù)到這個周末。當(dāng)我們趕到渡口的時候,時間還早,于是買了票,排隊等著去上樓入境檢查。 啊,入境…記得前面我寫過這個吧。

Plus, Hong Kong is less China than Shanghai and I wanted to at least feel like I was leaving the country. To get to Hong Kong you have to at least go through immigration!


Yeah, well that sentiment was just about to bite me in the rear.


The line wasn’t very long but the air conditioning was faltering. Clearing customs to go to Hong Kong should be a fairly simple thing for me. I have a residence permit that allows me to leave and re-enter China and aside from what seemed to me to be an inordinate amount of time spent checking and re-checking my passport, said residence permit and the computer screen, I was cleared on through to Hong Kong.


As I looked around for Lily I found she was still at the window with the customs agent, pained and confused look on her face. I’ve seen that look before, not a good sign. I walked around to the station where she was trying to get through and it was explained that Lily’s travel permit to enter Hong Kong was only valid if she was traveling with a group! No one had told Lily about that small detail prior to THAT MOMENT. It meant she had to go back downstairs, find a group (and pay a tidy sum) with which she would be allowed to travel and then hopefully make the next ferry. There was no guarantee she was going to be allowed to leave on that one either.

What to do? I had already cleared customs, which meant that if I was going to wait for her, I would have to go to the other side of the building and re-enter China. Lily insisted I go on the first ferry without her and simply wait for her at the terminal in Hong Kong. The ferry was about to leave so after a bit of teeth gnashing I went on alone. While still near land I called Lily to get an update. She assured me that she had been assured she would have no problem getting out on the next ferry (one o’clcok) which meant I would be waiting for her for an hour and a half. Normally that would be so bad… normally. Remember when I wrote this in the last post?


We packed very conservatively, jamming only what we would absolutely need into one small bag. In addition I was in charge of all the camera equipment and Lily was to take care of all the finances.
Allow me to go through that step by step for you. We had packed one small bag. Lily had the bag. I had my passport, two cameras, five lenses, a tripod, batteries, memory cards, the clothes on my back, and exactly ¥23. Lily had all our cash and credit cards. I had just landed in one of the world’s most expensive cities with about $3.30 US in my pocket.

Oh, and Lily had the Hong Kong SIM card for my phone too. I couldn’t even buy a sandwich! I was praying she was on her way, otherwise I was going to have to call Arnd or James or Steve and ask them to loan me some money! Not good, I was imagining the conversation, “Hey buddy! Listen I know we’ve never actually met in person but I was wondering if you could see your way to loaning me a few thousand dollars? Really I’m good for it, I’d say $10,000 HKD ought to do it for the weekend.” Right. I couldn’t actually have called anyone anyway! Thankfully Lily showed up about 2 o’clock and we somehow managed to meet up with everyone just a little past three. Here is a bit of the gang standing in front of the infamous Chungking Mansions.
     噢,我在香港用的手機(jī)卡也在Lily那里。我現(xiàn)在甚至買不起一份三明治!當(dāng)時我在不停祈禱,希望她能順利過來,否則,我只能打電話給Arnd 或者James和Steve,找他們借點錢了!太衰了,我在想該怎么開口。“嘿,老兄! 聽我說,我知道我們從沒真正見過面,但是你能否看情況借幾千美元給我?真的,我真的很需要錢,我想說10000港幣應(yīng)該足夠我熬過這個周末了?!焙冒桑@太難了。我實在沒法開口給任何人打電話!謝天謝地,下午2點,Lily終于來了,我們也在三點過幾分的時候,如約趕到了會面地點。圖為,部分參與街拍的同仁站在臭名昭著的重慶大廈前。

Left to right, that’s Louise, Brian (looking back over his shoulder), Ok Chan, James, Arnd and Lily. Lincoln was there as well and we later met up with another Arnd, in town from Shanghai. The local contingent took us around for an afternoon of street shooting and camera shops. Miraculously, I somehow made it out of Hong Kong without buying one piece of camera equipment. I was white knuckling it for sure but didn’t buy so much as a memory card! Here are a few shots from day one in Hong Kong…

     從左至右邊,分別是Louise,Brian(往右肩望去的那個人),Ok Chan, James, Arnd 和Lily。Lincoln也在,隨后不久,來自上海的Arndy也趕上了大部隊。本地地主帶著我們閑逛,整個下午,我們都在街拍和逛相機(jī)商店。這次來香港,我奇跡般的沒有買任何攝影器材。我當(dāng)然是很想買,但是無奈囊中羞澀。這些是來香港第一天拍的一些照片。

As surprising as it may be to some of you, my boyish charm with the camera doesn’t always work. These gals clearly wanted nothing to do with me. I think it probably made a more interesting photograph.

After a couple of hours in the heat and humidity Lincoln led us to a Mexican restaurant/bar and we cooled down with some cold drinks and good conversation. The place featured this kitsch tiki island-like decor with a lot of primary colors. Second Mexican restaurant in two days, I sense a theme developing…


A few of the guys left us at this point to go have dinner with their families. The rest of us wandered toward the harbour. On the way I met this friendly fella’ from India. He was more than happy to let me take his photograph and I WISH I had actually taken the time to pull out the flash to use off camera for a more dynamic shot. When walking with other people I’m always sensitive to taking too much time in one spot, still, if I had it to do over again I would have pulled out the flash.


The Hong Kong light show was set for eight o’clock and the viewing area at Victoria Harbour was packed. I managed to change lens and get the tripod set up in the back when I noticed another photographer was breaking down his tripod in the front row. I scrambled up and over a few hundred people and somehow managed to take his spot at just about 7:50. The guy next to me said he had been set up there since 6:20. This cityscape is one of the most photographed spots in the world. The size restraints here don’t really do it justice.

We still wanted to get the requisite shot from The Peak but by the time we got to the other side of the ferry we were both hungry and I hadn’t had a (real) steak in more than three years. After saying goodbye to the rest of the gang we headed over to Ruth Chris Steakhouse and left, $1,500 HKD later. Worth every penny. The Peak will have to wait.

     我們還想去太平山頂拍幾張重要的照片,但是當(dāng)我們到達(dá)渡口的另外一側(cè)時,我們倆都餓極了,并且我已經(jīng)有三年多沒有正經(jīng)吃過牛排了。于是,和剩下的伙伴道別后,我們直奔Ruth Chris Steakhouse 牛排店,在那里消費了1500港幣,飽餐了一頓。每一分錢都花得值啊。看來,去太平山拍照的計劃只能推遲了。

Thanks to everyone who’s already registered for the September giveaways. Remember, we are giving away prizes throughout the month to celebrate the launch of the new website, including an Apple iPad, a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 MACRO lens, autographed limited edition prints and copies of Saving Faces – A Portrait Collection. All you have to do to get registered is subscribe to the feed and leave a comment somewhere on the site. I hope you’ll please spread the word.

    感謝每一位前來登記領(lǐng)取九月份獎勵的朋友。記住,我們將通過在整個九月分發(fā)獎品來慶祝新網(wǎng)站的成立,獎品包括一個蘋果iPad,一個佳能EF 100mm f/2.8 MACRO 鏡頭,限量版親筆簽名照,以及《Saving Faces》:一部人像攝影集。你們只需要訂閱我的內(nèi)容,然后在本站留言。我希望你們能夠幫我多多宣傳這個活動。

I have my first morning class of the new term tomorrow. More joy.


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