


 OK外語角 2016-11-29


  (2011-08-20 12:33:06)



Lesson 1
 Drills: 1. Shall we get some chalk?
   2. What shall we do in our English class tomorrow?
   3. When shall we visit the Science Museum?
 Dialpgue: Let Me Help You
 Grammar: The Article
Lesson 2
 Drills: 1.  I was doing some cooking yesterday evening.
   2. Were you doing the same thing at that time?
   3. What was Jenny doing this time yesterday?
 Text: The Monkey and the Crocodile
 Grammar:  Interrogative sentence
Lesson 3
 Drills: They were doing maths exercises when I left.
 Text: The Monley and the Crocodile (Continued)
 Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense
Lesson 4
 Drills: 1. Was it raining when school was over yesterday?
   2. Where did your brother study before he went college?
   3. I went to bed at about ten after I did my homework.
 Text: It’s Unfair
 Grammar: Types  of Sentences
Lesson 5
 Drills: 1. I’ll give the note to Tom as soon as he comes back.
   2. I’ll go with you to the cinema this afternoon if I’m free.
   3. The swimming pool won’t be open today because they’re changing the water.
 Text: It’s Unfair (Continued)
 Grammar: The Adverbial Clause
Lesson 6
 Text: The Rails Sing
Lesson 7 (Revision)
Lesson 8
 Drills: 1. Have you returned the book? Yes, I have. I’ve just (already) returned it. (No, I haven’t.)
   2. Has Peter seen the doctor? Yes, he has. (No, he hasn’t.)
 Dialogue: What’s Wrong with Tom?
Lesson 9
 Drills: 1. How many pages have you read?
   2. Has the plane arrived? Yes, it has.
     When did it arrive? Half an hour ago.
 Text: I Have Sung Already
Lesson 10
 Drills: 1. You’ve known each other for about two years.
   2. How long has your uncle taught in that village? He’s taught there since 1965.
 Text: An Australian Boy in Beijing
 Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense (Ⅰ)
Lesson 11
 Drills: 1. How long has he been a soldier? He’s been a soldier for about two months.
   2. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Yes, I have. (No, never.)
 Text: The Piano Concert
Lesson 12
 Drills: 1. Where have you been? I’ve just been to the library.
   2. Where’s Wei Fang? She’s gone to the shop.
 Text: The Universe and Man-made Satellite
 Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense (Ⅱ)
Lesson 13
 Text: Miss Evans
Lesson 14 (Revision)
Irregular Verbs
Supplementary Readings:
  1. Standing Room Only
  2. "What a Fool I Was!"
  3. Dolphin Language
  4. The Arab and the Camel


  L-------Liu Mei
  ( At a street corner.)
  W (looking very worried): Oh, dear! What shall I do?
  (Liu Mei is on her way to see a film, but she stops.)
  L: What’s the matter, Granny? Can I help you?
  W: I’m here to see my husband. He is in hospital. He wrote the name of the hospital in his letter, but I can’t find the letter now. What shall I do?
  L: It’s not in any of your pockets?
  W: No.
  L: Maybe you put it in your basket.
  W (looking in her basket): Ah, yes, here it is! (She shows it to Liu Mei.)
  L: Yes, this is it.
  W: how can I get there? I don’t know the way.
  L: I don’t either, granny. I’ll ask the policeman. (Runs to the policeman at the corner.)
  L: Excuse me, which is the way to the East Street Hospital?
  P: Go down this street, then turn right at the second crossing. At the end of the road you’ll find the hospital. It’s about half an hour’s walk. But you can get there by bus.
  L: Which bus shall I take?
  P: The No. 3 bus over there. It will take you right there.
  L: Thank you. (Runs back to the old woman.) Granny, the hospital is a bit far from here. Shall we go by bus?
  W: All right.
  (Twenty minutes later the old woman finds her husband. How happy they are to see each other!)
  H: But how did you get here?
  W: This little girl brought me.
  H: Which girl?
  (They look around but Liu Mei is already gone.)
  W: What a good girl!
  (Liu Mei is very late for the film, but she doesn’t mind.)


  One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river. A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby. She looked around for some food. Suddenly she saw the monkey. "Aha, there’s my meal," she thought. She then turn to her son, "Do you love me, Son?"
  "Why, of course, Mum!" the baby crocodile said.
  "Well then, you catch the monkey and give me his heart to eat."
  "But how can I?" the baby crocodile asked. "Monkeys can’t swim, and I can’t climb trees."
  "You needn’t climb the tree," his mother said. "Use your head, then you will find a way."
  The baby crocodile thought hard. Then he had an idea. He swam near the tree and shouted, "Hey, Monkey! Would you like some bananas?"
  "Bananas! Mm! I love them," said the monkey. "But where are they?"
  "On the other side of the river. There are some banana trees there, and they have lots of bananas on them. I’ll take you there on my back."
  "Good," the monkey came down and jumped onto the crocodile’s back.
  Soon they were in the middle of the river. Suddenly the crocodile went down under the water. When he came up again, the monkey was all wet. "Don’t do that!" The monkey cried. "Don’t do that again! I can’t swim, you know."
  "I know, but I have to," answered the crocodile. "My mother wants to eat your heart."
  The little monkey was clever. "Why didn’t you tell me earlier?" He asked.
  "My heart isn’t here with me. I left it in that tree over there."
  "Then we’ll have to go back for it. Mother doesn’t want you without your heart." The crocodile turned and swam back to the bank.
  Soon they reached the bank. The monkey jumped off the crocodile at once, picked up a big stone and quickly climbed up the tree. The crocodile waited for the monkey to come down again. As he was waiting, he   suddenly heard a voice from above:
  "Hey, Crocodile!"
  The crocodile looked up. The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing.
  ’Here’s my heart. Come up and get it. Don’t keep your mother waiting…You can’t come up? Well, catch!’
  With these words, he threw the big stone at the crocodile.


  Jenny was a good girl, but she had one shortcoming. She was often late for school. One morning when she came in late, Mr. Black, her teacher, got angry.
  "I’ll write to your father if you aren’t here on time tomorrow," he told her. Jenny didn’t want him to do that because her parents were very strict with her.
  The next day she got up very early and went to school without breakfast. When the bell rang, she was waiting in her seat. The door opened and the teacher came in. But it wasn’t Mr Black. It was Miss Green. Mr. Black was ill, so she was taking his class instead. How disappointed Jenny was!
  The next morning Jenny got up even earlier. After a quick breakfast she hurried to school. Just before she got to the school gate, she stopped. There was a wallet lying on the ground.
  She picked it up. "Whose is this?" She wondered.
  As she stood there, she heard the first bell. "What shall I do?" She asked herself. "I’ll turn it in first," she decided. And so she did.
  When she hurried into the classroom, Mr. Black was already beginning his lesson.
  "Jenny White," he said as soon as he saw her. "Didn’t I tell you to be here on time?"
  "I’m sorry, sir," Jenny tried to explain. "I was late because I had to…."
  "I will not to listen to any excuse," Mr. Black stopped her. "If you can’t get here on time, I will have to write to your father."
  "But Mr. Black, that’s…that’s unfair!"
  "Unfair! How dare you say that?" Mr. Black said angrily. "I’ll report you to the headmaster!"
  "I was trying to do a good deed," Jenny thought, "and now…" she couldn’t keep back her tears.
  As soon as the bell rang for the break, the door opened and in came Mr. Smith, the headmaster. He was holding a wallet in his hand. "Excuse me, Mr. Black," he said, "but is this wallet yours?"
  "Why, yes. It is mine." Mr. Black was surprised. "I didn’t know I lost it."
  "One of our girl found it and turn it in just before school started," Mr. Smith said.
  "Oh? Who was it?" Mr. Black asked. "I must thank her."
  "It was Jenny White."
  Mr. Black’s face slowly turned red. He looked at Jenny and said, "I’m very sorry, Jenny. I take back what I said."
  "And I’m sorry, Mr. Black. I’ll try not to be late again," Jenny said.


  This story is about a bright boy in a small village in Europe. He worked in a town far away. Every day he went there by train.
  In those days, trains run very slowly. Few people like taking trains. But this boy didn’t mind because he enjoyed listening to the click, click of the rails.
  One evening after work, the boy was going home on the train. He sat in his seat quietly. He was listening to the click of the rails. Suddenly there was a break in the singing of the rails.
  "Something is wrong," said the boy to himself.
  He stood up. "Stop the train!" He cried.
  "Something is wrong with that boy," someone said.
  One man shouted at the boy, "be quiet, boy!What’s the matter with you?"
  Another man said, "Don’t be foolish, boy!"
  But the boy would not be quiet. "Stop the train! Stop the train! There’s danger ahead!" He cried.
  He went to look for the conductor of the train.
  "Conductor," he said when he found the man. "Please listen to the click of the rails. Something is wrong."
  The conductor listened. Then he said, "You are quite right, boy. We must stop the train."
  The train stopped. The conductor got off and checked the rails
  When he got on the train again, he said to the others, "The boy was right. There’s something wrong with one of the rails about thirty meters ahead. He saved our lives."
  This boy later became a musician. Many people like his music. When you listen to one of his pieces, you can hear click, click, click. It sounds like the singing of rails.



  Tom was very quiet this morning. He said he felt sick. "Oh, ooh! I feel terrible," he said. "Mum, I can’t go to school today." So his mother took him to see the doctor.
  (At the doctor’s)
  Mother: Good morning, Doctor.
  Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. Good morning, Tom. What’s your trouble, young man?
  Tom: I … I’ve got a headache and …(Begins to cough)
  M: Why, Tom, you’re coughing too!
  T: Ooh … I feel terrible!
  D: Have you taken his temperature?
  M: Yes, I have. He hasn’t got a fever.
  D: Tom, open your mouth and say "ahh".
  T: Ahh!
  D( to Tom’s mother): How long has he been like this?
  M: Ever since this morning.
  D: Has he had anything to eat?
  M: He’s had some bread, two eggs, a glass of milk and an orange.
  D: Did you give him any medicine?
  M: No. He hasn’t had any medicine.
  D: Mmm. How are you feeling now, young man?
  T: Very bad, Doctor. In fact, I feel even worse. Ooh! Ooh! I think I’m going to die.
  D: Die! You won’t die, Tom. You’ll be all right soon.
  M: So it’s nothing serious, Doctor?
  D: No. Your son will be all right by supper time. Tom’s trouble is very common to boys these days. It comes and goes very quickly.
  M: But I don’t understand, Doctor.
  D: This afternoon, the biggest football game of the year will be on TV. If your son feels enough to watch TV by then, he’ll be fine after the game. You wait and see.
  M: Oh, I see! Thank you very much, Doctor. Come along, Tom.
  D: Goodbye!


  Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown, a famous singer, to her house. She wanted him to sing for her friends. But she didn’t invite him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat downstairs with the servants.
  The singer was surprised. But he said nothing and went downstairs.
  After the meal he stood up and said to the servants:
  "Now, my good friends, I shall sing for you."
  Of course, the servants were quite pleased. He sang them several songs. There was no piano in the room, but he didn’t mind. When they asked for more, he sung more.
  At nine o’clock the rich woman asked the singer to come up to the sitting-room. When he came in, the guests were all seated and waiting for the concert.
  "We are ready now, Mr. Brown," said the woman, "you may begin."
  "Ready for what?" asked the singer.
  "For your songs, of course." she answered.
  "But I have sung already," said Mr. Brown," and I can’t sing twice in one evening."
  "You have sung already!" said the rich woman in surprise, "But when? And where did you sing?"
  "Just now, downstairs."
  "Impossible!" she cried.
  "But it’s quite true, madam," said the singer. "I sang for the people after I had supper with them, you know."
  And with a polite "Good night", he left the rich woman’s house.

809 West Chang’an Street
Beijing, China
December 21st, 1983

Dear Peter,
I’ve been here in Beijing for half a year now. Beijing is in the north of china, so it’s quite cold in winter. It has just snowed twice here. I’m going to have the first "White Christmas" in my life! It’s hard to believe, isn’t it - so warm in Australia and so cold here?
 Thank you for the wonderful stamp! I’ve collected over three hundred Chinese stamps since I came here. I’m sending some Monkey King stamps to you. I think you will like them.
 Now to answer some of your questions. Yes, I’m learning Chinese. Chinese is quite a difficult language for me. Last time Mum asked for some quilts in a shop. They showed her some cups. Dad and I had a good laugh over that. I’ve learned about five hundred Chinese words. I can even write a little Chinese now. Have you looked at the words on the card? I wrote them myself!
 No, I’m not swimming. Instead, I’m learning to skate on real ice! I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over. But I’m learning fast.
 I’ve travelled to several places in south China with Mum and Dad since we came to China. I’ve seen a lot of interesting things. I’ve made quite a few good friends, too.
 I have to finish this letter now. Ask Uncle John and Aunt Alice to bring you, too, when they come in August. We’ll have a good time together then.


 A young woman in a small German town was going to give a piano concert. Her posters said she was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist.
 This was not true.
 One day the woman learned that Liszt himself was in town. Now people would find out and she would never be able to give a concert again. What should she do?
 Finally she went to see the famous man herself. She told him everything. Her parents were dead and she was alone. She had to make a living. She decided to give piano lessons to rich children. But who would send their children to an unknown young woman? So she told people Franz Liszt was her teacher.
 "I believe you," Liszt said. "You’ve done wrong, but I can see you are truly sorry about it. That’s enough. Now let me hear you play."
 The young woman was shy at first. But then she saw Liszt smiling. It made her feel better. Now she wasn’t afraid any more. She started playing. She put her heart into it and she played wonderfully. Liszt was quite pleased.
 When she finished, she turned to look at Liszt. There was a smile on his face. She could see that he was pleased. Then Liszt gave her some advice. After he finished, he said, "Now you really my pupil. Go ahead with your concert. And you can add a note to the posters. Say that your teacher himself will be there. He will play the last piece."


 When we talk about the universe, we mean not only the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, but also all the things too far away to see.
 In the past fifty years or so, scientists have been able to "see" farther and farther into the sky. They have found many "new" stars. Those stars are not really new. They have been there millions of years.
 Of all the stars the sun is the nearest to the earth. Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. They look small only because they are much farther away. You can’t see them in the daytime. But if you go out at night, you will be able to see thousands of them.
 The earth is one of the sun’s planets, and the moon is our satellite. It is our nearest neighbor in space, and men have visited it already. No man has travelled farther than the moon, but spaceships without people have reached other planets.
 Many countries have sent up man-made satellites to circle the earth. With their help, people have done much research in many fields of science.
 Our country sometimes uses man-made satellites to send and receive TV programmes. This has helped the people of China and other countries to understand each other better.

 Have you ever heard the story about Miss Evans? It is a true story. Maybe many people have read about it.
 One afternoon in April 1912, a new ship set off from England to American on its first trip. It was one of the largest and finest ships at that time and on it were over 2,200 people.
 It was cold, but the trip was pleasant and people were enjoying themselves. The next day was even colder. People could see icebergs here and there.
 It was night. Suddenly the man on watch shouted, "Look out! Iceberg!  Iceberg ahead!"
 It was too late. The ship hit the iceberg and came to a stop. There was a very big hole in the ship and water began to come inside. Slowly the ship started to go down.
 People had to leave the ship. Women and children were the first to get into the lifeboats. Suddenly a woman shouted. "Please make room for me. My children are in that boat. I must go with them! Please!"
 There was no room here, someone shouted back. The children heard their mother and began to cry.
 A young woman was sitting near the poor children. She stood up. Here, she shouted. Take my place! I’m not married and I have no children.
 She got out and the thankful mother joined the children in the lifeboat.
 Soon after that, the ship went down. More than 1,500 people lost their lives. Among those was the young woman.
 Who was she? Her name was Miss Evans and she was going home to Boston. But nobody knew more about her than that.

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