


 智能人做超人 2016-12-06


care about 對... 在乎

come about 發(fā)生(vi)

bring about 引起,使發(fā)生

hear about 聽說

set about doing 著手做

think about 思考

2. 動詞+ at

aim at 目的是

call at 拜訪(地點)

glance at 匆匆一瞥

glare at 怒視

stare at 凝視

3. 動詞+away

blow away 吹走

carry away 拿走,使入迷

clear away 消除掉,消散

give away 背棄,泄漏

pass away 過世

put away收拾起來;存起來

4. 動詞+back

call back 回電話

hold back 控制??;

keep back 隱瞞;忍look back 回顧

5. 動詞+down

break down 壞了;垮了;

bring down 使...降低; burn down 燒毀

calm down 平靜下來

cut down 消減;坎倒

pass down 傳下來

settle down 安家;安靜

take down 記下

tear down 拆毀,拆除

turn down 調(diào)小,拒絕

6. 動詞+for

answer for 對...負(fù)責(zé)

apply for 申請

call for 要求;需要

change...for... 用...來換

charge ...for...收費;要價

care for 關(guān)心;喜歡

hunt for 尋找

hope/ wish for 希望

long for 渴望

pay for 為...付錢

run for 競選

search for 查找

stand for 代表,表示

take... for 誤以為...

7. 動詞+from

date from 始于...(=date back to)

differ from 與...不同

die from 因...而死

hear from 收到某人來信

keep/ prevent/ stop ...from doing阻止

learn from 向...學(xué)習(xí)

result from 由于

separate... from 把...分

suffer from 受...苦

8. 動詞+in

break in 強行進入;

bring in 引進;賺得

call in 召集;來訪

cut in 插入

drop in 拜訪

fill in 填寫

get in 進入;收獲

hand in 上交

join in 參加(活動)

look in 來訪,參觀

persist in 堅持

result in 導(dǎo)致

succeed in 成功

take in 吸收;理解;

9. 動詞+into

burst into 闖入;迸發(fā)

change ....into把...變成...

divide... into...把...分成...

look into 研究;調(diào)查

put/ translate...into...翻譯

run into 碰到

turn into 變成

10. 動詞+of

approve of 贊成

complaim of 抱怨

consist of 組成

die of 死于

dream of 夢到

hear of 聽說

rob sb. of 搶劫某人某物

11. 動詞+off

cut off 切斷;斷絕

fall off 跌落,掉下

get off 脫下;下車

give off 散發(fā)出

go off 走開,消失,壞掉

pay off 還清

put off 延期,推遲

see off 送行

set off 出發(fā),上路

show off 炫耀

12. 動詞+on

carry on 繼續(xù),進行

call on 拜訪

call on sb to do 號召某人

congratulation to sb on sth depend on 依靠

feed on 以...為生

insist on 堅持

have on 穿著

keep on doing 繼續(xù)

look on 旁觀

live on 以...為生

operate on 給...做手術(shù)

pass on 傳受,傳遞

rely on 依靠

spend... on sth/ in doing 在某方面花錢;

try on 試穿

work on 從事

13. 動詞+out

break out 爆發(fā)

bring out 闡明

burst out 迸發(fā)

carry out 執(zhí)行

drop out 輟學(xué);退出

figure out 算出

go out 熄滅

hand out 散發(fā)

help out 救助

hold out 伸出;堅持

leave out 省略,刪掉

let out 泄漏,發(fā)出(聲音)

look out 小心

make out 理解,看清楚

pick out 選出

put out 撲滅

run out 被用完

run out of 把...用完

set out 出發(fā);開始做 to do

try out 使用,試驗

turn out 結(jié)果是;生產(chǎn)

work out 算出;制定;

14. 動詞+over

get over 克服;恢復(fù)

go over 復(fù)習(xí);審查,研究

look over 翻閱;檢查

think over 仔細考慮

turn over 翻倒;細想

15. 動詞+to

add to 增添...

agree to 同意

attend to 照料

belong to 屬于

come to 共計;蘇醒

compare ...to...與...相比

devote to 致力于

happen to 發(fā)生

lead to 導(dǎo)致

object to 反對

refer to 談到;涉及到; reply to 答復(fù)

see to 處理,照料

stick/ hold/ keep to 堅持

supply... to 為 ..提供

turn to 查閱;向...求助

write to 給某人寫信

16. 動詞+up

break up 分解,解散

bring up 撫養(yǎng)

build up 建立

clear up 整理,收拾;放晴

come up 上來;出現(xiàn)

cut up 切碎

eat up 吃完

fix up 修理;安排,裝置

grow up 成長

hurry up 趕快

keep up 保持

hold up 耽擱,使停頓

look up 查找,找出

pick up 拾起;學(xué)會; put up 搭起;住宿;張貼

ring up 打電話

send up 發(fā)射

set up 架起;建立

sit up 熬夜

speed up 加速

stay up 熬夜

take up 開始做;從事;繼續(xù);占據(jù)

tear up 撕碎

throw up 吐

turn up 調(diào)大;出席,出現(xiàn)

use up    用完

17. 動詞+with

agree with     同意

begin with  以...開始

combine with   結(jié)合

compare...with...  對比

cover with     覆蓋

deal with     處理

do with     處理

equip ...with...   裝備

provide sb with sth 提供provide sth for sb

meet with  遇到,遭受

share with     分享

supply sb with sth  提供supply sth to sb

talk with 和某人談話

18. 動詞+through

get through   通過;完成;接通電話

go through  審查,檢查

live through  經(jīng)歷

look through  翻閱,仔細察看

pull through  渡過危機


devote oneself to 致力于

do harm to 對...有危害

feel/ have/ take pity for同情

fix one's eyes on凝視

form the habit of養(yǎng)成習(xí)慣

get in touch of聯(lián)系上

get rid of 去除

have trust in相信

have (no)difficulty in

have a word with同某人談

have words with和某人吵

have effect on 對...有影響

help oneself to 自便

keep in touch with保持聯(lián)系

make friends with交朋友

make fun of 取笑

make good/ full use of利用

make (the) best use of充分利用

make an apology to道歉

make one's way to走向

make preparations for為.. 做準(zhǔn)備

make room for為...留地方

pay a visit to訪問

pay attention to注意

put one's heart to 全神貫注于

set fire to=set sth on fire

show respect for尊敬

say hello/ goodbye to

set an example to 樹立榜樣

shake hands with握手

take charge of  負(fù)責(zé)管理

take the side of 支持

take pride in 因...而自豪

take part in參加

take a message for捎個口信


add up to總計為

break away from脫離,掙脫

be up to應(yīng)由...輪到...

drop in on/ at 拜訪人/地

fit in with 適合,符合

get into the habit of 養(yǎng)成習(xí)慣

keep away from 遠離

live up to不辜負(fù)

look back upon 回顧

look up to 尊敬

look down upon 輕視

think highly of 高度評價

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