


 昵稱66423294 2019-09-22


1.stranger n. 陌生人(可數名詞)

strange adj. 陌生的,奇怪的

2. go to sp. for a vacation = go for a vacation in sp.去某地度假

go on a vacation 在度假

3. relative n. 親屬,親戚(可數名詞) 4. eat out 在外吃飯

5. like…very much. 非常喜歡…

like….best .最喜歡…

6. put on 增加(體重),發(fā)胖;穿上;上演,舉辦

put on five pounds 體重增加5英磅

7. eat five meals a day 一天吃五頓飯eat-ate-eaten

8. begoing to do 打算做某事,將要做某事

in twoweeks 兩周后(提問用how soon)

9. soundlike 聽起來像

10. thehottest month of the year 一年中最熱的一個月

hot-hotter- hottest

11.true-truly-truth to tell the truth

from…to… 從…到…

12. Iwonder if/ whether +句子



否定回答:I’m sorry, but…

I’mafraid not.

You’better not.

13. besimilar to 與…相似

take after

14.throw water at eachother/one another 互相潑水

throw…at…向…扔 throw…to…扔給… throw away 扔掉


15. atime for doing sth. 一個做某事的

16.washaway bad things 沖走不好的東西

17. havegood luck 有好運


18. inthe new year 在新的一年里

19. 現在完成進行時have/has been +動詞現在分詞表示動作在迄今為止的一段時間內曾經延續(xù)進行或目前仍在繼續(xù)并有可能一直繼續(xù)下去,強調動作持續(xù)進行的狀態(tài)。

20.enjoy/share the mooncakes 品月餅

22. forcenturies = since centuries ago 數世紀以來

for 與一段時間連用,常用于現在完成(進行)時,與延續(xù)性動詞連用,提問用

How long

23. Inthe shape of 以…的形狀

24.traditional 傳統(tǒng)的tradition傳統(tǒng)

the tradition of …的傳統(tǒng)

traditional folk stories 傳統(tǒng)民間故事

25.However 然而,用逗號隔開

26.touching 動人的,感人的,令人同情的=moving

more touching the most touching

27. Shoot down 射下,擊落shoot-shot-shot

28.give sb sth=givesth to sb 給某人某物give-gave-given


30.Plan to do sth 打算做某事plan-planned-planning

31.steal-stole-stolen 32.Refuseto do sth 拒絕做某事

33. Flyup to the moon 飛上月球


34. Callout one’s name 大聲呼喊某人的名字

35.Lay out 擺開,布置lay-laid-laid-laying

36. Wishsb sth

wish that

wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

hope to do sth

37.admire the moon 賞月

admire sb/sth

admire sb for(doing)sth因(做)某事佩服某人

38. 感嘆句

How + 形容詞+主語+謂語

What + 名詞+主語+謂語

39. agood time to do sth 一個做某事的好時機

40. therebe 有


②將來時there will be / there is /are going to be

42.one, the other 一個,另一個 43.Commongifts/presents 常見禮物

44.become more and more popular變得越來越流行

thinner and thinner 越來越瘦


45. don’thave to = needn’t不必要(must的否定)

46.Whatdo you think of/about……?=how doyou like..? 你認為…怎么樣?

47.makesb. do sth. 使某人做某事

48.look 系動詞+形容詞look scary 看起來嚇人的

49.turnoff the lights 關燈 反:turnon 打開

50.lightcandles 點蠟燭light (動詞)點燃點亮

51.thingslike spiders and ghosts像蜘蛛和鬼魂一樣的東西

52.dressup as… 裝扮成

53.askfor …請求,要求 ask sb. for sth. 向某人尋求某物

54.treat n. 請客,款待 give sb. a treat 招待某人

v. 招待,請客 treat sb. to sth. 請某人吃…

55.meanv. 意味著 adj. 吝嗇的 meaning n. 意義,含義

themeaning of …的意義

56.paly atrick on sb. 捉弄某人,對…惡作劇

57.Whatdo you like most/best about…? 關于…你最喜歡什么?

58. It’sfun to do sth. 做某事很有趣 59. thinkof 想起,認為,考慮

60. thespirit of Christmas 圣誕精神

spirit①精神team spirit 團隊精神

②幽靈,鬼魂,精靈 holy spirit=holy ghost 圣靈


61.lie ①存在,平躺,處于lie-lay-lain-lying lie down 躺下


③謊言tell a white lie

lay 放置,布置,產卵,下蛋 lay-laid-laid-laying

lay out 擺開,布置lay eggs 下蛋

62. thetrue meaning of …的真諦

the importance of …的重要性

the importance of sharing and giving loveand joy 分享給予愛和歡樂的重要性

important 重要的

63. a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens

famous=well=known 著名的,出名的 befamous for 因…而出名

be famous as 作為…而出名 written by 由誰所著

64.named=called 被稱為 65. mean 吝嗇的,刻薄的

66. Only think about oneself 只考慮某人自己

67. Careabout 關心 68. Make money 掙錢make friends 交朋友

69.dead the deadrelatives 死去的親人

death 死亡(名詞) becauseof his death 由于他的死亡

die 死去(動詞)die-died-died-dying

die of(內因)die of cancer 死于癌癥

die from(外因)die from car accident 死于車禍

70.hate/dislike/like/love to do hate/dislike/like/love doing

71.business partner 商業(yè)伙伴businessm商人on business 出差

72.usedto do sth 過去,曾經 73. belike 像 like 喜歡

74.punish懲罰(動)punishment (名)

75. warnsb to do sth 警告,告誡某人做某事

warn sb not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事

76. endup 最終成為,最后處于 77.takesb back to 帶某人回到…

78.remind sb of sth 使某人想起…提醒某人某事

remind me of my childhood 使我想起我的童年

79. scared 恐懼的,害怕的 scary 可怕的,嚇人的

80. wakeup 醒來wake-woke-woken wake sb up 使某人醒來

81. findout 查明,弄清楚

82.decide to do sth = make a decision to do sth 決定做某事

83.promise to do sth 承諾做某事make a promise 做出承諾

keep one’s promise遵守承諾

84.people in need 處于困境,需要幫助的人

85.spread love and joy 播撒愛與歡樂

86.anEnglish-speaking pen pal一個說英語的筆友

87.between…and…在…和…之間(兩者)among 三者及三者以上之間

88.thebeginning of… …的開始 at the beginning of… 在…的開始

反:atthe end of… 在…的末尾,在…盡頭

89. life 生命(可數)復數lives 生活(不可數)

live (動詞)居住,生活

90 givebirth to… 生孩子,生育 91.. a symbol of… …的象征

92.notonly…but (also)… 不但…而且

① not only 句首部分倒裝 ②就近原則

93. different(adj.) 不同的 be different from… 與什么不同

difference (n.) 區(qū)別,不同點

make a big difference to(介詞)產生…影響,有什么效果

94. giveout=hand out 分發(fā)

95.spread…around 分散,擴散,傳播


1.Chinese peoplehave been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes forcenturies.

結構:have/hasbeen + 現在分詞



for centuries: 數世紀以來for與一段時間連用對比since

2. He now treatseveryone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere hegoes.

3. Not only do people…but they also….

4. 感嘆句:What a great day !

How kind the girl is!

5. Bill wonders whether they will havezongzi again next year.

He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.

I’m not sure whether the train will arrive on time.

6. However, mostpeople think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching.

7. Whoever drankthis could live forever, and Hou Yi planted to drink it with Chang’e.

8. Hou Yi was so sadthat he called out her names to the moon every night.

Call out one’s name 大聲呼喊sb

I called out her name but she turned a deaf ear to my calling.

9.After this, peoplestarted the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with theirfamilies.

10. Actually, we don’t have to spend a lotof money.

辨析spend pay cost take

11.Many people make their houses lookscary.

12.Trick or treat”means kids will play a trick on you if you don’t give them a treat.

play a trick on---捉弄

13.But behind allthese things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance ofsharing and giving love and joy to people around us.【】

14. One ChristmasEve, Scrooge sees the gost of Jacob, his dead business partner.

dead: no longer alive adi

區(qū)別die dying death

15. He warns Scroogeto change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him.

Warnsb ( not) to do sth

Warnsb about sth

Warnsb of/against (doing )sth 告誡sb當心/提防做某事


1. 賓語從句


由連接詞+ 主語+ 謂語 構成


that 引導表示陳述意義that可省略

He says (that) he is at home. 他說他在家里。

if , whether 引導表示一般疑問意義(帶有是否、已否、對否等)

I don’t knowif / whetherWei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韋華是否喜歡魚。

連接代詞、連接副詞(疑問詞) 引導表示特殊疑問意義

Do you know whathe wants to buy? 你知道他想要買什么嗎?





He said(that) he wasat home. 他說他在家里。

I didn’t knowthat she was singingnow. 我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wanted toknow if I had finishedmhomework.


Didyou know when he would beback? 你知道他將會什么時候回來?

2. 感嘆句


感嘆句通常由what 或how 引導?,F分述如下:

一、由what 引導的感嘆句,其句子結構可分為以下三種:

1. 可用句型:“ What + a/an +形容詞+可數名詞單數(+主語+謂語+ 其他)!”。如:

What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的禮物?。?/p>

What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的書??!

2. 可用句型:“ What +形容詞+可數名詞復數(+主語+謂語+ 其他)!”。如:

What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!

What good children they are! 他們是多么好的孩子?。?/p>

3. 可用句型:“ What +形容詞+不可數名詞(+主語+謂語+ 其他)!”。如:

What fine weather it is today! 今天天氣多好??!

What important news it is! 多重要的新聞啊!

二、由how 引導的感嘆句,其句子結構也分為三種:

1. 可用句型:“ How +形容詞/ 副詞(+主語+謂語+ 其他)!”。如:

How careful she is! 她多么細心?。ow fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!

2. 可用句型:“ How +形容詞+a/an +可數名詞單數(+主語+謂語)!”。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! 她是個多么漂亮的姑娘啊!

3. 可用句型:“ How +主語+謂語!。如:

How time flies! 光陰似箭!

由what 引導的感嘆句與由how 引導的感嘆句有時可以轉換,但句中部分單詞的順序要有所變化。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! =What a beautiful girl she is!

What delicious cakes these are! =How delicious these cakes are!


第一課時Section A(1a ~ 2d


a. 句式包:

1. Bill thinks that the races were not thatinteresting to watch.


句中兩個that 的意義及所表達的功能都不同。第一個that 是連接詞,引導的陳述句作賓語從句,本身沒有任何意義。第二個that 是副詞,修飾形容詞interesting意為“如此,那么”。


I know that he won’t come tomorrow.我知道他明天不會回來的。

The weather isn’t that hot.天氣沒那么熱。

【橫向輻射】that,if whether 引導的賓語從句。



【例句】Weknow Mr. Green teaches English.


(一) 引導詞

1. 由從屬連詞that引導的賓語從句,that 在句中無詞匯意義,在從句中不能充當成分,在口語當中往往省略e.g.Ihear (that) you passed the exam.

2.由從屬連詞whether, if 引導的賓語從句, if/ whether “是否”,說明對陳述的事物不明確或不清楚。常用在ask, wonder, can(could) you tell me 等后。eg. I want to know whether/if he is right.




【例句】I want toknow what time he got up this morning.


【例句】Kate saidthere was a box under the desk.


【例句】He told me the earth moves around the sun.


【例句】Jack toldme he had returned the book two days ago.【來源:】


1. -Have you ever seen the movie 2012?

-Yes, butI don’tbelieve______ the year 2012 will see the end of the world.

A. that B. what C. how D. if


2. —What about going to the South Lake for a picnic next weekend?

—OK. But I’m not sure________ itwill rain.

A. why B. where C.when D. whether


2.I wonder if it’ssimilar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.


If作是否講,此句引導的賓語從句表示疑問,懷疑的意義,意為“是否”。此處也可用whether 表示。


The teacher wantsto know if he has finished his homework.. 老師想知道他是否已完成了作業(yè)。

The girl doesn’t know if the boy trulyloves her.這個女孩不知道男孩他是否真的愛她。



【例句】I’mthinking of whether we should go fishing.我正在考慮我們是否去釣魚。


【例句】They askedme whether to go skating.他們問我是否去滑冰。

3.當與or not連用,或提出兩種選擇時:

【例句】I don’tknow whether he’s free or not.我不知道他是否有空。


【例句】Whetherthis is true or not, I can’t say.這是真是假,我不能說。


Tony wonders _____ or not he can go outwith friends.

A.that B.if C.whether D. how

【解析】此句考查的是賓語從句。由于句中出現了表選擇的or not故只能用whether,故應選C。

第二課時Section A3a~ 3c


a. 詞匯包:

steal v. 偷,竊?。?/p>


The boy stole a watch from the shop justnow.


【橫向輻射】steal 的其他用法

1. steal 和rob。

steal 指偷竊,【例句】:My car was stolen on Friday evening我的汽車周五晚上被偷走了。

注意不能說stealsomeone, 只能說stealsomething.

rob 指搶劫某人或某地,【例句】:They planned to rob an old man 他們打算去搶一位老人。

2.steal 也可作單數名詞意為“很便宜的東西”;

【例句】At only£3.50, this champagne is a steal. 這瓶香檳酒只賣3.50英鎊,太便宜了。


They found nothing _____ but a mess in theroom.

A. stolen B. was stolen C. to steal D. was robbed


2. lay過去式:laid 過去分詞:laid 現在分詞:laying 第三人稱單數:lays

vt. 放置;鋪放;涂,敷;產卵


The father always laid the table. 每次都是父親把餐具擺好。



【例句】They laidhim on the floor 他們把他放在地上。

2. lie則為不及物動詞,其過去式為lay,過去分詞為lain:【例句】I lay on the floor with my legsin the air【】



When we got home, the food had ______on thetable.

A. been lay B. laid C.been laid D.been lain


b. 句式包:

1. Chinese peoplehave been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying moon cakes forcenturies. 中國人慶祝中秋節(jié)并品嘗月餅的習俗已有好幾個百年的歷史了。

Havebeen celebrating是過去完成進行時結構,表示從過去某時開始一直延續(xù)到現在的動作。


Linda has been learning painting since she wasyoung.琳達從很小時,就一直在學繪畫。


The workers______(mend) this machine forover two hours. but it still doesn’t work.

【解析】由句意可知工人已經連續(xù)修理這臺機器兩個多小時了. 表示從過去某時開始一直延續(xù)到現在的動作,用現在完成進行時,故填have been mending.

2. He found thatthe moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.他發(fā)現月亮又圓又亮以致他能看到他的妻子.



so+形容詞/副詞+that 結果狀語從句。意為“如此…以致…”。


Lin Shuhao is ______famous______ all the basketball fans in China know him.

A. too, to B. enough, to C. so, that D.as, as


第三課時SectionAGrammar focus ~ 4c


a. 句式包:

1. What fun the Water Festival is! 潑水節(jié)是多么的有趣!此句是由what 引導的感嘆句。


What a moving story it is! 真是個動人的故事。

【橫向輻射】what 與how引導的感嘆句

  (一)、由'what'引導的感嘆句:what引導的感嘆句是用來強調修飾名詞的; 常用的句型有:  1.What + a / an +adj.+可數名詞單數+主語+謂語+其他成分!  【例句】What a strong boy he is! 他真是個強健的男孩!  What an honest girl Mary is!瑪麗真是個誠實的女孩!  2.What +adj.+可數名詞復數/不可數名詞+主語+謂語+其他成分!【例句】:  What brave soldiers they are! 多么勇敢的戰(zhàn)士!  What fine weather it is today! 今天天氣真好!  (二)、由'how'引導的感嘆句:how引導的感嘆句是用來強調修飾形容詞或副詞的; 常用的句型有:  1.How + adj.+ a / an +名詞+主語+謂語+其他成分!  【例句】: How exciting a football match it is! 多么令人興奮的比賽!  2.How + adj./adv.+ 主語+謂語+其他成分!  【例句】:  How tall Yao Ming is! 姚明真高呀!  How fast the dragonfly flies! 蜻蜓飛地好快呀!


  1. —______beautiful skirt ! —Thank you .  What B. What a C. How D. How a  【解析】考查感嘆句。skirt為可數名詞,以how和what引導感嘆句結構有What(+a/an)+adj.+n.(+主+謂)!;How+adj./adv.+主+謂?。籋ow+adj.+a/an+n..+主+謂!或How+主+謂!  故選B答案?! ?._________nice the ice cream looks! I can’t wait to taste it.  A. How a B. How C. What a D. What  【解析】考查感嘆句的用法。。感嘆句的結構為:What a an+adj. + 名詞+主語+謂語?。籛hat +不可數名詞或者可數名詞的復數形式+ 主語+謂語+其他!How+adj. +主語+謂語!根據句意“這個冰激凌看起來多好呀!”可知修飾nice,使用how,故選B。

第四課時Section B1a~ 1d


a. 詞匯包:

1. treat款待,招待

(1) wt作及物動詞,常見用法有:

1. 對待;看待,把...看作

Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把這件嚴肅的事情當作笑料。

She treated me all right. 她對我還不錯。

2. 處理;為...涂上保護層

This substance must be treated with acid. 這材料得用酸來處理。

3. 探討;論述

The book treats some political problems. 該書論述某些政治問題。

4. 醫(yī)療,治療[(+for)]

The doctors were not able to treat thisdisease. 醫(yī)生治不了這種病。

5. 款待,請(客)[(+to)] We'll treat you to dinner.我們請你吃飯。


1. 探討;論述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems. 這本書探討經濟問題。

2. 談判,協(xié)商[(+for/with)]

3. 請客I'll treat today. 今天我作東請客。


1. 請客It's my treat. 我請客。

2. 難得的樂事

It's a great treat for them to go to thetheater. 他們去看戲真是樂事。

For desert we hadfresh strawberries -- a real treat. 飯后甜點我們吃鮮草莓- 真是難得的享受。


You shouldn’t always treat me as a child.你們不應總是把我當小孩樣對待。


  --What do you think of the new teacher?  ---I like him because he ____us ____friends.  A. look, at B. treat, as C. have, on D. see, as  【解析】由句意可知,老師象對待朋友一樣待我們。treat sb as..意為“把…當作(對待)。故選B。







第五課時Section B2a~ 2e



1.dead adj. 死的



The old man has been dead for three years.這位老人已經去世三年了?!尽?/p>

【橫向輻射】die,dead, dying

  1.die  強調的是“死”的動作,是個短暫性動詞,強調“死”的一瞬間動作,不能和時間段連用?!  纠洹俊 e died in an accident. 他遇難身死。  Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.  每年冬天都有些老人死于體溫過低?! ?.dead  強調的是“死”的狀態(tài),意為“死的、無生命的”,是形容詞,作表語或定語。如果表達“死了多長時間”,則用“have been dead+ for+時間段”或“died+時間段+ago”?!  纠洹俊 e has been dead for two years. (=He died two years ago.) 他死了兩年了。  These flowers are dead. 這些花枯死了?! ?.dying  它是die的現在分詞,也可用形容詞,表示“垂死”、“要死”的意思,常用作定語或表語?!  纠洹俊 e is afraid he is dying. 他擔心他要死了?! he doctor tried to save the dying boy. 醫(yī)生努力搶救這個垂危的孩子。


  Her grandfather ____ for three years.  A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. was dead  【解析】die是短暫性動詞,若用在現在完成時中和時間段搭配,則要改為be dead結構。由句中的for three years 可知要艇has been dead,而不能用has die。故選C。

warn 動詞,“警告,告誡”,強調及時發(fā)現正在來臨


①warn sb.of/about sth意思是“針對…而警告某人”;

They warned the passengers of thieves.他警告路人小心竊賊

②warn sb(not) to do sth意思是“告戒某人(不)要做某事”;

He was warned not to go out in the latenight. 他受到警告不要在深夜出去

③warn sb. +that從句意思是“警告某人說……”。

I warn you thatyou will fail in the coming exams if you are still so lazy.我警告你:如果你還這么懶在即將來到的考試中你會不及格的。


The police man warned the driver not topark his car under the tree.



  I hear there is a crocodile in the river. The children have been warned_____ it.  A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam   【解析】由句意可知,孩子們被警告不要在此游泳,warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事故選B。

b. 句式包:

Behind all thesethings lies the true meaning of Christmas.所有這些東西的背后蘊藏著圣誕節(jié)的真正含義。

這是一個倒裝句,真正的主語是thetrue meaning of Christmas.當句首為表示地點的介詞詞組時主謂必須倒裝。如:

Under the table was lying a drunk youngman.在桌子下躺著一個喝醉的年輕人。

I In front of the group __________(是兩個手舉鮮花的女孩)

【解析】這個句子是由介詞短語開頭的倒裝句,因此,主謂要倒裝。故答案為:were two girls with flowers.



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