大家好,今天繼續(xù)來講課,今天繼續(xù)給大家答疑。 Good morning everyone. I will continue to address your questions today. 首先今天著重來跟大家再講心肺功的答疑。為什么我們要一而再再而三的來講這個心肺功呢?大家一定要有一個理念,你現(xiàn)在是在跟著中國的傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)學(xué)、中醫(yī)的思想來治病預(yù)防。 I will focus on the questions in relation to pulmonary functions. You have to bear in mind that the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is prevention. 中醫(yī)的思想里面,上醫(yī)是用移精變氣,移天地的精華來治療自己,就是現(xiàn)代人所講的氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù)。這個是最上乘的、最直接的、最好的,沒有任何副作用的。 The best treatment approach according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine is to influence the qi by mastering the elements of nature, or treat oneself with the essence of heaven and earth. This is what we call qigong, an exercise of deep breath that facilitates the flow of the qi in one’s body. This represents the optimum method which comes with no side effects. 中等的是根據(jù)你的飲食來調(diào)理。很多人認為飲食不是藥,錯了!根據(jù)你身體的體質(zhì),判斷好以后,給你制定一個食譜,吃什么,幾點鐘吃什么喝什么,你的病就能夠好。在中國的思想里面,只要能夠治好你病的,它就是藥。 what comes next is the treatment by diet. People tend to think that food is different from medicine. But it is not true. If you are able to follow a certain diet routine which is made based on your health condition, you will recover from illnesses. Therefore, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, food can be of medical use as long as it treats your illness. 最下乘的才是草藥湯劑、針灸。你沒有病,去吃草藥,草藥是毒。是藥三分毒,大家都聽過這句話,中國人都聽過。你有病去吃這個藥,它才是真正的藥。 What comes last the herbal soup or acupuncture. Herbal soup could be hazardous if you take it without having any illnesses. Any medicine could be bad for your health, This is an old saying well known among Chinese folks, which means you only take medicine when you are ill. 你沒有病來預(yù)防,或者你沒有藥要自救,生了病要自救,靠什么?靠移精變氣,靠氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù)。這個是祖先傳給我們的經(jīng)驗,我們一定要珍惜。 What if you have no medicine to take when you fall ill? What can you do to save yourself? You could do so by mastering the elements of nature, or conjuring the qi. Those exercises are a part of legacies by our ancestors. 中國社會五千年,有很多的瘟疫,有很多超過醫(yī)學(xué)的瘟疫。我們是怎么去戰(zhàn)勝它的?移精變氣,并不是都用草藥,有很多都是用移精變氣,這個在歷史上都是有記載的。 In its five thousand years of history, China has been through outbreaks of pandemics. How did our ancestors make it through? History shows that they used the technique of mastering the elements of nature rather than relying on herbal soup. 氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù),我們?yōu)槭裁匆袣夤?dǎo)引術(shù)?我們叫練功,而不叫鍛煉,不叫做操呢?因為我們運動的是臟腑。中國的先賢把人體搞得非常的明白,你的肌肉再發(fā)達也難逃一死,難以避免衰老,難以避免死亡。 Exercise of the qi is more than simple physical exercises because we exercise our internal organs. Our ancestors found out that aging and death are inevitable regardless of your muscle strength. 中國的高道、道士很多都是超過百歲,有很多,我自己的師爺就百歲以上。包括我跟大家講過,我自己的太婆也是超過一百歲的。能夠超過百歲的都是用的移精變氣。你信仰神明,你禱告,獲得神力幫助你,這種神力幫助你是什么?也是移精變氣。 Quite a lot of Taoism priests in China have lived beyond 100 years old. I personally know a couple of them. You have to know how to master elements of nature to live beyond 100 years old. For example, if you believe in a god and pray, you can be helped by the power of the god, which is the ability to master the elements of nature. 我們中國人最注重的是鍛煉自己的臟腑,我的肌肉可以不去練,但我的臟腑一定要年輕。我的臟腑年輕,我的表皮不年輕,我的身體跟年輕人還是一樣的,完全是可以達到的。 We Chinese tend to exercise our internal organs to keep them young and energetic. Even if I don’t look young any more, my body could still be fit as a fiddle. 這個心肺功到目前為止已經(jīng)救了好多個在歐洲確診新冠肺炎,但是被醫(yī)院的醫(yī)生送回家在家隔離,這樣的患者已經(jīng)救了好幾個了。同時有很多人練了以后有非常好的反應(yīng),也有很多的問題。所以我這里再仔細給大家講。 This exercise of heart and lungs has saved many patients who tested positive to COVID-19 in Europe. They were asked to stay home in self-isolation and could do nothing about it. Having done the exercise, they feel much better. However, they raise some questions while practising. I’d like to address those questions hereby. 我發(fā)的這個視頻大家仔細看。第一步是什么?雙手合十。像視頻里面師父在雙手合十,很多人在問,你師父在做什么? If you watch closely the video clip, you would find the first step is to put your hands together. Many people would ask what is he doing in this video. 是這樣的,練功你先要調(diào)整你的精神跟意識,首先你全身都要放松下來,不要想這想那,想自己身體有病,想家人怎么辦,你所有的顧慮擔憂全部扔掉。你練功的時候,人一定要放松,你就當這一刻你已經(jīng)死了,你就當自己已經(jīng)死了,世間已經(jīng)跟你沒有關(guān)系了。一定要都扔掉,你人才能放松。你要用你的意識去告訴自己,我要放松。你可以引導(dǎo)叫自己的名字,張三,頭部放松、肩部放松、手放松、腹部放松、腰放松、腿放松。這第一步是放松。 Well, before you start the exercise, you should have the right state of mind. You need to loosen up your body and rid yourself of bad thoughts such as worries about your health and your family. When you start the exercise, try to relax. You could assume that you are already dead and have no attachment to this earthly world. You have to let go of your worries and burden to relax. You should tell yourself to relax in you mind. For example, you could say to yourself, zhang, just loosen up your scalp, shoulder, hand, abdomen, lower back, and legs. 第二步是要感恩。中國道家思想認為萬物有靈,太陽、樹木、花草、河水,甚至是空氣,它們都有自己的精神意識。我感謝太陽、感謝花草、樹木、河流的恩賜使我能夠活著。如果太陽不發(fā)光,萬物都會凋零。如果地球上沒有樹木、沒有水,我們都無法存活。 The second step is to have a thankful mind. Taoism believes everything has a spirit; everything including the sun, trees, flowers, rivers, even the air has its own consciousness. I should be thankful for the bestowments of the sun, trees, flowers and rivers—it is what keeps me alive. If the sun stops giving out light, all things will wither. In the same vein, if there are no trees or water on earth, none of us will survive. 感謝萬物,這個發(fā)出的心態(tài),也是要告訴你一個真正的真相,沒有人是有義務(wù)要照顧你的,也沒有任何一個客觀存在的事物是應(yīng)該要給予你幫助。太陽、空氣、河流、樹木都不是應(yīng)該要幫助你,你一定要感謝它們的付出,你才能活著,你要感謝。 You should have a thankful mind. It helps to reveal a truth--you are on your own in this world and nobody is obliged to take care of you. You should not take it for granted that things are there in your favor. You should be thankful that you receive the bestowments of the sun, the air, rivers and trees. You should be thankful that they keep you alive. 當你內(nèi)心對萬物發(fā)出這種感謝的時候,萬物的花草、樹木、河流、太陽、云朵、風,甚至空氣,它們都會給予你一種能量,這個是西方的思想里面沒有的,只有我們東方有這個思想。所以一開始合掌就是在感謝萬物,然后祈求天地萬物給予我能量,我們祈求天地萬物給予我?guī)椭?/p> When you have this thankful mind, everything including the sun, trees, rivers and the air will give you power and strength. This is something unique in our eastern philosophy. Therefore, putting your hands together is firstly to thank all the things in this world for their bestowment and secondly to pray to heaven and earth to give us power and strength. 第二步做完以后,我們開始練功。兩只手展開,人往后仰,用你的腰力往后仰,舌舔上顎吸氣。同時這個時候注意你的膝蓋,你這時候膝蓋是繃直的。然后人整個人向后仰,仰到你的極限。同時你整個人你吸氣,如果有太陽,你就要想你整個肺被太陽的金光所充滿。如果太陽沒有出來,你可以想象金色的光充滿你的肺部。你一定要吸到你感覺整個肺部通通都膨脹了起來,你全部吸滿了以后,一定要閉住呼吸,閉住呼吸停頓兩到三秒。 When you finish the second step, we can start the exercise. Spread your arms and lean backward. Use the strength from your lower back. Put your tongue against your upper palate and inhale. At the same time, you have to make sure your knees are uptight. Try to lean backward as much as you can. Inhale. Imagine your lungs are bathed in the sunlight. Inhale until your lungs are inflated with air. Then hold your breath for 2 to 3 seconds. 然后你再使勁用你的腰力向下甩,腰力向下甩,你用力去呼。同時注意你的膝蓋是要由繃直的狀態(tài),向下甩的時候要變成蹲。 Then you exhale hard and swing your arms forward,using strength in your waist. Make sure your knees are straight, and bend your knees while swinging your arms. 我這個視頻大家一定要反復(fù)看,你才能夠找到那個節(jié)奏,找到這個要領(lǐng)。有很多人跟我反應(yīng),他們做這個動作的時候,他沒有辦法下彎的時候彎,就身體不協(xié)調(diào)。我說這很正常,這是非常正常的,不練功的人,剛開始練的時候身體就是不協(xié)調(diào)的。 Watch the video a number of times so that you’ll get the hang of it. Many have approached me, saying they cannot bend their knees without distorting their body. And my reply to this is “it’s perfectly normal as your body isn’t coordinated when you just start practicing.” 我之前和大家再有講,你先蹲,你先腿微屈蹲著來做這個動作。我們把它分解了,你先這樣子做。然后慢慢的你一定要適應(yīng),適應(yīng)了以后,你就吸氣的時候腿是繃直的,向后仰,彎到極致。然后一呼氣的時候,哼!一定要有這爆發(fā)力。是用你的腰力向下甩,用你的腰力向下甩的時候,你的膝蓋會自然地去彎曲,會蹲下去的。同時你的腰力向下甩的時候會帶動你的肩周向下甩,不是用你手的力量,而是用你的腰的力量為主,去帶動你的肩周向下甩,然后手臂就自然向下。如果用你手的力量的話,只鍛煉你的手,你的肩都是死的,鍛煉不了肩周。這很重要。 Bend your knees at the beginning of this practice, as I stated previously. Gradually as you grow to get comfortable with the movement, inhale with straight knees. Bend backwards to as much as you can. And exhale hard with a loud “hmmm”. Your knees are naturally bent when you swing your arms with force in your lower back. Your shoulders also swing with that force. Practicing your arms only doesn’t necessarily build up strength in your shoulders. This is key. 在臟腑運動來講,你在向后仰不斷吸氣的時候,就是不斷地在讓你的肺里面的肺泡去運動起來,讓你的心臟猛烈地接受大量的氧氣供氧,你的心臟也會運動起來。你在向后仰的時候會擠壓你的兩個腎臟,你的腎臟就也會運動起來。當你后面練得久的時候,你會感覺你的腎臟也會在呼吸。當你往下爆呼,人下蹲俯身的時候會擠壓你的肝臟、胃、脾和腸。 When you lean backwards and keep inhaling, you actually are moving your alveoli and your heart, as the heart receives a great deal of oxygen. Leaning backwards squeezes your kidneys, which moves the kidneys also. After practicing for a while, you’ll feel the kidneys breathing. Bending down while exhaling hard squeezes your liver, your stomach, spleen and intestines. 所以這心肺功爆呼爆吸,其實是你五臟六腑全部的臟腑一起動起來,是臟腑在運動。把你身體里的病氣、邪氣全部給呼出去。爆呼爆吸,吸與呼,你的嘴都是閉著的,而且舌頭一定要舔上顎,是舌舔上顎,就是輕輕地舔在上面。舔在哪里呀?就是你人中的后面。 Excessive inhaling and exhaling, in its essence, moves your internal organs. By doing so, pathogen factors and ill Qi are exhaled. You inhale and exhale with your mouth shut, and the tip of your tongue on the upper palate gently. You might ask where the upper palate is? The answer is at the back of your philtrum. 你往下面一呼,爆呼完以后,記住要停上兩到三秒鐘,甚至五秒鐘。然后慢慢地再起身,起身的時候同步再吸。因為如果你做得快,你人很容易就天旋地轉(zhuǎn)。因為你的腦部很難去供氧,能夠供得上去。這個練久了,你放心你的腦供氧會非常的充足。 After exhaling, make sure that you stop for 2 to 3, even 5 seconds. Then stand up slowly and inhale while you do that. Standing up quickly might get you dizzy, feeling everything around you spinning. That’s because of insufficient oxygen supply. Believe me, your brain oxygen supply grows the more you practice. 有人反應(yīng),練這個全身痛。我說全身痛很正常,因為這個所鍛煉的,如果從肌肉學(xué)來講的話,它鍛煉的是你平常根本不會鍛煉到的那些肌肉組群。根本不會運動的肌肉組群,全部都被你給鍛煉了,那當然會有酸痛的,這種酸痛過個三到五天自然會好。 Some have replied by saying this practice has made them sore all over the body. Quite normal, I must say, as the practice allows you to exercise muscular groups which you don’t get a chance to exercise otherwise. It’s only natural that you feel soreness. It goes away in 3 to 5 days. 有很多人跟我反應(yīng)他有高血壓,怎么一練這個功以后,他的血壓就一下子飆到170,而且吃降壓藥都沒有用,他非常的恐慌惶恐。Others, those with hypertension, have replied by saying their blood pressure spikes to 170 after this practice. And hypotensors have not worked, which exacerbates their fear. 我和大家講有兩點。第一點,姿勢。如果你姿勢做得很快,很容易讓你的血壓飆起來。做這個雖然是爆呼爆吸,但其實它是有一個節(jié)奏的。你一定要仔細看師父的視頻,師父的示范視頻一定要仔細看。要把握這個節(jié)奏,而且動作要標準。 Two notes from me on this. Number 1, your poster. If you do it too quickly, your blood pressure soars. This practice actually has a rhythm to it. Watch the video, demonstrated by my Master, carefully. Learn to keep up with the rhythm and the movements. 第二點,西藥很多是壓制你的腦神經(jīng)的,壓制了腦神經(jīng)讓你的血壓不會飆起,不會升高。因為你一做這動作會直接沖開腦神經(jīng),西藥的藥性就沒有了。這就是為什么很多人反映他一練完這個功血壓飆了上去,他很害怕,吃降壓藥,但吃了降壓藥居然沒有效果,就是這個原因。 Number 2, western drugs mostly suppress your brain nerves so that you don’t get your blood pressure pumped up. This practice bursts through the brain nerves, which takes way the drug effects. This is the reason why your hypotensors stop working in case of a blood pressure spike after practicing this routine. 并且如果調(diào)理高血壓,本身有高血壓的人,練了這個心肺功會有一個玄冥反應(yīng),就是排毒反應(yīng)。血壓確實會升一下,但是它會慢慢地再降下來,這是會把這個病根給斷掉。 People with hypertension, after practicing this, might suffer from Xuanming, which is actually detoxification. Your blood pressure does go up a bit. Yet it gradually lowers and the root cause is eventually eradicated. 在這里跟大家聲明一下。本來練這些氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù),全部都是應(yīng)該在師父的指導(dǎo)下,你動作要標準,頻率要標準,各地方到位,是有效果,你做這個一定是有效果的。那么現(xiàn)在是因為瘟疫,所以給大家普傳。 Let me be clear. Conjuring the Qi like this usually requires practicing with instructions or guidance from a Master. You’ll definitely see results when your movements are correct, and at a reasonable frequency. It’s been released to the public amid fear during the pandemic. 在沒有老師在你旁邊指導(dǎo)這個氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù)的修煉,心肺功訓(xùn)練的時候,你又是一個高血壓的患者,長期是吃西藥的,你可以只做兩個到三個。我說你是沒有癥狀的,你只是想預(yù)防的話,你可以做兩到三個停一下,停上個十分鐘,散散步再做。而把握不了的人你不要做,把握不了的人不要做。因為這個本身應(yīng)該要有人在旁邊給你指導(dǎo)。 If you’re with hypertension on western drugs, and you practice alone, without a Master, you can only do 2 to 3 sets. I mean when you are asymptomatic and you take this practice as a precaution, you can do 2 to 3 sets. Then stop for a walk for 10 minutes and resume. I would caution against this practice to those who are not sure of the routine as one is supposed to practice under a Master’s instructions. 但如果你已經(jīng)患了新冠肺炎,你又沒有藥。醫(yī)院不收你,一定要讓你在家里自我隔離,等待你變成了危重患者,才有給你收治的可能的時候。你又沒有藥,你連食療,要喝個醋茶,要喝個粥都沒有,你只有練心肺功,你才有活下去的希望。那你一定要練,但你練一定要和我保持聯(lián)系。這一點非常的重要。 If you’re COVID-19 positive but have no access to drugs, you can’t be admitted to the hospital and are left with home quarantine, unless critical symptoms occur. Your only chance of surviving is this practice, as you’re without drugs, dietary therapies, vinegar tea or even 10 grain congee. Make sure you exercise this while maintaining contact with me. This is crucial. 有人問我只練腹式呼吸,感覺癥狀有減輕,沒那么痛苦了。因為我現(xiàn)在很乏力,渾身乏力,很難呼吸,呼吸困難。讓我做這個,我真的只能做一個做兩個,就感覺不行了。是這樣子的,腹式呼吸只能夠讓你緩解,讓你的癥狀緩解,而沒有辦法達到治愈的效果。 I’ve been asked about abdominal breathing, which helps alleviate the symptoms and the pain. This inhaling and exhaling exercise, however, becomes really difficult for those who are weak and have breathing difficulties. They feel awful after 1 or 2 sets. Here’s the thing, abdominal breathing only eases your symptoms, not a cure. 中國道家講,動則生陽。你只有練心肺功,爆呼爆吸才能夠把你的陽氣提升起來,把腎陽提升起來。把你身上的陰氣邪氣逼掉,徹底逼出體外,你才能活下去。 Chinese Taosim proposes that movements create the Yang. Only by practicing inhaling and exhaling can your Yang Qi (positive energy) and Yang Qi in the kidneys be lifted, and Yin Qi (negative energy) or pathogen factors forced out. You can then live. 所以如果你真的很乏力,你可以坐在椅子上,坐在床上來做這個動作。就是你的腿可以不動,你就坐在床上嘛。但你的上半身你努力地去兩臂張開吸,向后仰,吸完以后俯身呼,努力地去做。你只要能練心肺功,你就一定能活下去。When you’re really weak, you can choose to practice this by sitting on a chair or a bed. Sit on the bed if necessary and keep your legs still. You open your arms to inhale, then lean backwards, and finally bend over to exhale. You WILL survive if you keep practicing this routine. 而現(xiàn)在大家都知道,不論是歐洲、澳洲還是美國,現(xiàn)在中藥都非常緊缺,非常難買到。那么我們這個群成立得比較早,很多人都已經(jīng)囤了很多藥。有癥狀也都有喝張勝林醫(yī)生的一號方,喝了癥狀都有好。 Currently TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) herbs are really a scarce asset in Europe, the States and Australia. Our group chat was created early enough and many members have stockpiled TCM herbs. Those previously with symptoms have seen them eased after drinking Dr. ZHANG Shenglin’s Love Lungs No.1 decoctions/herbal soup. 但我和大家講過了,如果你是屬于有了癥狀再喝藥的,你臟腑都是有受損的,而最普遍的都是肝膽受損,很嚴重。你有這些現(xiàn)象,你喝了一號方的反應(yīng)都要跟張醫(yī)生報告,張醫(yī)生到后面會根據(jù)你的情況去調(diào)整,例如肝膽受損嚴重的,張醫(yī)生會改變方子給你喝。 As I stated before, you would have organ damages, mostly in the liver after symptoms develop. You MUST update Dr. ZHANG on your response to Love Lungs No.1 decoctions so that he can adjust the prescription, for instance, if you are with severe damages to the liver and gall bladder. 像現(xiàn)在西方,還有我們中國也都有發(fā)聲明,很多的,已經(jīng)有不少的臨床數(shù)據(jù)了,證明男性感染新冠肺炎,新冠病毒會直接攻擊睪丸,使男性后遺癥里面會有喪失性功能,喪失生育能力。 We have seen media releases and sufficient clinical data both in China and western countries that the COVID-19 virus attacks male testicles, leaving them loss of sexual functions and eventually infertile. 這是為什么?我們之前和大家講過,這個病是個肝毒,肝上面的病。因為這病毒一進來,先是進到胃,再是進到肝,順著肝的經(jīng)絡(luò)一走就是走到男性的睪丸里面去了。那對女性真的會無害嗎?數(shù)據(jù)還沒有,我相信是一樣的,也會走到女性的生殖系統(tǒng),這是一樣的。 Why so? I talked about this already that COVID-19 is a hepatic virus. The virus enters the stomach first, and then into the liver. It then moves along the liver channel and ends up in testicles. Are women immune? I suspect it attacks female reproductive systems too although we are yet to see relevant data. 那么在國外,你有這個病癥,你通過吃中藥一號方可以把你的病癥消除。但是你要再修復(fù)這些損傷,只有修復(fù)了這些損傷,你的生活質(zhì)量才能恢復(fù)。否則的話會造成多大的一種傷害啊,對不對? Your symptoms will go away with Love Lungs No.1. Yet a quality life resumes only when damages are repaired. It takes quite a toll on people’s lives otherwise, doesn’t it? 而現(xiàn)在國外中藥后面會越來越難買到,可能張醫(yī)生給你的方子,或者其他醫(yī)生給你的方子,修復(fù)你身體的方子,你買不起這個藥,那怎么辦?你只有通過練氣功導(dǎo)引術(shù),你練這心肺功,是全部臟腑的運動。把你的臟腑全部運動起來,讓所有的經(jīng)絡(luò)活動起來,讓它重新的通暢起來。只有經(jīng)絡(luò)活動起來通暢了,會自動吸收天地的一種精華來補充它、來修復(fù)它,你才能夠斷除后遺癥,斷除新冠病毒帶給你的傷害。 It’s getting more difficult to buy TCM herbs overseas. What can you do should you fail to get enough herbs for Love Lungs No.1 or other prescriptions for that matter? The only choice is this exercise, which moves organs and dredges channels. Channels all over your body then start absorbing essence from heaven and earth for remediation, which eradicates sequelae and damages brought by COVID-19. 100%是有這個傷害的,只不過每個人的身體不一樣,所以受損的程度不同,位置也不同。有的人是在心血管,有的人的后遺癥,就是一個20歲年輕人得完新冠肺炎以后,變成有糖尿病了,變成有高血壓了。比較普遍的是肝膽受損,因為男性表現(xiàn)的會比較明顯,肝膽受損,并且喪失生育能力,喪失性功能。女性卵巢受影響,但現(xiàn)在臨床數(shù)據(jù)還不夠,但女性會是攻擊卵巢。為什么說這個新冠病毒是直接進到你的中樞神經(jīng),會直接攻擊男性睪丸呢?因為它是從肝經(jīng)走的,中醫(yī)角度很容易就可以把它解釋清楚。 It 100% causes damage, but everyone's constitution is different, so the degree of damage is different, and the position is different. Some people were affected cardiovascular system, and some leave other sequelaes. That is, a 20-year-old young person has diabetes and high blood pressure after infection of COVID-19. Hepatobiliary damage is more common, and it caused loss of fertility and sexual function. And men will be more obvious than women. Women's ovaries are affected, but clinical data are not enough to support this point. Why do you say that this COVID-19 go through your central nerve system directly and will attack male testicles directly? Because it is taken from the liver meridian, it can be easily explained from the perspective of Chinese medicine. 為什么現(xiàn)在西方人西方的定義講,感染新冠病毒的共同標志是喪失嗅覺、喪失味覺,后遺癥可能是永遠的。其實這個道理很簡單,它把你的竅給閉了,封閉了。西醫(yī)的治療,它是沒有開竅的,沒有經(jīng)絡(luò)學(xué),也沒有說去重新打通這個經(jīng)絡(luò),重新打開這個竅、竅穴是沒有的,那他當然沒有辦法。你經(jīng)絡(luò)受損了,你的竅穴被封閉了,那自然就是沒救了,你可能一輩子就沒有嗅覺了,沒有味覺了。 Why from the western definition the common symptom of infection with the COVID-19. is loss of smell and taste, and the sequelae may be permanent. In fact, this principle is very simple. It shuts down your acupuncture points . In the treatment of Western medicine, it does not open up the acupuncture points, there is no meridian theory, nor does it say that reopening the meridian, reopening the acupuncture points. If acupuncture points are not available, then of course it's not work. Your meridians are damaged and your acupuncture points are closed, You may have no smell or taste for a lifetime. 但在中醫(yī)不是,我們中醫(yī)講經(jīng)絡(luò)學(xué),講臟腑,是可以重新把它打通修復(fù)的。鼻開竅于肺,舌開竅于心。所以你只要認真地練心肺功,你哪怕失去了味覺跟嗅覺,也能夠讓你重新恢復(fù)。這就是我為什么一而再、再而三地強調(diào)練心肺功的重要,以及希望大家去傳播心肺功的原因。 But in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s has different ideas from western medical theories. We talk about meridian and viscera , it can be repaired again. The nose opens to the lungs, and the tongue opens to the heart. So as long as you practice cardiopulmonary exercise seriously, even if you lose your sense of taste and smell, you will be able to recover again. This is why I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of cardiopulmonary exercise, and I hope that everyone will spread it. 這個病毒非常的可怕,和大家講過了它會破壞生殖系統(tǒng)。同時你要知道它的基因序列是艾滋病的基因序列,加非典的基因序列,甚至還有乙肝的。很多治愈者,他的病毒是有殘留的,就在他的肝臟里面,在他的肺里面,在心臟里面休眠。等到一個合適的時間,這些病毒很有可能就會蘇醒。那一蘇醒,它就又有傳染力。但是再被傳染的人,他的癥狀不一定會像現(xiàn)在的新冠肺炎這么明顯。它最大的可能會是什么?會重新的再變異。 This virus is terrible, and I told you that it can damage the reproductive system. At the same time you need to know that it has the the AIDS gene sequence, plus the SARS gene sequence, and even hepatitis B. Many healers have residual virus in his liver, in his lungs, and in his heart. By the right time, these viruses are likely to wake up. At that time, it will be contagious again. However, for those who are re-infected, his symptoms may not be as obvious as newly infected. What would be its greatest possibility? Will mutate again. 就好像我們都知道乙肝,乙肝病人好了他出來有攜帶這病源,他是會傳播的。你跟乙肝病人同桌吃頓飯,你就很可能感染乙肝病毒。但乙肝病毒可能它在你體內(nèi)不會發(fā)作成乙肝,它會再慢慢地變異,會變成什么?。扛伟?。中國得肝癌的很多人都是乙肝病毒導(dǎo)致的。得過乙肝的人,有非常高的幾率會得肝癌。這就是這個病毒、這種傳染性病毒真正可怕的地方。它不是一刀把你殺了,它是藏在你體內(nèi)慢慢地把你給暗殺了。 It's very similar with hepatitis B. when a Hepatitis B patients is cure, he still carried the source of the virus, and would spread it. If you eat with a hepatitis B patient, you are likely to be infected with hepatitis B virus. But the virus may not cause hepatitis B directly, what disease will it become? Liver cancer, maybe. Many people with liver cancer in China are caused by the hepatitis B virus. People who have had hepatitis B have a very high chance of getting liver cancer. This is why this infectious virus really terrible. It's not killing you with one stroke, it's hiding in you and slowly killing you. 那大家想一想,有多少人已經(jīng)被感染了。你光看這個確診的數(shù)據(jù),實際感染人數(shù)一定是大于確診數(shù)據(jù)的。因為有大量的人,不給予檢測。這全世界都是一樣的,都不給予檢測。 Then let's think about how many people have been infected. If you look at the confirmed data, the actual number of infected people must be greater than the confirmed data. Because there are a large number of people is not given testing. This is the same all over the world. 那么又有許許多多的人感染了,攜帶這個病毒,但他不會有癥狀,也不會威脅到生命,過一陣就走了,從他身上就代謝掉,排掉了,但是它是有傳染力的。然后你就看有多少人得了這個病又說被治愈的,這些所謂的治愈患者里面又有多少個一定是我們純中醫(yī)治療斷病根的。 Then there are many more people infected with this virus, but he will not have symptoms or threaten his life. The virus will leave after a while, be metabolized from him, and eliminated, but Contagious. Then you many people will report to be infect and cure. But how many of these so-called cured patients really be cured from the root from the view of our pure Chinese medicine treatment. 因為有很多人都是只相信西醫(yī),也沒有去斷病根的。所以我們社會現(xiàn)在就有大量的危險潛伏者,而且是全世界的。那么大家不用悲觀,也不用去歧視攜帶病毒的人。因為那些病毒的傳播者,他們也不是存心一定要感染大家的,所以不需要去歧視他。 Because many people only believe in Western medicine and do not go to the root cause. So our society now has a large number of dangerous lurkers, and they are from all over the world. Then we do not need to be pessimistic, nor do we need to discriminate against people who carry the virus. Because those who spread the virus unconsciously do not want to infect everyone. We do not need to discriminate against him. 我們中醫(yī)的角度真正是非常好的,我們自己內(nèi)在的土壤改變了,不管病毒怎么傳播,這病毒種子到我身上,它就是無法生存,無法開花結(jié)果,它連發(fā)芽都不可能。 The perspective of our Chinese medicine is really good. We change our own internal soil. Then no matter how the virus spreads, it can’t survive in my internal environment, my soil, even can't flower and bear fruit. 所以傳播心肺功給更多人,讓人們練習,好了的人可以斷病根,普通的人可以預(yù)防,正在生病的人可以幫助他從死神的手中解脫出來,非常重要。你只要練心肺功,每天認真練。你以后慢慢地可以達到一次做108個,每一個都是很標準的達到,你可以掌握這神韻,可以做到。你不用害怕,這個世界上潛伏的這些病毒,你都不用怕。 Therefore, To spread cardiopulmonary exercise to more people, and let people practice. People who carry the virus can cut off the root of the disease, uninfected people can prevent it, and those who are sick can help him free from the hand of death. You just need to practice cardiopulmonary exercises and practice them daily. You can slowly reach 108times at a time in the future, and each one is very standard. You can master this spirit and you can do it. You don't have to be afraid. You don't have to be afraid of these viruses that lurk in this world. 并且這心肺功鍛煉,不只是防新冠病,其實它也是防癌癥的,以及所有的肺病,像肺結(jié)核病,像肺癌,它都是有非常好的作用。它可以防癌癥的,因為所有的癌都是厭氧細胞,無法吸收氧氣的,當你的肺都能活動起來,身上能夠吸納更多的氧氣的時候,這些癌細胞就沒有那個土壤讓它去滋生。 Even more this cardiopulmonary exercise is not only for preventing COVID-19., for cancer prevention, and all lung diseases, like tuberculosis and lung cancer, it also have very good effects. It can prevent cancer because all cancers are anaerobic cells and cannot absorb oxygen. When your lungs can move and your body can absorb more oxygen, these cancer cells will not have the soil to let it breed. 所有的瘟疫在古代的中國傳統(tǒng)地看來,它是天地之間的一種癘氣,這種癘氣是由于天地之間的元素,風寒暑濕燥邪其中有元素陰陽混亂而產(chǎn)生的。這癘氣至陰至邪,至陰至邪四處流竄,只要你身體的體質(zhì)適合它生長,是適合它生長的土壤,你立刻就會被傳染到。 From the perspective of ancient Chinese tradition, all the plagues are a kind of pestilence air between heaven and earth. This pestilence air is caused by the disturbed balance of elements between heaven and earth. Due to The Yin and Yang is not balanced, the elements of wind, cold, heat, humidity and evil are emerged . This pestilence energy is very extreme to Yin and evil, and flows everywhere, as long as your body's constitution is suitable for its growth like the soil suitable for its growth, you will be infected immediately. 所以古代為什么要熬大鍋的中藥發(fā)給所有的人,還有大量的燒香,沉香、檀香,艾草、蒼術(shù)啊中草藥去焚燒。就是因為從古代的中國就一直認為這是一種癘氣,癘氣就是在空氣中傳播的,所以我們一直有燃香的傳統(tǒng)。 So in ancient times, why do we need to distribute Chinese medicine to everyone, and there are a lot of burning incense, agilawood, sandalwood, wormwood, atractylodes and other Chinese herbs to burn. It is because ancient China has always considered this to be a kind of pestilence air, and it is transmitted in the air, so we have always had a tradition of burning incense. 像西班牙大流感,為什么那個時候奪走了全世界那么多人的生命?到我們中國就變成了一個小小的流感呢?就是因為當時的中國,還是用古中國的防疫方式,人人焚香,有錢的人焚沉香、檀香,甚至佩戴香丸在身上,名貴的中草藥做成的香丸,防疫香丸在身上。沒錢的人就燒艾草、燒蒼術(shù),甚至就只是燒松枝、柏枝。再沒錢的人就放放鞭炮,殺滅空氣中的癘氣。然后再加上中草藥,每人都喝中草藥、喝湯劑,自然就斷除了。 Like the Spanish flu, why it took away so many lives all of the world while became a little flu in China at that time? It was because Chinese keep the traditions of the ancient China's epidemic prevention method, everyone burned incense. Rich people burned tambac, sandalwood, and even wore incense pills on their bodies, which made of precious Chinese herbs. People no so rich burn wormwood and Cangshu(atractylodes), and even burn pine or cypress branches. Those who have no money will set off firecrackers to kill pestilence air in the air. Then People drink Chinese herbal medicine, everyone drinks to prevent, it will be cut off naturally. 之前在中國,大家隔離的時候,有很多人都覺得我不需要口罩,我不需要香,我也不需要你宗珠老師做的九黑圣藥,不需要,因為我都待在家里很安全。但是后來隨著時間的推移,出現(xiàn)越來越多奇奇怪怪的病例,明明待在家里就被感染了,甚至隔壁就被感染了,都不知道原因的。人們都慌了神,現(xiàn)在很多人就來問我要這個九黑圣藥。本來是愛理不理的,都變成求著我去結(jié)緣給他們,出多少錢都愿意。 Before in China, when everyone was physically isolated, many people felt that I didn't need a mask, I didn't need incense, and I didn't need the nine black holy medicine made by your teacher Zongzhu. No, because I was safe at home. But over time, more and more weird cases appeared, and they became infected at home, even when they were infected next door, for no reason. Then people start to be panicking, and many people come to me and ask me for this nine black holy medicine. Those ones originally ignored turned to beg me for that, willing to pay any amount of money. 因為他們知道我之前跟他們都講過,這就是空氣中的一種癘氣,這個癘氣就是在空氣中傳播的。你待在家里除非你不呼吸,不然的話它一樣會到你身上。只要你的身體內(nèi)環(huán)境適合它生長,立刻就會有癥狀。如果你的這個身體土壤不是那么適合,它會潛伏起來在你的身體里去病變,變成其他的病,然后時候一到就發(fā)作。除非你的身體變成了一個絕緣體,就是我們講的真正的陰陽平衡。下熱,就是你的底盤要敦厚,要熱。下溫上涼這樣的一個體質(zhì),一個真正的正常的體質(zhì),火在下面,水在上面。 Because they know that there is the epidemic pathogenic factor in the air, just as I had told them before, and this pathogenic factor spreads in the air. Unless you stay at home and don't breathe, otherwise it will come to you. As long as your body's internal environment is suitable for its growth, there will be symptoms immediately. If the environment of your body is not so suitable, it will be latent in your body and later on break out as other diseases, unless your body becomes an insulator, which is the true balance between yin and yang as we put it. Heat at bottom means that your lower body should be stable and warm. A real normal body constitution should be warm at bottom and warm at upper body, i.e. fire underneath and water above. 普通的人都是上熱下寒,火在頭上,邪火蹭蹭的燒。下面是寒涼,下面冰涼,腹部腿部都冰冰涼,大部分人都是這樣的體質(zhì)。那當然會中招了,被這股癘氣侵襲了,不得新冠肺炎,不得這種瘟疫,也會得變成其他的病,必然的。 Ordinary people are warm at upper body and cold at lower body, with pathogenic fire flaming up on head. The body constitution of most people is cold at lower body, with icy cold abdomen and legs. Of course, it will be attacked by the epidemic pathogenic factor in the air and becomes ill. If they don’t get novel coronavirus pneumonia, they will suffer from other diseases. It is inevitable. 所以雖然湖北解封了,接下來武漢也解封了。但你可以看中國,其實中國上層國家管控都是很清楚的,為什么不讓湖北的人進北京?都是有它的深義,有它的道理的。那么在疫區(qū),你不把你的身體調(diào)理過來,你沒有在新冠肺炎這一個上面倒下,你在未來的三年里面也很容易會因為這股癘氣潛伏在你身體,變成其它奪走你生命的病。 Although Hubei has opened up, and Wuhan is also no long shut down, people from Wuhan are not allowed to enter Beijing, as you can see in China. Why? The top policy makers actually know well. The rule carries profound meaning and it is reasonable. In the epidemic area, if a person does not recuperate completely, the epidemic pathogenic factor will be dormant in the next three years and it will easily become other diseases and take away a person’s life. 按照我們的歷算去推演的話,會變成心血管疾病。那這股癘氣會在你身體里變成心血管疾病,然后把你的生命給奪走。變成心梗、腦梗、中風,或者是給你變成糖尿病,或者是變成了高血壓與心臟病,如果你是中年人的話,會變成老年癡呆。這股癘氣一定要把它徹底斬斷。 According to our calendrical prediction, it will become cardiovascular disease. That epidemic pathogenic factor will turn into cardiovascular disease in your body, and then take your life away. It will become myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, stroke, or diabetes, or high blood pressure and heart disease. If you are middle-aged, it will become Alzheimer's. This epidemic pathogenic factor must be completely cut off. 今天諸位你能夠聽到這個正確的中醫(yī)的理論知識,你是有福分的人。因為你知道了你就會去做,你就不會得,而且你可以斬斷未來的這個病根。 你知道了你想要去傳播這知識,因為大家都是非常希望能幫助到周圍親戚朋友的人,但是你一定要記住,這個世界永遠是二八法則,永遠是“上士聞道勤而行之,中士聞道若存若亡,下士聞道大笑之,不笑不足以為道”。 Those of you who can listen to the right theoretical knowledge of Chinese medicine are the lucky ones, because you will do the right thing once you know it, and you can cut the root cause for the future. Once you know, you would want to share this knowledge because everyone is eager to help the relatives and friends. However, you must remember that this world is always run by the 20 80 rule. “When the man of highest capacities hears Tao, he does his best to put it into practice. When the man of middling capacity hears Tao, he is in two minds about it. When the man of low capacity hears Tao, he laughs loudly at it. If he did not laugh, it would not be worth the name of Tao.” 這個社會一定是下士多,真正的上士之人非常少。就他能聽到相信去照做,非常認同贊賞你,還感恩你感謝你的,只有20%都不到。80%的人都是不相信的,或者是好像是,是這樣嗎?好像是。聽著,哎喲覺得挺可怕的,我去做一下。然后做了呢又懷疑你,甚至呢可能還會罵你。騙人,沒作用,你就是騙錢。 The society certainly have many people of low capacity, and there are very few people of highest capacities. Among people who have listened to this, less than 20% will believe and act accordingly, as well as agree with your, appreciate you and thank you. Eighty percent of the people do not believe it, or wonder it seem to be true or is it really? While they are listening, they feel terrible and think they would follow the teachings, but afterwards, they will doubt you and may even rebuke you, saying it is a lie and useless and you are just here to get money. 你一定要調(diào)整自己的心態(tài)。你要知道你為什么要去傳播?如果你是為了讓別人去感謝你、贊賞你,那我勸你不要去傳播這些知識。像之前講的,所有的抗疫課程你都可以不用去講。尤其海外的朋友你要給西方人去講這些知識,罵你的人、嘲笑你的人,一定是可以占到九成,還有10%的人是跟你有緣的人,他是能夠接受的,但只有百分之十。百分之九十的人一定是笑你、罵你,甚至有的還會來攻擊你,甚至是告你。 You must adjust your own mentality. You have to know why you are sharing the knowledge. If you want others to thank you and appreciate you, then I advise you not to do it. As I mentioned before, you don't need to share with others the knowledge you have learned from our anti-epidemic lessons. Especially for overseas friends, if you want to teach this knowledge to Westerners, those who will scold you and laugh at you must account for 90%, and only 10% people who have positive karmic relationship with you will accept. Meanwhile, 90% of people will for sure laugh at you, scold you, or even attack you or sue you. 你一定要做好這個心理準備,更嚴重的可能會有人來殺你,都是有可能的。為什么我告訴別人知識,人家還要來殺我呀?真的有這種事情,從古到今都有。因為你把這知識告訴他了,他今天不以為然,可能過了一年兩年以后,被你說中了,他真的病變了,真的得這種突發(fā)性疾病。他想起你講的話他就會怪你,為什么沒有盯著我,盯著我來做這些防疫措施啊,會非常仇恨你,甚至要來攻擊你。等到他家人或者他自己,真的病變,或者他家人有人去世了,他想起這事情,有的人會特別特別恨你,甚至想要把你殺了都有這種心思,會有這樣的事情。 You must be mentally prepared that in the worst case someone may want to kill you. It is possible. Why do people want to kill me when I share knowledge with them? There is really such a thing from ancient times to now. Because you told him this knowledge, and he did not take it, but perhaps after a year or two, he really got sick all of a sudden just as you had said. He will remember what you had told him and blame you for not paying close attention to him and not making sure that he has taken these preventative measures against the epidemic. He will really hate you and even come to attack you. When his family member or he himself is really sick or someone in his family dies, he will remember this. And some people will particularly hate you, and even want to kill you with this kind of thought. There will be such a thing. 人性是黑暗的,人性是光明的,有兩種說法。但是我們更傾向于人性是半善半惡的,有一半的光明一半的黑暗。我們所講的任何知識只要超過了他的接受程度,很容易就有反效果。因為人只相信他自己,根本不相信任何人,這是人類的劣根性。只相信自己,不相信任何人。你講的知識只要超過了他的認知,他就認為你是錯的。 Human nature is dark, and human nature is bright, as there are two sides. We prefer to say that human nature is half good and half evil, half bright and half dark. As long as any knowledge we share exceeds what he can accept, there will be easily opposite effects. Because man only believes in himself and does not believe in anyone at all, this is the inferior nature of human. Just believe in himself, and not anyone else. As long as the knowledge you share exceeds his ability to understand, he will think you are wrong. 而人的第二個劣根性就是,想要讓別人都認同自己。你不認同我,我就想辦法把你的思想轉(zhuǎn)過來變成我的思想。我沒有辦法改變你,那你就是錯誤的。這是所有人類的劣根性。 因為有這兩種劣根性,所以一定會有很多打擊。你要傳播這些知識,你要放平心態(tài),你要知道為什么要去做?因為有的人不懂,他們不明白,如基督所講的,他們是迷途的羔羊。 The second inferior nature of human is that he wants others to agree with him. If you disagree with me, I will find a way to turn your thoughts into my thoughts. If I have no way to change you, then you are wrong. This is the inferiority of all human beings. Because of these two types of inferior nature, there must be a lot of disapprovals and attacks. When you share this knowledge, you need to have the right mentality. You have to know why you are doing it. It is because some people do not understand. As Christ has said, they are the lost lambs. 這件事情是全人類的事情,只有讓全人類,讓更多的人能夠明白,能夠去正確的防疫。正常的人讓他防疫,不要被感染。被感染的人讓他能夠正確得到治療,能夠活下來,并且是斷了病根有質(zhì)量地活下來。而已經(jīng)接受了西醫(yī)治療的人,也讓他把病根后遺癥斷掉,并且還學(xué)會防護。只有如此,我們的人類社會我們才能夠安全。 This is a matter for all mankind. Only when all mankind, and more people can understand, then the epidemic can be correctly prevented. Ordinary people need to be protected against epidemics and do get infected. And the infected people need to get the right treatment right and survive, and to survive with quality of life. And those who have received Western medicine treatment, let him cut off the remaining effects from the root, and also learn to protect himself. Only in this way can we be safe in our human society. 我們今天不是在為別人,是在為我們自己未來的安全,為我們子孫未來的安全,為了我們大家未來的安全,所以我們要去傳播防疫的這些知識給別人。你一定要認清楚這一點,一定要明白你是在做這件事情,而其他的人一定會有很多人是不理解、不明白的。那他們一定會來攻擊我,一定會來辱罵我、嘲笑我。但我們不怪他們,因為他們是迷途的羔羊,他們不明白。 我們已經(jīng)明白了這個道理,我們明白如何才能讓我們?nèi)祟惗寄軌蛘嬲墨@得免疫,從這個劫難里面逃出來。所以我們愿意這樣子去無私地幫助所有人,無私地去分享所有抗疫防疫的知識。 Today, we are not doing this for others, but for the safety of our own future, our children and grandchildren, for the safety of all of us in the future. So we are going to share this knowledge of epidemic prevention with others. You must understand this well, and you must understand that when you are doing this, there must be many others who do not understand. In addition, they will come to attack me, to insult me and laugh at me. But we do not blame them because they are lost lambs and they do not understand. We have understood this knowledge, and we understand how to enable all of us to be truly immune and escape from this epidemic disaster. Therefore, we are willing to help everyone selflessly and share our knowledge of epidemic prevention. 假設(shè)大家都沒有去控制這個疫情,我先不說控制的方法是不是在用我們中國的方法,我是說中醫(yī)的方法。就是說全世界人,就所有的政府都不去控制,那么一定會有超過80%的人被感染。那被感染了以后,先不提有多少死亡病例,就說它會極大打擊人類的生育,那么很有可能未來男的都變太監(jiān),女的也沒有卵子了,人類如何去繁衍?我們?nèi)祟惖姆N族就滅亡了。 一個病毒就可以讓我們這個種族滅亡,是多么可怕的一件事情。為了避免這個悲劇,我們要自救。所以我們今天一定要好好地預(yù)防,并且一定要把這個知識給傳播出去,能夠救一個就救一個,能救一個是一個,能幫一個是一個。 今天就講到這里,謝謝大家。 Let us assume that nobody come to control the epidemic spread. I am not saying whether to control by using our Chinese method, rather I mean to control by using the method of Chinese medicine. Had people all over the world and all governments not taken measures to control the epidemic, then more than 80% of people would have been infected. After being infected, let's not mention how many deaths would occur, human fertility would be greatly affected. Then it is very likely that men will become eunuchs and women will not have eggs. Our human race will come to be perished. What a terrible thing is that a virus can cause human race to perish. To avoid this tragedy, we must save ourselves. Therefore, we must take good precautions today, and we must share this knowledge. If we can save one, we save one. If we help one, that’s one person being saved. That ’s all for today, thank you. |