

中英文版 心肺功教學(xué)視頻 練心肺功詳細說明與答疑

 常常喜樂lllll 2020-04-12

練心肺功答疑 來自宗珠讀書會 00:00 44:49


Good morning everyone. I will continue to address your questions today.


I will focus on the questions in relation to pulmonary functions. You have to bear in mind that the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is prevention.


The best treatment approach according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine is to influence the qi by mastering the elements of nature, or treat oneself with the essence of heaven and earth. This is what we call qigong, an exercise of deep breath that facilitates the flow of the qi in one’s body. This represents the optimum method which comes with no side effects.


what comes next is the treatment by diet. People tend to think that food is different from medicine. But it is not true. If you are able to follow a certain diet routine which is made based on your health condition, you will recover from illnesses. Therefore, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, food can be of medical use as long as it treats your illness.


What comes last the herbal soup or acupuncture. Herbal soup could be hazardous if you take it without having any illnesses. Any medicine could be bad for your health, This is an old saying well known among Chinese folks, which means you only take medicine when you are ill.


What if you have no medicine to take when you fall ill? What can you do to save yourself? You could do so by mastering the elements of nature, or conjuring the qi. Those exercises are a part of legacies by our ancestors.


In its five thousand years of history, China has been through outbreaks of pandemics. How did our ancestors make it through? History shows that they used the technique of mastering the elements of nature rather than relying on herbal soup.


Exercise of the qi is more than simple physical exercises because we exercise our internal organs. Our ancestors found out that aging and death are inevitable regardless of your muscle strength.


Quite a lot of Taoism priests in China have lived beyond 100 years old. I personally know a couple of them. You have to know how to master elements of nature to live beyond 100 years old. For example, if you believe in a god and pray, you can be helped by the power of the god, which is the ability to master the elements of nature.


We Chinese tend to exercise our internal organs to keep them young and energetic. Even if I don’t look young any more, my body could still be fit as a fiddle.


This exercise of heart and lungs has saved many patients who tested positive to COVID-19 in Europe. They were asked to stay home in self-isolation and could do nothing about it. Having done the exercise, they feel much better. However, they raise some questions while practising. I’d like to address those questions hereby.


If you watch closely the video clip, you would find the first step is to put your hands together. Many people would ask what is he doing in this video.


Well, before you start the exercise, you should have the right state of mind. You need to loosen up your body and rid yourself of bad thoughts such as worries about your health and your family. When you start the exercise, try to relax. You could assume that you are already dead and have no attachment to this earthly world. You have to let go of your worries and burden to relax. You should tell yourself to relax in you mind. For example, you could say to yourself, zhang, just loosen up your scalp, shoulder, hand, abdomen, lower back, and legs.  


The second step is to have a thankful mind. Taoism believes everything has a spirit; everything including the sun, trees, flowers, rivers, even the air has its own consciousness. I should be thankful for the bestowments of the sun, trees, flowers and rivers—it is what keeps me alive. If the sun stops giving out light, all things will wither. In the same vein, if there are no trees or water on earth, none of us will survive.


You should have a thankful mind. It helps to reveal a truth--you are on your own in this world and nobody is obliged to take care of you. You should not take it for granted that things are there in your favor. You should be thankful that you receive the bestowments of the sun, the air, rivers and trees. You should be thankful that they keep you alive.


When you have this thankful mind, everything including the sun, trees, rivers and the air will give you power and strength. This is something unique in our eastern philosophy. Therefore, putting your hands together is firstly to thank all the things in this world for their bestowment and secondly to pray to heaven and earth to give us power and strength.


When you finish the second step, we can start the exercise. Spread your arms and lean backward. Use the strength from your lower back. Put your tongue against your upper palate and inhale. At the same time, you have to make sure your knees are uptight. Try to lean backward as much as you can. Inhale. Imagine your lungs are bathed in the sunlight. Inhale until your lungs are inflated with air. Then hold your breath for 2 to 3 seconds.


Then you exhale hard and swing your arms forward,using strength in your waist. Make sure your knees are straight, and bend your knees while swinging your arms.


Watch the video a number of times so that you’ll get the hang of it. Many have approached me, saying they cannot bend their knees without distorting their body. And my reply to this is “it’s perfectly normal as your body isn’t coordinated when you just start practicing.”


Bend your knees at the beginning of this practice, as I stated previously. Gradually as you grow to get comfortable with the movement, inhale with straight knees. Bend backwards to as much as you can. And exhale hard with a loud “hmmm”. Your knees are naturally bent when you swing your arms with force in your lower back. Your shoulders also swing with that force. Practicing your arms only doesn’t necessarily build up strength in your shoulders. This is key.


When you lean backwards and keep inhaling, you actually are moving your alveoli and your heart, as the heart receives a great deal of oxygen. Leaning backwards squeezes your kidneys, which moves the kidneys also. After practicing for a while, you’ll feel the kidneys breathing. Bending down while exhaling hard squeezes your liver, your stomach, spleen and intestines.


Excessive inhaling and exhaling, in its essence, moves your internal organs. By doing so, pathogen factors and ill Qi are exhaled. You inhale and exhale with your mouth shut, and the tip of your tongue on the upper palate gently. You might ask where the upper palate is? The answer is at the back of your philtrum.


After exhaling, make sure that you stop for 2 to 3, even 5 seconds. Then stand up slowly and inhale while you do that. Standing up quickly might get you dizzy, feeling everything around you spinning. That’s because of insufficient oxygen supply. Believe me, your brain oxygen supply grows the more you practice.


Some have replied by saying this practice has made them sore all over the body. Quite normal, I must say, as the practice allows you to exercise muscular groups which you don’t get a chance to exercise otherwise. It’s only natural that you feel soreness. It goes away in 3 to 5 days.

有很多人跟我反應(yīng)他有高血壓,怎么一練這個功以后,他的血壓就一下子飆到170,而且吃降壓藥都沒有用,他非常的恐慌惶恐。Others, those with hypertension, have replied by saying their blood pressure spikes to 170 after this practice. And hypotensors have not worked, which exacerbates their fear.


Two notes from me on this. Number 1, your poster. If you do it too quickly, your blood pressure soars. This practice actually has a rhythm to it. Watch the video, demonstrated by my Master, carefully. Learn to keep up with the rhythm and the movements.


Number 2, western drugs mostly suppress your brain nerves so that you don’t get your blood pressure pumped up. This practice bursts through the brain nerves, which takes way the drug effects. This is the reason why your hypotensors stop working in case of a blood pressure spike after practicing this routine.


People with hypertension, after practicing this, might suffer from Xuanming, which is actually detoxification. Your blood pressure does go up a bit. Yet it gradually lowers and the root cause is eventually eradicated.


Let me be clear. Conjuring the Qi like this usually requires practicing with instructions or guidance from a Master. You’ll definitely see results when your movements are correct, and at a reasonable frequency. It’s been released to the public amid fear during the pandemic.


If you’re with hypertension on western drugs, and you practice alone, without a Master, you can only do 2 to 3 sets. I mean when you are asymptomatic and you take this practice as a precaution, you can do 2 to 3 sets. Then stop for a walk for 10 minutes and resume. I would caution against this practice to those who are not sure of the routine as one is supposed to practice under a Master’s instructions.


If you’re COVID-19 positive but have no access to drugs, you can’t be admitted to the hospital and are left with home quarantine, unless critical symptoms occur. Your only chance of surviving is this practice, as you’re without drugs, dietary therapies, vinegar tea or even 10 grain congee. Make sure you exercise this while maintaining contact with me. This is crucial.


I’ve been asked about abdominal breathing, which helps alleviate the symptoms and the pain. This inhaling and exhaling exercise, however, becomes really difficult for those who are weak and have breathing difficulties. They feel awful after 1 or 2 sets. Here’s the thing, abdominal breathing only eases your symptoms, not a cure.


Chinese Taosim proposes that movements create the Yang. Only by practicing inhaling and exhaling can your Yang Qi (positive energy) and Yang Qi in the kidneys be lifted, and Yin Qi (negative energy) or pathogen factors forced out. You can then live.

所以如果你真的很乏力,你可以坐在椅子上,坐在床上來做這個動作。就是你的腿可以不動,你就坐在床上嘛。但你的上半身你努力地去兩臂張開吸,向后仰,吸完以后俯身呼,努力地去做。你只要能練心肺功,你就一定能活下去。When you’re really weak, you can choose to practice this by sitting on a chair or a bed. Sit on the bed if necessary and keep your legs still. You open your arms to inhale, then lean backwards, and finally bend over to exhale. You WILL survive if you keep practicing this routine.


Currently TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) herbs are really a scarce asset in Europe, the States and Australia. Our group chat was created early enough and many members have stockpiled TCM herbs. Those previously with symptoms have seen them eased after drinking Dr. ZHANG Shenglin’s Love Lungs No.1 decoctions/herbal soup.


As I stated before, you would have organ damages, mostly in the liver after symptoms develop. You MUST update Dr. ZHANG on your response to Love Lungs No.1 decoctions so that he can adjust the prescription, for instance, if you are with severe damages to the liver and gall bladder.


We have seen media releases and sufficient clinical data both in China and western countries that the COVID-19 virus attacks male testicles, leaving them loss of sexual functions and eventually infertile.


Why so? I talked about this already that COVID-19 is a hepatic virus. The virus enters the stomach first, and then into the liver. It then moves along the liver channel and ends up in testicles. Are women immune? I suspect it attacks female reproductive systems too although we are yet to see relevant data.


Your symptoms will go away with Love Lungs No.1. Yet a quality life resumes only when damages are repaired. It takes quite a toll on people’s lives otherwise, doesn’t it?


It’s getting more difficult to buy TCM herbs overseas. What can you do should you fail to get enough herbs for Love Lungs No.1 or other prescriptions for that matter? The only choice is this exercise, which moves organs and dredges channels. Channels all over your body then start absorbing essence from heaven and earth for remediation, which eradicates sequelae and damages brought by COVID-19. 


It 100% causes damage, but everyone's constitution is different, so the degree of damage is different, and the position is different. Some people were affected cardiovascular system, and some leave other sequelaes. That is, a 20-year-old young person has diabetes and high blood pressure after infection of COVID-19. Hepatobiliary damage is more common, and it caused loss of fertility and sexual function. And men will be more obvious than women. Women's ovaries are affected, but clinical data are not enough to support this point. Why do you say that this COVID-19 go through your central nerve system directly and will attack male testicles directly? Because it is taken from the liver meridian, it can be easily explained from the perspective of Chinese medicine.


Why from the western definition the common symptom of infection with the COVID-19. is loss of smell and taste, and the sequelae may be permanent. In fact, this principle is very simple. It shuts down your acupuncture points . In the treatment of Western medicine, it does not open up the acupuncture points, there is no meridian theory, nor does it say that reopening the meridian, reopening the acupuncture points. If acupuncture points are not available, then of course it's not work. Your meridians are damaged and your acupuncture points are closed, You may have no smell or taste for a lifetime.


But in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s has different ideas from western medical theories. We talk about meridian and viscera , it can be repaired again. The nose opens to the lungs, and the tongue opens to the heart. So as long as you practice cardiopulmonary exercise seriously, even if you lose your sense of taste and smell, you will be able to recover again. This is why I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of cardiopulmonary exercise, and I hope that everyone will spread it.


This virus is terrible, and I told you that it can damage the reproductive system. At the same time you need to know that it has the the AIDS gene sequence, plus the SARS gene sequence, and even hepatitis B. Many healers have residual virus in his liver, in his lungs, and in his heart. By the right time, these viruses are likely to wake up. At that time, it will be contagious again. However, for those who are re-infected, his symptoms may not be as obvious as newly infected. What would be its greatest possibility? Will mutate again.


It's very similar with hepatitis B. when a Hepatitis B patients is cure, he still carried the source of the virus, and would spread it. If you eat with a hepatitis B patient, you are likely to be infected with hepatitis B virus. But the virus may not cause hepatitis B directly, what disease will it become? Liver cancer, maybe. Many people with liver cancer in China are caused by the hepatitis B virus. People who have had hepatitis B have a very high chance of getting liver cancer. This is why this infectious virus really terrible. It's not killing you with one stroke, it's hiding in you and slowly killing you.


Then let's think about how many people have been infected. If you look at the confirmed data, the actual number of infected people must be greater than the confirmed data. Because there are a large number of people is not given testing. This is the same all over the world.  


Then there are many more people infected with this virus, but he will not have symptoms or threaten his life. The virus will leave after a while, be metabolized from him, and eliminated, but Contagious. Then you many people will report to be infect and cure. But how many of these so-called cured patients really be cured from the root from the view of our pure Chinese medicine treatment.


Because many people only believe in Western medicine and do not go to the root cause. So our society now has a large number of dangerous lurkers, and they are from all over the world. Then we do not need to be pessimistic, nor do we need to discriminate against people who carry the virus. Because those who spread the virus unconsciously do not want to infect everyone. We do not need to discriminate against him.


The perspective of our Chinese medicine is really good. We change our own internal soil. Then no matter how the virus spreads, it can’t survive in my internal environment, my soil, even can't flower and bear fruit.


Therefore, To spread cardiopulmonary exercise to more people, and let people practice. People who carry the virus can cut off the root of the disease, uninfected people can prevent it, and those who are sick can help him free from the hand of death. You just need to practice cardiopulmonary exercises and practice them daily. You can slowly reach 108times at a time in the future, and each one is very standard. You can master this spirit and you can do it. You don't have to be afraid. You don't have to be afraid of these viruses that lurk in this world.


Even more this cardiopulmonary exercise is not only for preventing COVID-19., for cancer prevention, and all lung diseases, like tuberculosis and lung cancer, it also have very good effects. It can prevent cancer because all cancers are anaerobic cells and cannot absorb oxygen. When your lungs can move and your body can absorb more oxygen, these cancer cells will not have the soil to let it breed.


From the perspective of ancient Chinese tradition, all the plagues are a kind of pestilence air between heaven and earth. This pestilence air is caused by the disturbed balance of  elements between heaven and earth. Due to The Yin and Yang is not balanced, the elements of wind, cold, heat, humidity and evil are emerged . This pestilence energy is very extreme to Yin and evil, and flows everywhere, as long as your body's constitution is suitable for its growth like the soil suitable for its growth, you will be infected immediately.


So in ancient times, why do we need to distribute Chinese medicine to everyone, and there are a lot of burning incense, agilawood, sandalwood, wormwood, atractylodes and other Chinese herbs to burn. It is because ancient China has always considered this to be a kind of pestilence air, and it is transmitted in the air, so we have always had a tradition of burning incense.


Like the Spanish flu, why it took away so many lives all of the world while became a little flu in China at that time? It was because Chinese keep the traditions of the ancient China's epidemic prevention method, everyone burned incense. Rich people burned tambac, sandalwood, and even wore incense pills on their bodies, which made of precious Chinese herbs. People no so rich burn wormwood and Cangshu(atractylodes), and even burn pine or cypress branches. Those who have no money will set off firecrackers to kill pestilence air in the air. Then People drink Chinese herbal medicine, everyone drinks  to prevent, it will be cut off naturally.


Before in China, when everyone was physically isolated, many people felt that I didn't need a mask, I didn't need incense, and I didn't need the nine black holy medicine made by your teacher Zongzhu. No, because I was safe at home. But over time, more and more weird cases appeared, and they became infected at home, even when they were infected next door, for no reason. Then people start to be panicking, and many people come to me and ask me for this nine black holy medicine. Those ones originally ignored turned to beg me for that, willing to pay any amount of money. 


Because they know that there is the epidemic pathogenic factor in the air, just as I had told them before, and this pathogenic factor spreads in the air. Unless you stay at home and don't breathe, otherwise it will come to you. As long as your body's internal environment is suitable for its growth, there will be symptoms immediately. If the environment of your body is not so suitable, it will be latent in your body and later on break out as other diseases, unless your body becomes an insulator, which is the true balance between yin and yang as we put it. Heat at bottom means that your lower body should be stable and warm. A real normal body constitution should be warm at bottom and warm at upper body, i.e. fire underneath and water above.


Ordinary people are warm at upper body and cold at lower body, with pathogenic fire flaming up on head.  The body constitution of most people is cold at lower body, with icy cold abdomen and legs. Of course, it will be attacked by the epidemic pathogenic factor in the air and becomes ill. If they don’t get novel coronavirus pneumonia, they will suffer from other diseases. It is inevitable.


Although Hubei has opened up, and Wuhan is also no long shut down, people from Wuhan are not allowed to enter Beijing, as you can see in China. Why? The top policy makers actually know well. The rule carries profound meaning and it is reasonable. In the epidemic area, if a person does not recuperate completely, the epidemic pathogenic factor will be dormant in the next three years and it will easily become other diseases and take away a person’s life.


According to our calendrical prediction, it will become cardiovascular disease. That epidemic pathogenic factor will turn into cardiovascular disease in your body, and then take your life away. It will become myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, stroke, or diabetes, or high blood pressure and heart disease. If you are middle-aged, it will become Alzheimer's. This epidemic pathogenic factor must be completely cut off.



Those of you who can listen to the right theoretical knowledge of Chinese medicine are the lucky ones, because you will do the right thing once you know it, and you can cut the root cause for the future.

 Once you know, you would want to share this knowledge because everyone is eager to help the relatives and friends. However, you must remember that this world is always run by the 20 80 rule.  “When the man of highest capacities hears Tao, he does his best to put it into practice. When the man of middling capacity hears Tao, he is in two minds about it. When the man of low capacity hears Tao, he laughs loudly at it. If he did not laugh, it would not be worth the name of Tao.”


The society certainly have many people of low capacity, and there are very few people of highest capacities.  Among people who have listened to this, less than 20% will believe and act accordingly, as well as agree with your, appreciate you and thank you. Eighty percent of the people do not believe it, or wonder it seem to be true or is it really? While they are listening, they feel terrible and think they would follow the teachings, but afterwards, they will doubt you and may even rebuke you, saying it is a lie and useless and you are just here to get money.


You must adjust your own mentality. You have to know why you are sharing the knowledge. If you want others to thank you and appreciate you, then I advise you not to do it. As I mentioned before, you don't need to share with others the knowledge you have learned from our anti-epidemic lessons. Especially for overseas friends, if you want to teach this knowledge to Westerners, those who will scold you and laugh at you must account for 90%, and only 10% people who have positive karmic relationship with you will accept. Meanwhile, 90% of people will for sure laugh at you, scold you, or even attack you or sue you.


You must be mentally prepared that in the worst case someone may want to kill you. It is possible. Why do people want to kill me when I share knowledge with them? There is really such a thing from ancient times to now. Because you told him this knowledge, and he did not take it, but perhaps after a year or two, he really got sick all of a sudden just as you had said. He will remember what you had told him and blame you for not paying close attention to him and not making sure that he has taken these preventative measures against the epidemic. He will really hate you and even come to attack you. When his family member or he himself is really sick or someone in his family dies, he will remember this. And some people will particularly hate you, and even want to kill you with this kind of thought. There will be such a thing.


Human nature is dark, and human nature is bright, as there are two sides. We prefer to say that human nature is half good and half evil, half bright and half dark. As long as any knowledge we share exceeds what he can accept, there will be easily opposite effects. Because man only believes in himself and does not believe in anyone at all, this is the inferior nature of human. Just believe in himself, and not anyone else. As long as the knowledge you share exceeds his ability to understand, he will think you are wrong.



The second inferior nature of human is that he wants others to agree with him. If you disagree with me, I will find a way to turn your thoughts into my thoughts. If I have no way to change you, then you are wrong. This is the inferiority of all human beings.

Because of these two types of inferior nature, there must be a lot of disapprovals and attacks. When you share this knowledge, you need to have the right mentality. You have to know why you are doing it. It is because some people do not understand. As Christ has said, they are the lost lambs.


This is a matter for all mankind. Only when all mankind, and more people can understand, then the epidemic can be correctly prevented. Ordinary people need to be protected against epidemics and do get infected. And the infected people need to get the right treatment right and survive, and to survive with quality of life. And those who have received Western medicine treatment, let him cut off the remaining effects from the root, and also learn to protect himself. Only in this way can we be safe in our human society.



Today, we are not doing this for others, but for the safety of our own future, our children and grandchildren, for the safety of all of us in the future. So we are going to share this knowledge of epidemic prevention with others. You must understand this well, and you must understand that when you are doing this, there must be many others who do not understand. In addition, they will come to attack me, to insult me and laugh at me. But we do not blame them because they are lost lambs and they do not understand.

We have understood this knowledge, and we understand how to enable all of us to be truly immune and escape from this epidemic disaster. Therefore, we are willing to help everyone selflessly and share our knowledge of epidemic prevention.




Let us assume that nobody come to control the epidemic spread. I am not saying whether to control by using our Chinese method, rather I mean to control by using the method of Chinese medicine.  Had people all over the world and all governments not taken measures to control the epidemic, then more than 80% of people would have been infected. After being infected, let's not mention how many deaths would occur, human fertility would be greatly affected. Then it is very likely that men will become eunuchs and women will not have eggs. Our human race will come to be perished.

What a terrible thing is that a virus can cause human race to perish. To avoid this tragedy, we must save ourselves. Therefore, we must take good precautions today, and we must share this knowledge. If we can save one, we save one. If we help one, that’s one person being saved.

That ’s all for today, thank you. 

(宗珠讀書會根據(jù)宗珠老師 2020年03月29日古典文化賞析群 海外抗疫義診群《抗疫課程》第十一講 內(nèi)容 整理編輯  圖片來自 百度  打譯 史從真 校對 jjh   有不當之處,敬請指正。)

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