


 平安三師兄 2020-05-23




1. Listen up, everybody! Show me your license. Don’t ask _____ Just do it!

A. what 

B. when

C. how 

D. why



2.—_____ is it from the New Town to the old city centre?

—Less than 30 minutes by underground.

A. How soon 

B. How often 

C. How long 

D. How far


【解析】句意:—從新鎮(zhèn)到以前的市中心有多遠?—乘地鐵不到30分鐘的車程。由回答可知,問題是兩地間隔多遠。how soon多快。how often多常。how long多長。how far多遠。D項符合句意。

3. It’s really _____ you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can  solve them on your own?

A. smart of

B. smart for  

C. silly of 

D. silly for


【解析】句意:你不告訴父母這些問題真是太蠢了。你覺得你能獨自解決這些問題嗎?由句意可知,說話人對這一行為是不贊同的,可排除A、B兩項。此處考查句式“it is (really) +adj. of sb. to do sth.”,意為“(某人)這么做(真是)太好/糟了”。正確答案為B項。

4.—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.

—I _____ agree more. Let’s take the bench over there.

A. could 

B. couldn’t  

C. should

D. shouldn’t



5. The governments should _____ the use of new types of energy to make a greener world.

A. push in

B. push for  

C. put out  

D. put up


【解析】句意:政府應該爭取使用新型能源,從而使世界變得更環(huán)保。本題考查短語辨析。push in闖入。push for奮力爭取。put out出版;熄滅。put up提高;建造。B項符合句意。

6.—The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.

—What?! I’ve never heard of   學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!  idea before.

A. a crazier  

B. the crazier 

C. a craziest  

D. the craziest



7. Why did she get so mad? It was only a _____ joke.

A. hopeless 

B. hopeful

C. harmless 

D. harmful


【解析】句意:為什么她那么生氣?不過是個無傷大雅的玩笑罷了。hopeless無藥可救的。hopeful充滿希望的。harmless無害的。harmful有害的。說話人不理解為什么“she get so mad”,說明說話人并不認為這個玩笑有什么問題。C項符合說話人態(tài)度。

8.—The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.

—That doesn’t _____ me at all. I’m not a net-worm, anyway.

A. satisfy 

B. surprise 

C. worry  

D. include



9. Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _____ the meeting if necessary.

A. would cancel 

B. cancelled  

C. would start

D. started



10.—Is your sleeping problem getting better?

—No. And _____. They gave me the wrong medicine this time. Can you believe that?

A. a good miss is as good as a mile    

B. it never rains but it pours

C. the early bird catches the worm 

D. every dog has its day



11. I think you should complain, _____, of course, you are happy with the situation.

A. unless  

B. however

C. until 

D. though


【解析】句意: 我覺得你應該去投訴,當然了,除非你對這情況感到滿意。此處考查連詞的使用。unless除非。however然而;但是。until直到。though盡管。A項符合句意。

12. —What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a single word!

—_____ . He’s from India, so I guess it is Hindi.

A. Neither I can 

B. Neither can I 

C. So I can

D. So can I



13. I know he’s been curious about everything, but that’s _____. Be patient!

A. what do kids like

B. what kids like

C. what are kids like

D. what kids are like



14.—I’ve decided to give up my job, Mum.

—_____.You’d better think twice.

A. Sounds great!

B. What a pity!  

C. Guess what?

D. Are you serious?




先通讀下而的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小題所給的四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并住答題卡上將該項涂黑。(本大題共 10小題,每小題1分,共10分)

I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat down beside us. He called the waiter and ordered, “Two學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!cups of coffee,  15  of them there on the wall.” We heard this with great  16   and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter  17   put a piece of paper on the wall, saying “A Cup of Coffee”. While we were still there, two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three.  18  , the waiter did the same thing. It seemed that this was usual at this place. However, it was something strange for us. Since we had nothing to do with the  19  , we finished our coffee, paid and left.

After a few days, we again had a  20   to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not match the  21   of this coffee shop. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, “One cup of coffee from the wall.” The waiter served coffee to this man with the same  22  . The man had his coffee and left without paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper from the  學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!23   and threw it in the dust bin. Now there was no  24   for us. The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears.

15. A. both B. neither   C. one  D. none

16. A. joy   B. interest C. effort  D. fear

17. A. quickly  B. suddenly  C. wisely  D. properly

18. A. Instead 學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!  B. Again  C. Indeed   D. Anyway

19. A. shop B. waiter  C. matter  D. men

20. A. hurry  B. time C. wish   D. chance

21. A. style B. standard  C. furniture  D. colour

22. A. respect   B. courage   C. result  D. custom

23. A. board B. table   C. bill D. wall

24. A. choice   B. clue C. doubt  D. hope



15.C  句意:要兩杯咖啡。其中一杯放在墻上。后文說到他只喝了一杯咖啡,另一杯則被服務員寫在紙上然后掛在了墻上。由此可知,此處為“one of them”,意為“其中一杯”C項正確。

16.B  句意:我們聽到這兒都感到很好奇,然后看到服務員給他端上了一杯咖啡,但他付了兩杯的錢。作者聽到“把咖啡掛到墻上”應該是好奇的。joy歡樂。interest興趣。effort努力。fear害怕。B項符合上下文意思。

17.A  句意:他一離開,服務員就立即將一張紙放在了墻上,上面寫著“一杯咖啡”。quickly迅速地。Suddenly突然地。Wisely明智地。Properly適當?shù)?;正確地。由“as soon as”可推斷,后文應接“立即……”,故A項符合文章邏輯。

18.B  句意:服務員再次做了同樣的事情。前文已經提到過一次服務員相同的舉動,因此選擇again,表示“再次”。instead反而。indeed的確。anyway無論如何。均不符合文章邏輯。B項正確。

19.C  句意:鑒于我們和這件事一點關系都沒有,我們喝完咖啡就付錢離開了。作者雖然對大家的舉動感到奇怪,但并不打算探究??崭裉幹复膽撌钦?。故選擇matter,意為“事件”。C項正確。

20.D  句意:幾天后,我們再次有機會去了這家咖啡店。本題考查固定搭配“have a chance to do sth.”意為“有機會做某事”。其它三項均搭配不當。答案為D項。

21.B  句意:這個男人的衣著打扮配不上這家咖啡店的檔次。style風格。standard水準;標準。furniture家具。colour顏色。D項符合文章邏輯。

22.A  句意:服務員同樣尊敬地給這個男人端上了咖啡。前文說到男人的衣著打扮并不符合這家店的檔次,但根據(jù)上下文,這里表達的應該是:盡管如此,服務員還是以同樣的態(tài)度招待了他。respect尊敬。courage勇氣。result結果。custom習俗。“with respect”為常用搭配,意為“尊敬地;有禮貌地”。A項符合句意。

23.D  句意:服務員從墻上取下了一張紙,扔進了垃圾箱。由上下文可知,掛在墻上的一張張紙表示的是顧客為有需要的人提前預付的一杯杯咖啡。而每當有人喝掉一杯,就從墻上拿下一張紙。board木板。bill賬單。table桌子。文章均未提及。D項符合上下文。

24.C  句意:現(xiàn)在我們沒有一點疑問了。前文提到作者對大家的舉動感到不解,但并未探究,此時才終于得知原因,打消了疑惑。choice選擇。clue線索。doubt疑問。hope希望。C項符合題意。




From:   annel@freemai14all.com   Sent: Wed., Oct. 19

To:    tss_liam@kidstarmail.net

Subject: Hello!

Hi, Liam!

So you’re my new pen friend. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m 14 years old and I live in Calgary, Canada. I have two older brothers, Brian and Sam. I’m the only girl.

I love sports and I’m always looking for exciting new hobbies to try. I like playing baseball in winter.

It’s fun beating the boys! But summer is my favourite time of the year. I love skateboarding and rock climbing in summer.

Skate boarding’s great because it’s so fun and easy to learn! I often skateboard after school. There are many places in the park where I can do stunts. I’m good at stunts like jumping and turning the skateboard!

Rock climbing is also really fun. I usually climb with my dad on weekends. We can’t do it on real mountains very often because we live in the city. We do indoor rock climbing instead but it’s not as challenging.

So that’s me! How about you? Please write back soon!

Bye for now!


25.Who wrote this email?

A. Liam.  

B. Brian.  

C. Sam.  

D. Anne.

26.What is the writer like?

A. Active. 

B. Shy. 

C. Lazy.  

D. Kind.

27.The writer sent this email in order to

A. describe some exciting sports 

B. look for a suitable pen friend

C. make a self-introduction

D. show others his/her hobbies



25.D  本題是細節(jié)題。英文信件與中文信件習慣相同,開頭為收信人稱謂,結尾處應署上寫信人姓名。由信件結尾的署名“Anne”可知,答案為D項。

26.A  本題是主旨大意題。整篇文章主要在介紹Anne喜歡的各項運動,可見她是充滿活力、熱愛運動的。active積極的;活躍的。shy害羞的。lazy懶惰的。kind和善的。A項符合文章主旨大意。

27.C  本題是推理判斷題。郵件主要介紹了Anne的大致情況,并突出了其愛好為運動。又由結尾處的“So that’s me! How about you?(這就是我的情況了,那么你呢?)”可知,其主要目的是為了介紹一下自己,并期望了解一下Liam。因此,答案為C項。



One dollar a week

The doorway of the house where Chandler has a room. He is dressed in his best clothes, ready for his evening out. He is going out as his friend, Jeff White, comes in.

WHITE   What are you doing this evening, Towers?

CHANDLER   (Smiling) Tonight I’m going to live like a man with a million dollars!

WHITE   What are you talking about? You haven’t got a million dollars!

CHANDLER   How much money are you and I paid each week, Jeff?

WHITE   Eighteen dollars. Why?

CHANDLER   And how much of that eighteen dollars do you spend each week?

WHITE   All of it, of course.

CHANDLER   Well, I don’t. Each week I save one dollar out of my eighteen. Then, every ten weeks, I can buy myself an evening to remember.

WHITE   What do you do?

CHANDLER   I put on my finest clothes, go to one of the best restaurants in New York, eat the most expensive food on the menu, drink the best wine, and then take a taxi home!

WHITE    (  29  ) Why?

CHANDLER   Why? Because it makes me feel wonderful to sit with some of the richest people in America, and to make them think that I’m rich, too.

WHITE You’re crazy!

CHANDLER   (Laughing) Perhaps I am!

Mrs. Black comes學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!in.

MRS BLACK  Ah, Mr. Chandler. I wanted to see you.

CHANDLER   Good evening, Mrs. Black. What a lovely evening!

MRS BLACK Lovely evening perhaps, but you haven’t paid me for your room this month. When am I going to get the money?

CHANDLER Soon, Mrs. Black. Very soon.

Mrs. Black looks at Chandler s clothes.

MRS BLACK  You can spend money on expensive clothes, but you can’t pay for your room. Is that right?

CHANDLER (Hurrying away) Good night, Mrs. Black!

28.This is most probably part of _____.

A. a play  

B. a novel 

C. a poem 

D. a speech

29. Which of the following is the most suitable for _____?

A. Excited 

B. Surprised. 

C. Bored.

D. Scared

30.What can we learn about Chandler?

A. He is a man of great wealth.  

B. He is a man of great wisdom.

C. He is not very practical.   

D. He is not very confident.



28.A  本題是推理判斷題。文章標題“scene one”,意為“第一幕”,經常運用在劇本中,由此可以推斷,文章為劇本選段。play劇本。novel小說。poem詩歌。speech演講。答案為A項。

29.B  本題是推理判斷題。上文說到Chandler時不時攢錢去感受一下有錢人的生活,對此,White應該是感到出乎意料的,才會接著詢問“Why?”。excited興奮的。surprised.驚訝的;出乎意料的。bored無聊的。scared害怕的。C項符合對話語境。

30.C  本題是推理判斷題。上文說到Chandler時不時攢錢去感受一下有錢人的生活。對此,他的朋友White的回應是“You’re crazy(你一定是瘋了)”。而房東太太也認為,花錢去裝富人還不如踏實過日子,按時把房租交了??梢?,兩者對Chandler的評價都是偏負面的。因此,答案為C項。practical意為“實際的;務實的”。


“Well, just take a look at that wheel (航輪)!” Earl Cooper said to Candy, his wife. “It must be older than anything we have back home.”

Earl was looking at the wall outside the pub (酒館). The pub’s name, The Old Swan, was on the wall. Next to the name was a wooden ship’s wheel and in the middle of the wheel was the name of a ship, HMS Swan. The wheel was old, Earl could tell.

The next morning, Earl asked to see Tony Thatcher. The Old Swan was Tony’s pub. He took Earl to his office while Candy had a coffee outside by the river. Earl said he could give Tony a lot of money for the ship’s wheel. He told Tony that Benjamin Cooper, his grandfather, went to America on the ship HMS Swan. But Tony said no at first. After all, the wheel was very old and it was part of the pub’s past.

“You can think of the past, Mr. Thatcher—can I call you Ton學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!y?—or you can think of today. And with the money, Tony, you can buy a good car. Maybe a new Jaguar? And, as I’ve told you, the wheel is part of my family’s past too. So you could say it’s going back home, in a way. So, what do you say?”

A month 學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!later, Earl and Candy were smiling as they looked at the wall of their house in Houston, Texas. Earl thought to himself that, at last, he had a piece of his family’s past. He was happy.

In Portsmouth, Tony Thatcher was happy, too. He was putting his new Jaguar into his large garage (車庫). He was careful not to drive into any of the six ship’s wheels in the garage. A friend of his made the wheels for him. They were just like the one that Earl bought. And there was another wheel on the outside wall of The Old Swan now. Old or new—Tony thought there was no way that a tourist could ever know which was which. Never in a hundred years.

31. Why did Tony refuse to sell the wheel at first?

A. Because he thought it was old and part of the pub’s past.

B. Because he wanted to show it was important to his pub.

C. Because he tried to sell it to someone else at a higher price.

D. Because he did not really believe what Earl had told him.

32.What can we infer (椎斷) from the story?

A. Earl had looked for such a wheel for a long time before that.

B. Earl would soon find out the truth and become rather angry.

C. Tony had sold quite a few wheels like that and got wealthy.

D. Tony would play the same trick again to make more money.

33. Which of the following can be the best title of the story?

A. The Wheel on the Wall     

B. An Excellent Buy

C. Old or New - Who Knows 

D. the Family’s Past



31.B  本題是細節(jié)題。由題干關鍵詞refuse to sell和at first可定位到第三段。由“After all, the wheel was very old and it was part of the pub’s past”可知,Tony認為這個航輪已經歷史悠久,并且成為了這個酒吧不可分割的一部分。但由后文可知,Tony是故意這么說以期賣得高價。故B項正確。

32.D  本題是推理判斷題。由上下文可知,Tony囤積了很多航輪,并欺騙游客,每一個航輪都歷史悠久,值得珍藏,從而將普通的航輪賣得高價。文章最后一段提到“six ship’s wheels in the garage”,即Tony還有很多航輪,并提到他打算繼續(xù)這筆買賣,欺騙游客。A、B兩項不符合文意。C項表述正確,但僅僅是列舉文中所給事實,而題目要求是在所給事實的基礎上做出推斷。D項為合理推斷。

33.A  本題是主旨大意題。文章主要講述了酒吧老板Tony囤積了很多航輪,并欺騙游客說每一個航輪都歷史悠久,值得珍藏,從而將普通航輪賣得高價的故事。整個故事都是圍繞掛在墻上的航輪展開的,故A項符合文章大意。其他幾個選項均是對文章部分內容的總結,不能作為大標題。


An early form of a game in which a ball was kicked around a field is recorded in 1004 B.C. Japan. Some sports historians believe that the game of soccer began in England in the third century, however. They say that early English warriors (武士) kicked around the head of a 學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!killed enemy. This may or may not be true, but it is certain that soccer is an ancient sport.

Without doubt, the English played soccer during the times of King Edward I in the 1300s. In fact, the king passed a law against playing it. The law said, “There is great noise...caused by kicking large balls from which many ghosts may appear.” Anyone caught playing soccer at that time was put into prison. Two hundred years later, Queen Elizabeth I still had people put into prison for playing this “vulgar” sport.

Although there were such laws, soccer grew more popular. In 1681, it became an official (正式的) sport in England. By the 1800s, people throughout the country played soccer. By the 18th century, upper-class boys played it at schools. Its popularity grew among all English people.

At a meeting held in an English school in 1843, the first rules were suggested. In 1863 the heads of English soccer teams met in London to agree on some學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!official rules. They organized an English football association (協(xié)會). By 1871 all of the English clubs were following these rules. Today all soccer teams play by them.

Soccer is called “football” everywhere but in the United States. The game is played mostly with feet. No players except the goalie (守門員) may touch the ball with their hands. They may control the ball with any part of the body except their hands.

Soccer is by far the world’s most popular sport. Every four years, nearly every country in the world fights for the World Cup. Tens of billions of soccer fans from around the world watch the World Cup on television.

34. According to the passage, a “vulgar” sport probably _____.

A. appears to be rude  

B. appears to be old

C. requires lots of energy 

D. requires good teamwork

35. Which of the following shows t學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!he right order of the development of the game?

a. Upper-class boy students played it at schools.

b. An English football association was organized.

c. It became a popular sport throughout England.

d. The rules were accepted by all English clubs.

e. Playing the game was considered to be guilty.

A. e-c-a-b-d. 

B. e-c-a-d-b. 

C. e-a-c-b-d.

D. e-a-c-d-b.

36.What can we learn from the passage?

A. It is certain學科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!that soccer has a history of over l, 800 years.

B. The English had to play soccer in secret for two centuries.

C. Football is called "soccer" in the US because of the rules.

D. The king passed the law against the game for a stupid reason.

37.This passage is mainly about _____.

A. why the game is so popular 

B. how the game has developed

C. what the game is like   

D. where the game first began



34.A  本題是細節(jié)題。由題干關鍵詞vulgar可定位到第二段。由“There is great noise”和“Queen Elizabeth I still had people put into prison for playing this vulgar sport”可知,一方面踢足球噪音很大,另一方面這是違法的。B、D兩項文中并未提及。C項“需要很多能量”與被法律禁止并無直接聯(lián)系,可排除。故A項正確,即這項運動在當時被認為“太粗魯”。

35.C  本題是細節(jié)題。a出現(xiàn)在第三段。b出現(xiàn)在第四段。c出現(xiàn)在第三段最后一句。d出現(xiàn)在第四段最后一句。e出現(xiàn)在第二段。文章按時間順序組織,因此可以按各選項在文中出現(xiàn)的前后順序排列。故C項正確。

36.D  本題是細節(jié)題。第二段提到:“Without doubt, the English played soccer during the times of King Edward I in the 1300”,由此可知,確定出現(xiàn)足球的時間大概是14世紀,故A項錯誤。由第二段中“Two hundred years later, Queen Elizabeth I still had people put into prison…”可知,兩百年后,這一行為仍是違法的。但不能由此推斷踢足球只在這兩百年是違法的。B項過于絕對,可排除。文章主要介紹了“soccer”在英國的發(fā)展史,因此這應該是英式稱呼,故C項錯誤。D項為正確選項。

37.B  本題是主旨大意題。通讀全文可知,本文主要介紹了足球運動的發(fā)展史。故B項正確。




1. Life is like a _____ (賽跑).You either take the lead or fall behind.

2. I thought about what she had said and stayed _____ (醒著的) all night.

3. Hey! Relax! No one will _____ (強迫) you to do that if you’re not willing to.

4. Many countries speak _____ (高度地) of China’s high-speed railway technologies.





句意:我想著她說的話,整晚都沒睡著。stay awake為固定搭配,表示“醒著的”。


句意:嘿,放輕松!如果你不想做,沒人會強迫你。此處考查固定搭配“force sb. to do sth.”,意為“強迫某人做某事”。“will”表一般將來時,后接動詞原形。故應填入force的原形。


句意:很多國家高度評價中國的高鐵技術。此處考查固定搭配“speak highly of sth.”,意為“高度評價……”。故應填入highly。

(B) 根據(jù)句意,在答題卡對應題號的橫線上,寫出括號內所給單詞的適當形式。

5. Don’t look at me like that! I’m telling you the _____(true).

6. It is not polite to ask a stranger questions about his _____(person) life.

7. Red lanterns are often _____(hang) along the streets before Spring Festival.

8. The new system is now _____(wide) used by IT companies all over the world.





句意:向陌生人詢問他的私生活是不禮貌的。此處考查常用短語“personal life”,意為“私生活”。故應填入person的形容詞形式personal。


句意:春節(jié)之前,沿街常常掛著紅燈籠。red lanterns與hang為被動關系,應使用被動語態(tài),即“be+動詞過去式”。故應填入hang的過去式hung。另外要注意區(qū)分hang的兩個過去式。hanged意為“絞死;上吊”;hung意為“懸掛”。


句意:這個新系統(tǒng)現(xiàn)在被全球的信息技術公司廣泛運用。此處考查常用短語“be widely used by”,意為“被廣泛應用于……”。故應填入wide的副詞形式widely,表“廣泛地”。



1. Trust me. I _____ (keep) it between you and me, I promise. Talk now.

2. I’m so sorry that I _____ (not understand) you, but I do now.

3.—Sally loves chocolate. —That _____ (explain) why it’s hard for her to lose weight.

4. If you have any trouble _____ (use) the website, just click on this icon for help.

5.—Why didn’t you answer my call?

—I _____ (take) a shower. But I called you back as soon as I got out.

6. A big parade was held on Red Square _____ (remember) the dead in World War II.

7. Cleverness is a gift; kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy—they _____ (give) after all. Choices can be hard.

8.—Is the little baby in this photo me, Dad?

—It is. And now you _____ (grow) into a young man. Where does the time go, huh?


1.will keep 

句意:相信我,我保證只有我們兩個知道?,F(xiàn)在,告訴我吧。由句意可知,說話人現(xiàn)在還沒有被告知,因此,保守秘密也是將來的事。主句應使用一般將來時,即“will+動詞原形”。故應填入keep的一般將來時形式will keep。

2.did not understand

句意:我很抱歉以前不理解你,但現(xiàn)在我理解了。由后半句可知,不理解是以前的事情,應使用一般過去時。故應填入not understand的過去式did not understand。




句意:如果你上網(wǎng)出現(xiàn)故障,就點一下這個圖標求助。此處考查固定句型“have problem/trouble (in) doing sth.”,意為“做某事有困難/障礙”,其中“in”可省略。故應填入use的現(xiàn)在分詞形式using。

5.was talking

句意:—你為什么不接我電話?—我當時正在洗澡。但我一出來就給你回電話了。根據(jù)句意,主句應使用過去進行時,即“was/were+動詞-ing”形式,表示過去某個時間點正在發(fā)生的事情。故應填入talk的過去進行時was talking。

6.to remember

句意:紅場句型了一場大型閱兵游行以紀念二戰(zhàn)中的死者。動詞不定式“to do”可做目的狀語,表示“為了”。故根據(jù)題意,此處應填入remember的不定式to remember。

7.are given

句意:聰明是天賦,善良是選擇。天賦很簡單,畢竟,它們是上天給予的。但選擇可能會十分艱難。gift與give之間為被動關系,應使用被動語態(tài),即“be+動詞過去式”。故應填入be give的過去式are given。注意主謂一致。

8.have grown

句意:—爸爸,這張照片里的小孩是我嗎?—是呀,現(xiàn)在你已經成長為一個男人了,時間都去哪兒了???由時間狀語now可推測,主句應使用現(xiàn)在完成時,即“have+動詞過去分詞”形式,強調對現(xiàn)在的影響。故應填入grow的現(xiàn)在完成時形式have grown。



A “blog” is a shortened name for a “web log”. People write blogs about all kinds of things, from news and events to hobbies and reviews. Some people use them just as a simple record of what they have done.

“Blogging” has become very popular as more and more people use the Internet. New technologies have made keeping a blog an easy thing to do, so millions of people now have their own blogs. They are usually free to set up and are easy to update. You can upload pictures onto a blog and link to other websites. To many people, these features make blogs much more useful than traditional diaries.

We are now able to send texts, pictures and videos from our mobile phones directly onto the Web. New technologies like this are making blogging even easier, people also think that blogs are better than newspapers for finding out about news, events and opinions. They like to use blogs because they can get information from everywhere. It looks like blogs are going to become one of the most important ways to find and share information in the near future.




由題干關鍵詞“web log”可定位到第一句“A ‘blog’ is a shortened name for a ‘web log’”,即“日志(即博客)是網(wǎng)絡日志的簡稱”。此處考查固定短語“be short for”,意為“是……的簡稱”。故此處應填入short。


第一段提到,人們在博客中記錄各種各樣的事情,有些人用它們來記錄自己的日常生活??梢姡瑢σ恍┤藖碚f,博客的功能等同于日記。第二段中的“these features make blogs much more useful than traditional diaries(這些特質使博客比傳統(tǒng)的日記更為實用)”進一步支持了這一點。故應填入diary。


由“‘Blogging’ has become very popular”可知,博客變得很流行,也就是說,使用博客的人越來越多。故填空處應填入increasing,表示“增長的”。




由題干關鍵詞“find and share information”可定位到最后一句“blogs are going to become one of the most important ways to find and share information in the near future”,即“在不遠的將來,博客將成為尋找和分享信息的最重要途徑”。故此處應填入soon,意為“即將,馬上”。




In my memory, Father was a man of few words and he _____.


These short messages are so boring that they _____.


The value of life does not _____, but what you do.



The new couple _____ with each other for many years and they are finally getting married today. How nice!


What makes New Swan Lake special is that _____.


Stop daydreaming! Never expect that you’ll _____.


1. was strict with me

“對某人嚴格要求”可譯為“be strict with sb.”。主句為一般過去時,故此處應填入was strict with me。

2.are not/aren’t worth replying to

“值得做某事”常表述為“be worth doing sth.”。“回復某人/事”可譯為“reply to sb./sth.”。故應填入aren’t worth replying to。注意主謂一致。

3.depend on who you are

“取決于”可譯為“depend on”。后接賓語從句應使用陳述語序。故應填入depend on who you are。

4.have been in love

“相愛”表示一種狀態(tài)時,應譯為“be in love with sb.”。由時間狀語“for many years”可知,主句應使用現(xiàn)在完成時,即“have+動詞過去分詞”形式。因此,空格處應填入have been in love。

5.it is/it’s made up in a modern way

“以……的方式”可譯為“in a+adj.+way”。主語“《新天鵝湖》”與動詞“編曲”之間為被動關系,應使用被動語態(tài),即“be+動詞過去式”。因此,空格處應填入一個完整的句子:it’s made up in a modern way。

6.happen to catch the director’s attention

“碰巧做某事”可譯為“happen to sth.”?!耙鹉橙俗⒁狻笨杀硎鰹椤癱atch sb.’s attention”。空格處應填入happen to catch the director’s attention。


假設你是悉尼大學一名華裔學生,名叫Jason Wu。你從China Daily上看到該報正在開展主題為Change for a Better China的環(huán)保討論活動。你打算結合自己所居住的小鎮(zhèn)的變化,給報社寫一封英文信參與討論。內容提示見下表:








澳洲最美小鎮(zhèn)(Australia’s Nicest Towns)   清潔能源(clean energy)




Dear Editor,

I’m a student of Sydney University. I am living in small town called Hartwell whose population is around 5,000. It is one of the “Australia’s Nicest Towns”. But things were very different in the past. The local people used to burn wood to keep warm in the winter. A lot of trees were cut down, which caused serious air pollution. Laws were soon made to prohibit this and people were encouraged to use clean energy. I think we can do something similar in China. Perhaps we can start with using less oil. I believe we can make our world a more and more beautiful if we keep trying.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Wu


①make laws to 制定法律……

②be encouraged to do 被鼓勵做某事

③start with sth./doing sth. 從……開始

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