

雙語朗誦|?傾城之戀(文/吳順珍·馮 萍 誦/竹 笛·陳懷熙·Siran?)

 當代文摘 2020-09-09



《 傾 城 之 戀 》

文/吳順珍·馮 萍 誦/竹 笛·陳懷熙·Siran

















World shaking love

--- Wu Shunzhen, Feng Ping

When it was long long ago,

I was free and easy in this merry -gorolling world,

Unfolding the beautiful flowers atChang An city in just one day.

All my heart is devoted to you,

To find you everywhere in this world,

Even I armed myself with sword, andfought in the battlefield ,

With huge sand dust arousing by my ironhorse behind.

I have remembered the witty words ofalluring ladies in the palace,

I was warned of not scaring of lies,schemes, and struggles.

I scrawled madly on the lion stonestatute in the pavilion,

Throwing the falling peach petals intothe river,

Allowing it to flow with the water,

I see my own reflections in the storytelling river.

For the love’s sake, I took out theemperor's sword,

To defend justice and eliminate  evils like a legendary figure,

The treasured blood horse could run athousand miles in the wind,

proudly, I claimed myself as a herowith a chivalry spirit.

The beautiful willows hanging by thecliff near the phoenix lake,

I walked with a soft footsteps as if steppingon the clouds,

I visited the ancient monastery at thenight,

following the call of ring-bells andsinging of the songs,

I walked alone among the flower bushes,

listening to rain drop one by one fromthe roof.

totally drunk, I nearly lost my elegance,

with the swift footsteps and a brightsmile on my face,

almost make me the queen in the world.

never to be surprised at my unyielding temper,

Love for once, shaking the whole world,

i fight for love’s sake with theextreme desperation.

Though young, and pretty as I was,

i will never waste my precious time,

The classics, history, and book ofsongs accompany me to my marriage.

My spirit is so lofty and high,

I almost have the whole world in myhands,

however,only when facing you,

The gentleness is only thing Iencounter with you.

The xi Men gentleman is whisperingsweet words in my ears,

Born and grown up together,

I bet with my happiness in your hands.

The falling willows by the other sideof the bank

has already spurred out new leaves,

My longing to go back home made my feetwalk fast with the wind.

After we get married,

We hold the tray level to the brows toeach other,

Plant mulberry and drink the ginswines,

The spring is arriving, and the floweris coming out.

we sit with our back to back,

watching the glow of sunshine in thesky.

we laughed and laughed loudly together,

feeling easy and natural in our mind.

With you, clutching my hands,

I walked across the mountains and thesea,

The whole world is my land.


特邀專欄 · 原創(chuàng)首發(fā)

? 詩人風(fēng)采簡介 ?

★★茹楓鈴翔,原名:吳順祥,現(xiàn)用名:吳順珍,八零后作家,出生地:四川省宜賓市。善于寫古體詩、  現(xiàn)代詩、散文詩、小小說之類?!懂敶恼購娮骷揖肺募贰ⅰ稘h風(fēng)流韻-中國當代作家精品文集》書刊主編、  《中國當代文摘》《中外文藝》《最美作家》《人民選刊》《美文周刊》等多個平臺主編。山松如風(fēng)國際文化傳媒創(chuàng)始人。已被入選《21世紀名人網(wǎng)》中國詩人,同時被選入《當代國際名師名家名人選集》,中小企業(yè)策劃人,中國詩歌網(wǎng)詩人,被海外稱為當代浪漫主義詩人,四川省德陽市作家協(xié)會執(zhí)行理事,部分作品已翻譯成英、德、法在海外發(fā)表,作品發(fā)表于海內(nèi)外各種書刊及網(wǎng)站,淡泊名利,只想藏在平凡的人群中,把中華文化發(fā)揚光大。最喜歡的格言:美在沖刺,亮在歷程。

☆☆馮  萍,90后,喜歡下棋,寫作,二胡。波蘭華沙大學(xué)國際關(guān)系專業(yè)博士,擅長用中英文寫作,出版了英文作品“ Roads Seeking”, “Lovein Warsaw” 和 “The way in the front”, 中文作品,《循途》,莽原雜志發(fā)表中篇小說《馬耳他的美麗童話》,翻譯英文著作數(shù)篇。本刊特邀專欄作者。


☆☆竹笛Judy,筆名O-K Mom,現(xiàn)旅居北美,加拿大中華詩詞學(xué)會會員,《中國當代文摘》、《中外文藝》專欄作家及朗誦師,大華筆會會員,典型的理工女, 卻有一顆文藝心。主持召開了美國之旅,詩歌燒烤會等活動。作品散見于詩刊、網(wǎng)絡(luò)、報紙和書籍。本刊特邀朗誦嘉賓主播。



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