

[轉(zhuǎn)載]Here Is New York

 尼羅河再無耕牛 2020-11-27
原文地址:Here Is New York作者:發(fā)洋財

作者簡介E.B. 懷特(1899-1985) 生于紐約蒙特弗農(nóng),畢業(yè)于康奈爾大學。多年來他為《紐約人》雜志擔任專職撰稿人。懷特是一位頗有造詣的散文家、幽默作家、詩人和諷刺作家。對于幾代美國兒童來說,他之所以出名是因為寫第一流的兒童讀物 《小斯圖亞特》(1945) 和 《夏洛特的網(wǎng)》(1952)。一代又一代學生和作者熟悉他,因為他是《風格的要素》這本書的合著者 (兼修訂者)。該書是關(guān)于作文和慣用法的很有價值的小冊子,最初由在康奈爾大學教過懷特英語的小威廉.斯特朗克教授撰寫。散文《自由》于1940年7月首先由《哈潑斯》雜志發(fā)表。當時美國尚未加入反對納粹的戰(zhàn)爭,世界正處于納粹──蘇聯(lián)條約的時期,無論左派或右派都忽略了極權(quán)主義對民主的威脅。這篇散文收入懷特的文集《一個人的肉食》(1942)。



Here Is New York(excerpt)


E. B. White

On any person who desires such queer prizes, New York will bestow the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy. It is this largess that accounts for the presence within the city's walls of a considerable section of the population; for the residents of Manhattan are to a large extent strangers who have pulled up stakes somewhere and come to town, seeking sanctuary or fulfillment or some greater or lesser grail.  The capacity to make such dubious gifts is a mysterious quality of New York.  It can destroy an individual, or it can fulfill him, depending a good deal on luck.  No one should come to New York to live unless he is willing to be lucky.


New York is the concentrate of art and commerce and sport and religion and entertainment and finance, bringing to a single compact arena the gladiator, the evangelist, the promoter,  the actor,  the trader,  and the merchant.  It carries on its lapel the unexpungeable odor of the long past, so that no matter where you sit in New York you feel the vibrations of great times and tall deeds, of queer people and events and undertakings. I am sitting at the moment in a stifling hotel room in 90-degree heat, halfway down an air shaft, in midtown.  No air moves in or out of the room, yet I am curiously affected by emanations from the immediate surroundings.  I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose,  four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle,  thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, one block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White,  five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany (I could continue this list indefinitely);  and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in,  some of them on hot,  breathless afternoons,  lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without.

紐約把藝術(shù)、商業(yè)、體育、宗教、娛樂、金融融于一爐,將角斗士、福音布道牧師、贊助人、演員、股市黃牛和商賈各色人等推上同一個緊湊的舞臺。城市彰顯的特點是帶有一種無法抹煞的陳年久遠的氣味,所以不管你坐在紐約的什么地方,你都會感受到偉大時代和荒誕行狀的回聲,還有那些奇人怪事和業(yè)績。此刻,氣溫高達華氏90度,我正坐在中城區(qū)一家酒店叫人透不過氣的客房里,置身于通風井不上不下的位置。房間內(nèi)外沒有空氣流動,可稀奇的是我卻能感受到周圍散發(fā)出的氣息:此去22條馬路就是魯?shù)婪颉ね邆惖僦Z大殮前供人瞻仰的地方;8條馬路之外是內(nèi)森·黑爾的刑場;5條馬路之隔有家出版社,就在那辦公室里歐內(nèi)斯特· 海明威曾猛擊邁克斯·伊斯特曼的鼻梁;過去4英里,那曾是沃爾特·惠特曼坐著揮汗為布魯克林《鷹報》撰寫社論的地方;34條馬路之外是薇拉·凱瑟來紐約時住過的那條街,在那兒她寫下了關(guān)于內(nèi)布拉斯加的幾部作品;離此一條馬路之隔乃是馬塞林經(jīng)常表演丑角的大馬戲場;36條馬路之外,歷史學家佐·古爾德曾在眾目睽睽之下把一臺收音機踹成碎片;13條馬路之外是哈利·索奧射殺斯坦?!烟氐默F(xiàn)場;距此5條馬路,是我當年當領(lǐng)座員的大都會歌劇院;克萊倫斯·戴的老子清洗罪孽的顯圣堂離這兒再遠也只須走過112條馬路。(就這類軼事拉一張單子可以長得沒完沒了。)依同理,我此刻置身其中的客房可能不知被多少顯貴和在某一方面值得緬懷的人物占用過,其中某些人在炎熱又悶塞的下午,同樣感到落寞而離群,又滿懷各人對于從戶外傳來的人事影響的敏感。

When I went down to lunch a few minutes ago I noticed that the man sitting next to me (about eighteen inches away along the wall) was Fred Stone. The eighteen inches are both the connection and the separation that New York provides for its inhabitants. My only connection with Fred Stone was that I saw him in the The Wizard of Oz around the beginning of the century. But our waiter felt the same stimulus from being close to a man from Oz, and after Mr. Stone left the room the waiter told me that when he (the waiter) was a young man just arrived in this country and before he could understand a word of English, he had taken his girl for their first theater date to The Wizard of Oz. It was a wonderful show, the waiter recalled—a man of straw, a man of tin. Wonderful! (And still only eighteen inches away.) “Mr. Stone is a very hearty eater, ” said the waiter thoughtfully, content with this fragile participation in destiny, this link with Oz.


New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities it succeeds in insulating the individual (if he wants it, and almost everybody wants or needs it) against all enormous and violent and wonderful events that are taking place every minute. Since I have been sitting in this miasmic air shaft, a good many rather splashy events have occurred in town. A man shot and killed his wife in a fit of jealousy. It caused no stir outside his block and got only small mention in the papers. I did not attend. Since my arrival, the greatest air show ever staged in all the world took place in town. I didn’t attend and neither did most of the eight million other inhabitants, although they say there was quite a crowd. I didn’t even hear any planes except a couple of westbound commercial airliners that habitually use this air shaft to fly over. The biggest oceangoing ships on the North Atlantic arrived and departed. I didn’t notice them and neither did most other New Yorkers. I am told this is the greatest seaport in the world, with 650 miles of waterfront, and ships calling here from many exotic lands, but the only boat I’ve happened to notice since my arrival was a small sloop tacking out of the East River night before last on the ebb tide when I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. I heard the Queen Mary blow one midnight, though, and the sound carried the whole history of departure and longing and loss. The Lions have been in convention. I've seen not one Lion. A friend of mine saw one and told me about him. (He was lame, and was wearing a bolero.) At the ballgrounds and horse parks the greatest sporting spectacles have been enacted. I saw no ballplayer, no race horse. The governor came to town. I heard the siren scream, but that was all there was to that—an eighteen-inch margin again. A man was killed by a falling cornice. I was not a party to the tragedy, and again the inches counted heavily.


I mention these events merely to show that New York is peculiarly constructed to absorb almost anything that comes along (whether a thousand-foot liner out of the East or twenty-thousand-man convention out of the West) without inflicting the event on its inhabitants; so that every event is, in a sense, optional, and the inhabitant is in the happy position of being able to choose his spectacle and so conserve his soul. In most metropolises, small and large, the choice is often not with the individual at all. He is thrown to the Lions. The Lions are overwhelming; the event is unavoidable. A cornice falls, that it hits every citizen on the head, every last man in town. I sometimes think that the only event that hits every New Yorker on the head is the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade, which is fairly penetrating—the Irish are a hard race to tune out, there are 500,000 of them in residence, and they have the police force right in the family.


The quality in New York that insulates its inhabitants from life may simply weaken them as individuals. Perhaps it is healthier to live in a community where, when a cornice falls, you feel the blow; where, when the governor passes, you see at any rate his hat.


I am not defending New York in this regard. Many of its settlers are probably here merely to escape, not face, reality. But whatever it means, it is a rather rare gift, and I believe it has a positive effect on the creative capacities of New Yorkers—for creation is in part merely the business of forgoing the great and small distractions.


Although New York often imparts a feeling of great forlornness or forsakenness, it seldom seems dead or unresourceful; and you always feel that either by shifting your location ten blocks or by reducing your fortune by five dollars you can experience rejuvenation. Many people who have no real independence of spirit depend on the city’s tremendous variety and sources of excitement for spiritual sustenance and maintenance of morale. In the country there are a few chances of sudden rejuvenation—a shift in weather, perhaps, or something arriving in the mail. But in New York the chances are endless. I think that although many persons are here from some excess of spirit (which caused them to break away from their small town), some, too, are here from a deficiency of spirit, who find in New York a protection, or an easy substitution.

紐約雖說時常給人一種沉重的失落感或被遺棄感,城市卻難得顯出死氣沉沉或一籌莫展的樣子,反倒是你總擁有一種希望:越過10條馬路搬次家,或是花去 5美元,就能重新煥發(fā)青春。許多缺乏獨立精神的人依賴城市巨大的多樣性和興奮源,來求得精神上的耐久力并保持振奮。在鄉(xiāng)下,青春得以突然重新煥發(fā)的偶然機會不是沒有 —— 也許是天氣的驟變,要不收到一封讓你驚喜的郵件??墒窃诩~約,這樣的機會無窮無盡。在我看來,盡管有不少人是由于精神追求過度到這兒來的(這使他們逼著自己離開小城),也有些人是因為精神貧乏到紐約來的,并在此找到了保護或是輕而易舉得到了易地取代的報償。

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