


 Yaying0my0d2pw 2021-08-22


11年前上映的《怦然心動(dòng)》Flipped 如今仍高居豆瓣TPO250的第24名,作為一部愛情電影,這是十分高的排名。



原著作者Wendelin Van Draanen于2001年出版了這本書。Flip的本義是“使快速翻轉(zhuǎn)”,翻一眼目錄會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn):書名Flipped同時(shí)也是首尾的兩個(gè)章節(jié)名。有意思的是,譯者陳常歌把開篇的flipped翻譯成了“心動(dòng)”,結(jié)尾的則翻譯成了“怦然心動(dòng)”。






I chased Bryce up the walkway, and that's when everything changed. You see, I caught up to him and grabbed his arm, trying to stop him so maybe we could play a little before he got trapped inside, and the next thing I know he's holding my hand, looking right into my eyes.


My heart stopped. It just stopped beating. And for the first time in my life, I had that feeling. You know, like the world is moving all around you, all beneath you, all inside you, and you're floating. Floating in midair. And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person's eyes. They're connected to yours by some invisible physical force, and they hold you fast while the rest of the world swirls and twirls and falls completely away.


I almost got my first kiss that day. I'm sure of it.


迷上Bryce之后,Juli在學(xué)校更是“英雄救美”——二年級(jí)就知道吃醋了,對(duì)方是學(xué)校的小太妹Shelly Stalls.

My solution to Shelly Stalls was to ignore her, which worked just dandy until about halfway through the fifth grade when I saw her holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was still embarrassed over holding my hand two days before the second grade. The one who was still too shy to say much more than hello to me. The one who was still walking around with my first kiss.


How could Shelly have wormed her hand into his? That pushy little princess had no business hanging on to him like that! Bryce looked over his shoulder from time to time as they walked along, and he was looking at me. My first thought was that he was telling me he was sorry. Then it dawned on me — he needed my help. Absolutely, that's what it had to be!







Juli tackled the trash and pulled out her precious little carton of eggs, and she could tell right off that they weren't broken. They weren't even cracked. She stood frozen with the eggs in her hands while I dumped the rest of the trash. 'Why did you throw them out?' she asked, but her voice didn't sound like Juli Baker's voice. It was quiet. And shaky.


So I told her we were afraid of salmonella poisoning because her yard was a mess and that we were just trying to spare her feelings. I told it to her like we were right and she was wrong, but I felt like a jerk. A complete cluck-faced jerk.


Then she tells me that a couple of neighbors have been buying eggs off her. Buying them. And while I'm coming to grips with this incredible bit of news, she whips out her mental calculator. 'Do you realize I've lost over a hundred dollars giving these eggs to you?' Then she races across the street in a flood of tears.

她說(shuō),有幾家鄰居從她那里買雞蛋?;ㄥX買。當(dāng)我的腦子還在處理這個(gè)驚人的消息時(shí),她已經(jīng)迅速地心算過(guò)了?!澳阌袥]有想過(guò),為了給你這些雞蛋,我已經(jīng)損失了超過(guò)一百美元?” 她的眼淚洶涌而出,轉(zhuǎn)身跑過(guò)街道。


'Mom, all those years I liked him? I never really knew him. All I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and that his smile melted my heart like the sun melts butter. But now I know that inside he's a coward and a sneak, so I've got to get over what he's like on the outside!'





That left me alone in the foyer with Bryce. He said hi to me and I lost it.



Our eyes locked for a minute, and for the first time the blueness of his didn't freeze up my brain.


Then when Mrs. Loski announced that dinner was ready, Bryce held my arm and whispered, 'Juli, I'm sorry. I've never been so sorry about anything in my whole life. You're right, I was a jerk, and I'm sorry.'


I yanked my arm free from his grasp and said, 'It seems to me you've been sorry about a whole lot of things lately!' and left him there with his apology hanging wounded in the air.



And every time I saw her, she seemed more beautiful. She just seemed to glow. I'm not talking like a hundred-watt bulb; she just had this warmth to her. Maybe it came from climbing that tree. Maybe it came from singing to chickens. Maybe it came from whacking at two-by-fours and dreaming about perpetual motion. I don't know.




He dragged over some potting soil, pierced the bag with the spade, and shoveled dirt into the hole. Then he disappeared. And when he came back, he wrestled a big burlapped root ball across the lawn, the branches of a plant rustling back and forth as he moved. My dad joined me on the couch and peeked out the window, too. 'A tree?' I whispered. 'He's planting a tree?' 'I'd help him, but he says he has to do this himself.' 'Is it a ...' The words stuck in my throat.

他拖過(guò)來(lái)一些盆栽用的土壤,用鏟子劃破袋子,把土倒進(jìn)洞里。然后他消失了。回來(lái)的時(shí)候,他費(fèi)力地扛著一棵用麻袋裹住根部的巨大的樹苗穿過(guò)草坪,他一邊往前走,樹枝一邊前后擺動(dòng),窸窣作響。爸爸走過(guò)來(lái),陪我一起坐在沙發(fā)上偷偷地看著窗外。“一棵樹?”我悄聲說(shuō),“他要種一棵樹?” “我想幫他,可是他說(shuō)他必須自己動(dòng)手?!?“這是棵……”剩下的半句話卡在我喉嚨里。

I didn't really need to ask, though, and he knew he didn't need to answer. I could tell from the shape of the leaves, from the texture of the trunk. This was a sycamore tree. I flipped around on the couch and just sat. A sycamore tree. Bryce finished planting the tree, watered it, cleaned everything up, and then went home.


And I just sat there, not knowing what to do. I've been sitting here for hours now, just staring out the window at the tree. It may be little now, but it'll grow, day by day. And a hundred years from now it'll reach clear over the rooftops. It'll be miles in the air! Already I can tell — it's going to be an amazing, magnificent tree.



And I can't help wondering, a hundred years from now will a kid climb it the way I climbed the one up on Collier Street? Will she see the things I did? Will she feel the way I did? Will it change her life the way it changed mine?


I also can't stop wondering about Bryce. What has he been trying to tell me? What's he thinking about? I know he's home because he looks out his window from time to time. A little while ago he put his hand up and waved. And I couldn't help it — I gave a little wave back.




在某次家庭飯局沖突后,Bryce曾和外公一起外出散步——外公一直是很喜歡對(duì)面鄰居家的小女孩兒Juli,為此還被女婿抱怨 “不照顧自家小孩,反倒跑去疼惜別人家的”——他們走到被砍掉的無(wú)花果樹空地附近。


As we were winding back into our own territory, we passed by the house that's going up where the sycamore tree used to be. My granddad stopped, looked up into the night, and said, 'It must've been a spectacular view.' I looked up, too, and noticed for the first time that night that you could see the stars.


'Did you ever see her up there?' I asked him. 'Your mother pointed her out to me one time as we drove by. It scared me to see her up so high, but after I read the article I understood why she did it.' He shook his head. 'The tree's gone, but she's still got the spark it gave her. Know what I mean?'


Luckily I didn't have to answer. He just grinned and said, 'Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss...' He turned to me. 'But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.'




carton [?kɑ?tn] n 大包裝盒

salmonella [?s?lm??nel?] n 沙門氏菌

sycamore [?s?k?m??(r)] n (美國(guó))懸鈴木

flat [fl?t] n (尤指水邊的)平地;低洼地

satin [?s?t?n] n 緞子

gloss [ɡl?s] n 光澤;光亮;虛假的外表;虛飾




來(lái)源:《怦然心動(dòng)》 文德琳·范·德拉安南著 陳常歌譯 百花洲文藝出版社

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