「 Big things have small beginnings. 大的成就始于小的開始。 每晚遇見每一個(gè)關(guān)注昕媽心語的你 」 從昨晚到今日凌晨,期待中的超級月亮普照華夏大地,可謂是“一輪月好,正人間”。仰望高高懸掛在天空中的明月,著實(shí)有著一份遇見的驚喜。 “萬古山河,歸月影、表里月明光透。” 而這一輪“月明光透”亦是穿越星辰大海,照亮內(nèi)心,令人無比熨帖,不由得生出些許詩意。 當(dāng)然這一輪明月亦是照亮了地球的另一端,我們就來看看英文版的描述是否比得過中文的浪漫、含蓄。 Attention, amateur astronomers: The moon will look unusually full and bright on Tuesday night, and you won't need a high-tech telescope or fancy binoculars to admire it. 只是簡單直白的full and bright,前面用了一個(gè)副詞unusually加以修飾強(qiáng)調(diào)。 不過英文里對這一時(shí)期的月亮卻有個(gè)趣味而可愛的稱謂-strawberry moon。 June's full moon is commonly known as the strawberry moon, a name that comes from the Algonquin Native American tribe in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada and refers to the region's strawberry harvesting season (not the moon's actual hue). As the full moon glows at strawberry harvest time, super moons happen when our moon's orbit comes especially close to earth. 在草莓收獲的季節(jié),滿月照射大地,超級月亮是在月球軌道特別接近地球的時(shí)候。 話說還是咱們先人筆觸下的月光更為浪漫,更加富有情調(diào)。 “小時(shí)不識月,呼作白玉盤?!?/p> “舉杯邀明月,對影成三人?!?/p> “海上生明月,天涯共此時(shí)?!?/p> “明月出天山,蒼茫云海間。” “淥水凈素月,月明白鷺飛?!?/p> “但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟?!?/p> …… 惟愿所有的美好如期而至! |