來源:spss統(tǒng)計分析 這篇筆記和大家分享的是模型中的5種變量類型,分別是:因變量、自變量、中介變量、調(diào)節(jié)變量、控制變量。 ?? 1.Dependent Variable(因變量) This is the final outcome The thing you want to predict Usually the central focus of your theory 因變量是最終的結(jié)果變量,即你想要預測或解釋的變量。通常,這是你理論的核心。 ?? 2. Independent Variable(自變量) This is the starting point The thing you want to use to predict other variables These should be the main levers of change for the dependent variable(i.e.change in DV should be primarily due to change the IV) 自變量是起點,用來預測其他變量;自變量是因變量變化的主要原因。 ?? 3. Mediating Variable(中介變量) This is the primary reason for the effect the IV has on the DV This must be the causal outcome of the IV This must be the causal antecedent of the DV 中介變量是自變量能對因變量產(chǎn)生影響的主要原因;它既是自變量的結(jié)果變量,也是因變量的因果前提。 ?? 4. Moderating Variable(調(diào)節(jié)變量) This contextualizes the effect the IV has on the DV A change in the moderator should create change in the relationship between IV and DV The moderator can be a group variable 調(diào)節(jié)變量把自變量對因變量的影響情景化;調(diào)節(jié)變量的改變會引起自變量與因變量關系的改變;調(diào)節(jié)變量可以是分組變量。 |
來自: 湖經(jīng)松哥 > 《計量分析》