


 計量經(jīng)濟圈 2024-06-08 發(fā)布于浙江

接著1.最新: 2024版異質性穩(wěn)健DID最全指南! 更新太快腦袋跟不上看這里!2.不炒冷飯! 2024年最新“2”份DID使用檢查清單, 前沿DID使用基本規(guī)范指南! 今天展示一個在一張圖里畫出5種異質性穩(wěn)健DID方法的平行趨勢與動態(tài)效應的完整code和示例。


關于平行趨勢,1.平行趨勢檢驗, 事件研究圖繪制, 安慰劑檢驗的保姆級程序指南!2.標準DID中的平行趨勢檢驗,動態(tài)效應, 安慰劑檢驗, 預期效應教程,3.平行趨勢通不過, 該采取什么方法來更好地滿足平行趨勢呢?4.平行趨勢的敏感性檢驗, 結果能容忍違反多大程度的平行趨勢,5.某經(jīng)濟學權威刊物上平行趨勢怎么這樣, 真給我看迷糊了! 到底如何對pre-trend檢測, 討論和處理呢?6.在平行趨勢檢驗中對政策前后系列年份進行縮尾處理?7.三重差分DDD估計中平行趨勢檢驗如何操作呢?8.2篇TOP5: 當前平行趨勢檢驗方法有問題,新的平行趨勢檢驗方法已經(jīng)出現(xiàn),9.前沿: 平行趨勢沒有通過卻成功發(fā)在了AER上!10.只有4期數(shù)據(jù), 為啥平行趨勢檢驗時有6期呢? DID與連續(xù)變量交互系數(shù)如何解釋? 11.歷史上首篇DID中修改平行趨勢而被撤稿的TOP5文章!
作者:Kirill Borusyak
did_multiplegt(de Chaisemartin和D'Haultfoeuille,2020):同樣可在SSC平臺下載。


// 生成模擬數(shù)據(jù),Generate a complete panel of 300 units observed in 15 periods
clear all
timer clear
set seed 10
global T = 15
global I = 300

set obs `=$I*$T'
gen i = int((_n-1)/$T )+1 // unit id
gen t = mod((_n-1),$T )+1 // calendar period
tsset i t

// Randomly generate treatment rollout years uniformly across Ei=10..16 (note that periods t>=16 would not be useful since all units are treated by then)
gen Ei = ceil(runiform()*7)+$T -6 if t==1 // year when unit is first treated
bys i (t): replace Ei = Ei[1]
gen K = t-Ei // "relative time", i.e. the number periods since treated (could be missing if never-treated)
gen D = K>=0 & Ei!=. // treatment indicator

// Generate the outcome with parallel trends and heterogeneous treatment effects
gen tau = cond(D==1, (t-12.5), 0) // heterogeneous treatment effects (in this case vary over calendar periods)
gen eps = rnormal() // error term
gen Y = i + 3*t + tau*D + eps // the outcome (FEs play no role since all methods control for them)
//save five_estimators_data, replace

//  did_imputation估計,Estimation with did_imputation of Borusyak et al. (2021)
did_imputation Y i t Ei, allhorizons pretrend(5)
event_plot, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") ///
title("Borusyak et al. (2021) imputation estimator") xlabel(-5(1)5))

estimates store bjs // storing the estimates for later

// Estimation with did_multiplegt of de Chaisemartin and D'Haultfoeuille (2020)
did_multiplegt Y i t D, robust_dynamic dynamic(5) placebo(5) breps(100) cluster(i) 
event_plot e(estimates)#e(variances), default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") ///
title("de Chaisemartin and D'Haultfoeuille (2020)") xlabel(-5(1)5)) stub_lag(Effect_#) stub_lead(Placebo_#) together

matrix dcdh_b = e(estimates) // storing the estimates for later
matrix dcdh_v = e(variances)

// csdid估計, Estimation with csdid of Callaway and Sant'Anna (2020)
gen gvar = cond(Ei==., 0, Ei) // group variable as required for the csdid command
csdid Y, ivar(i) time(t) gvar(gvar) notyet
estat event, estore(cs) // this produces and stores the estimates at the same time
event_plot cs, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") xlabel(-14(1)5) ///
title("Callaway and Sant'Anna (2020)")) stub_lag(Tp#) stub_lead(Tm#) together

//  eventstudyinteract估計,Estimation with eventstudyinteract of Sun and Abraham (2020)
sum Ei
gen lastcohort = Ei==r(max) // dummy for the latest- or never-treated cohort
forvalues l = 0/5 {
gen L`l'event = K==`l'
forvalues l = 1/14 {
gen F`l'event = K==-`l'
drop F1event // normalize K=-1 (and also K=-15) to zero
eventstudyinteract Y L*event F*event, vce(cluster i) absorb(i t) cohort(Ei) control_cohort(lastcohort)
event_plot e(b_iw)#e(V_iw), default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") xlabel(-14(1)5) ///
title("Sun and Abraham (2020)")) stub_lag(L#event) stub_lead(F#event) together

matrix sa_b = e(b_iw) // storing the estimates for later
matrix sa_v = e(V_iw)

//  TWFE估計,TWFE OLS estimation (which is correct here because of treatment effect homogeneity). Some groups could be binned.
reghdfe Y F*event L*event, a(i t) cluster(i)
event_plot, default_look stub_lag(L#event) stub_lead(F#event) together graph_opt(xtitle("Days since the event") ytitle("OLS coefficients") xlabel(-14(1)5) ///

estimates store ols // saving the estimates for later

// Construct the vector of true average treatment effects by the number of periods since treatment
matrix btrue = J(1,6,.)
matrix colnames btrue = tau0 tau1 tau2 tau3 tau4 tau5
qui forvalues h = 0/5 {
sum tau if K==`h'
matrix btrue[1,`h'+1]=r(mean)
// 一張圖里展示所有估計值的事前趨勢與事后動態(tài)效應,Combine all plots using the stored estimates
// Combine all plots using the stored estimates
event_plot btrue# bjs dcdh_b#dcdh_v cs sa_b#sa_v ols, ///
stub_lag(tau# tau# Effect_# Tp# L#event L#event) stub_lead(pre# pre# Placebo_# Tm# F#event F#event) plottype(scatter) ciplottype(rcap) ///
together perturb(-0.325(0.13)0.325) trimlead(5) noautolegend ///
graph_opt(title("Event study estimators in a simulated panel (300 units, 15 periods)", size(medlarge)) ///
xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average causal effect") xlabel(-5(1)5) ylabel(0(1)3) ///
legend(order(1 "True value" 2 "Borusyak et al." 4 "de Chaisemartin-D'Haultfoeuille" ///
6 "Callaway-Sant'Anna" 8 "Sun-Abraham" 10 "OLS") rows(3) region(style(none))) ///
/// the following lines replace default_look with something more elaborate
xline(-0.5, lcolor(gs8) lpattern(dash)) yline(0, lcolor(gs8)) graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) ylabel(, angle(horizontal)) ///
) ///
lag_opt1(msymbol(+) color(cranberry)) lag_ci_opt1(color(cranberry)) ///
lag_opt2(msymbol(O) color(cranberry)) lag_ci_opt2(color(cranberry)) ///
lag_opt3(msymbol(Dh) color(navy)) lag_ci_opt3(color(navy)) ///
lag_opt4(msymbol(Th) color(forest_green)) lag_ci_opt4(color(forest_green)) ///
lag_opt5(msymbol(Sh) color(dkorange)) lag_ci_opt5(color(dkorange)) ///
lag_opt6(msymbol(Oh) color(purple)) lag_ci_opt6(color(purple)) 
graph export "five_estimators_example.png", replace
關于多期DID或交疊DID: 1.DID相關前沿問題“政策交錯執(zhí)行+堆疊DID+事件研究”, 附完整slides,2.交錯(漸進)DID中, 用TWFE估計處理效應的問題, 及Bacon分解識別估計偏誤,3.典范! 這篇AER在一圖表里用了所有DID最新進展方法, 審稿人直接服了!4.最新Sun和Abraham(2020)和TWFE估計多期或交錯DID并繪圖展示結果!詳細解讀code!5.多期DID或漸進DID或交疊DID, 最新Stata執(zhí)行命令整理如下供大家學習,6.多期DID前沿方法大討論, e.g., 進入-退出型DID, 異質性和動態(tài)性處理效應DID, 基期選擇問題等,7.交疊DID中平行趨勢檢驗, 事件研究圖繪制, 安慰劑檢驗的保姆級程序指南!8.欣慰! 營養(yǎng)午餐計劃終于登上TOP5! 交疊DID+異質性穩(wěn)健DID!9.用事件研究法開展政策評估的過程, 手把手教學文章!10.從雙重差分法到事件研究法, 雙重差分濫用與需要注意的問題,11.系統(tǒng)梳理DID最新進展: 從多期DID的潛在問題到當前主流解決方法和代碼! 12.標準DID中的平行趨勢檢驗,動態(tài)效應, 安慰劑檢驗, 預期效應教程,13.DID從經(jīng)典到前沿方法的保姆級教程, 釋放最完整數(shù)據(jù)和代碼!



Econometrics Circle

數(shù)據(jù)系列空間矩陣 | 工企數(shù)據(jù) | PM2.5 | 市場化指數(shù) | CO2數(shù)據(jù) |  夜間燈光 官員方言  | 微觀數(shù)據(jù) | 內(nèi)部數(shù)據(jù)
計量系列匹配方法 | 內(nèi)生性 | 工具變量 | DID | 面板數(shù)據(jù) | 常用TOOL | 中介調(diào)節(jié) | 時間序列 | RDD斷點 | 合成控制 | 200篇合輯 | 因果識別 | 社會網(wǎng)絡 | 空間DID
數(shù)據(jù)處理Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |
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