這是我的第402篇原創(chuàng)文章 作者按: 巴菲特在2006年宣布捐出自己99%以上的財富,以巴菲特當時持有的伯克希爾股票計算,如果巴菲特沒有進行慈善捐贈的話,其現(xiàn)在的持倉市值已經(jīng)高達2449億美元(截至2023年6月),是當之無愧的世界首富。即便是在捐獻了超過半數(shù)的財富之后,如今的巴菲特依然坐擁千億美元身家,常年位居“福布斯富豪榜”前5名。 1 Day244:買好股,得好報 巴神原文:E. “Value” Investing: A Redundancy We really don’t see many fundamental differences between the purchase of a controlled business and the purchase of marketable holdings such as these. In each case we try to buy into businesses with favorable long-term economics. Our goal is to find an outstanding business at a sensible price, not a mediocre business at a bargain price. Charlie and I have found that making silk purses out of silk is the best that we can do; with sow’s ears, we fail. 英文釋義:1.“redundancy”意為“冗余”、“贅言”; 2.“mediocre”意為“平庸的”; 3.“one cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear”意為“巧婦難為無米之炊”。 投資解讀:五、價值投資:“價值”純屬贅詞 我們真的看不出購買一家企業(yè)和購買股票之間有什么本質區(qū)別。在任何時候,我們都試圖購買具有可觀的長期經(jīng)濟效益的企業(yè)。我們的目標是以合理的價格買入出色的企業(yè),而不是以低廉的價格買入平庸的企業(yè)。我和芒格發(fā)現(xiàn),我們能做的就是“買好股,得好報”;靠買爛公司去賺錢,我們做不到,畢竟“巧婦難為無米之炊”。 手抄原文: @我愛紅薯 打卡作品
2 Day245:20年的投資思想進化 巴神原文:(It must be noted that your Chairman, always a quick study, required only 20 years to recognize how important it was to buy good businesses. In the interim, I searched for “bargains”—and had the misfortune to find some. My punishment was an education in the economics of short-line farm implement manufacturers, third-place department stores, and New England textile manufacturers.) 英文釋義:1.“interim”意為“過渡期間”; 2.“third-place”意為“三流的”。 投資解讀:(必須注意的是,你們的董事長總是學得很“快”,只花了20年時間就認識到了購買好企業(yè)的重要性。在此期間,我一直在尋找“便宜貨”。不幸的是,還真讓我找到了一些。對我的懲罰是,給我上了一課,讓我加深了對短線的農(nóng)具制造商、三流的百貨公司和新英格蘭紡織制造商的商業(yè)認知。) 手抄原文: @淑娟 打卡作品 大聲朗讀:大家請自由發(fā)揮,哈哈哈!大家的手抄原文,也可以在評論區(qū)上傳打卡。今天的內容,巴菲特自嘲說,花了20年時間才意識到“買好公司”的重要性。而我們現(xiàn)在站在巴菲特的肩膀上,省掉了“買煙蒂股”這一步,直接走上了“買好公司”的道路,天天與好人和優(yōu)質企業(yè)為伍,這還得感謝巴菲特多年來的無私分享。今天除夕,給巴菲特拜個年,也給各位朋友拜個年,祝大家龍年大吉,萬事如意!
3 Day246:卡內基圖書館 巴神原文:Of course, Charlie and I may misread the fundamental economics of a business. When that happens, we will encounter problems whether that business is a wholly-owned subsidiary or a marketable security, although it is usually far easier to exit from the latter. (Indeed, businesses can be misread: Witness the European reporter who, after being sent to this country to profile Andrew Carnegie, cabled his editor, “My God, you’ll never believe the sort of money there is in running libraries.”) 英文釋義:1.“misread”意為“誤讀”、“誤判”; 2.“profile”意為“扼要介紹”;“cabled”意為“發(fā)電報”。 投資解讀:當然,我和芒格可能會誤判一家企業(yè)的基本面。當發(fā)生這種情況時,無論是我們持有的全資子公司還是股票,我們都會遇到麻煩。只不過,從股票抽身而出通常要容易得多。事實上,誤判企業(yè)的事兒時有發(fā)生:一名歐洲記者在被派往美國報道安德魯·卡內基后,給他的編輯發(fā)電報說:“天哪,你永遠都不會相信,經(jīng)營圖書館居然能賺這么多的錢。” 手抄原文: @淡事 打卡作品
4 Day247:更換管理層有如婚變 巴神原文:In making both control purchases and stock purchases, we try to buy not only good businesses, but ones run by high-grade, talented and likeable managers. If we make a mistake about the managers we link up with, the controlled company offers a certain advantage because we have the power to effect change. In practice, however, this advantage is somewhat illusory: Management changes, like marital changes, are painful, time-consuming and chancy. 英文釋義:1.“illusory”意為“虛幻的”; 2.“marital”意為“婚姻的”;“time-consuming”意為“耗時的”;“chancy”意為“不確定的”、“有風險的”。 投資解讀:不管是收購整家企業(yè)還是買股票,我們買的不僅僅是優(yōu)質的業(yè)務,還要由高級、聰明和討人喜歡的經(jīng)理人來經(jīng)營。如果我們錯判了相關公司的經(jīng)理人,我們控股的企業(yè)可能會有一定的優(yōu)勢,因為我們有能力實現(xiàn)變革。然而,在實踐中,這種優(yōu)勢有如鏡花水月:更換管理層,就像婚變一樣,是痛苦的、耗時的,且充滿著不確定性。 手抄原文: 我的打卡作品
5 Day248:控股優(yōu)勢之資本配置 巴神原文:I would say that the controlled company offers two main advantages. First, when we control a company we get to allocate capital, whereas we are likely to have little or nothing to say about this process with marketable holdings. This point can be important because the heads of many companies are not skilled in capital allocation. Their inadequacy is not surprising. Most bosses rise to the top because they have excelled in an area such as marketing, production, engineering, administration-or, sometimes, institutional politics. 英文釋義:1.“skilled in”意為“擅長”、“精于”; 2.“institutional”意為“機構的”。 投資解讀:我想說,我們的控股公司具備兩項主要優(yōu)勢。首先,當我們控制一家公司時,我們可以進行資本配置;如果我們買的是股票,那在資本配置方面幾乎沒有什么話語權。這一點非常重要,因為許多公司的管理層根本不擅長資本配置。他們不擅長于此并不奇怪。大多數(shù)高管之所以能晉升到現(xiàn)在的位置,只是因為他們在營銷、生產(chǎn)、工程、行政管理乃至公司政治等方面表現(xiàn)出色。 手抄原文: @小雪 打卡作品
6 Day249:CEO未必擅長資本配置 巴神原文:Once they become CEOs, they face new responsibilities. They now must make capital allocation decisions, a critical job that they may have never tackled and that is not easily mastered. To stretch the point, it’s as if the final step for a highly-talented musician was not to perform at Carnegie Hall but, instead, to be named Chairman of the Federal Reserve. 英文釋義:1.“critical”意為“關鍵的”;“tackled”意為“應付”、“處理”; 2.“stretch”意為“伸展”、“延展”。 投資解讀:一旦這些上位的高管成為CEO,他們將面臨新的責任。他們現(xiàn)在必須做出資本配置決策,這是一項他們可能從未處理過、同時也不容易掌握的關鍵工作。更進一步說,這就好比是,一位才華橫溢的音樂家,其人生的終極巔峰不是在卡內基音樂大廳表演,而是被任命為美聯(lián)儲主席。 手抄原文: @Linda 打卡作品
7 Day250:CEO與資本配置 巴神原文:The lack of skill that many CEOs have at capital allocation is no small matter: After ten years on the job, a CEO whose company annually retains earnings equal to 10% of net worth will have been responsible for the deployment of more than 60% of all the capital at work in the business. 英文釋義:1.“l(fā)ack of skill”意為“缺乏能力”、“乏善可陳”; 2.“retains earnings”意為“留存收益”;“deployment”意為“部署”。 投資解讀:許多CEO在資本配置方面乏善可陳,這并不是一件小事:假設一家公司每年的留存收益占凈資產(chǎn)的10%,那么10年后,這家公司的CEO將負責企業(yè)60%以上的資本配置工作。 手抄原文: @土龍木 打卡作品
假設第一年的期初凈資產(chǎn)為10,則留存收益為1,期末凈資產(chǎn)為11; 第二年的期初凈資產(chǎn)為11,則留存收益為1.1,期末凈資產(chǎn)為12.1; 以此類推…… 第十年的期末凈資產(chǎn)為10*(1+10%)^10=25.9; 十年累計產(chǎn)生的留存收益為25.9-10=15.9; 則公司CEO要負責的資本配置占比為15.9/25.9=61.4%, 大家get了么?
8 Day251:解決資本配置問題之難 巴神原文:CEOs who recognize their lack of capital-allocation skills (which not all do) will often try to compensate by turning to their staffs, management consultants, or investment bankers. Charlie and I have frequently observed the consequences of such “help.” On balance, we feel it is more likely to accentuate the capital-allocation problem than to solve it. 英文釋義:1.“compensate”意為“補償”; 2.“on balance”意為“總的來說”;“accentuate”意為“強調”。 投資解讀:有些認識到自己缺乏資本配置能力的CEO,通常會通過向員工、管理顧問或投資銀行家尋求幫助,試圖來彌補這一短板,但也并非所有的CEO都會如此。我和芒格經(jīng)常能觀察到這種“幫助”的后果??傮w來說,我們覺得這更有可能讓資本配置問題進一步加劇,而不是得到解決。 手抄原文: @小娜 打卡作品
9 Day252:伯克希爾的資本配置 巴神原文:In the end, plenty of unintelligent capital allocation takes place in corporate America. (That’s why you hear so much about “restructuring.”) Berkshire, however, has been fortunate. At the companies that are our major non-controlled holdings, capital has generally been well-deployed and, in some cases, brilliantly so. 英文釋義:1.“restructuring”意為“重組”; 2.“brilliantly”意為“精彩絕倫”。 投資解讀:最終,有很多不明智的資本配置,在美國企業(yè)界大行其道。這也是為什么,你會聽到這么多關于“重組”的消息。然而,伯克希爾很幸運。在我們主要的非控股公司,資本配置通常做得很好;在某些情況下,甚至堪稱出色。 手抄原文: @漫葉雨 打卡作品
10 Day253:控股優(yōu)勢之節(jié)稅效應 巴神原文:The second advantage of a controlled company over a marketable security has to do with taxes. Berkshire, as a corporate holder, absorbs some significant tax costs through the ownership of partial positions that we do not when our ownership is 80%, or greater. Such tax disadvantages have long been with us, but changes in the tax code caused them to increase significantly during the past year. As a consequence, a given business result can now deliver Berkshire financial results that are as much as 50% better if they come from an 80%-or-greater holding rather than from a lesser holding. 英文釋義:1.“tax code”意為“稅法”; 2.“consequence”意為“結果”、“后果”。 投資解讀:和有價證券相比,控制一家公司還有一項優(yōu)勢,與稅收有關。伯克希爾作為股票的持有者,會產(chǎn)生一些重大的稅收成本;而作為公司的持有者,當我們的持股比例達到80%或更高時,我們則沒有這項成本。買賣股票的這種稅收劣勢長期存在,但由于稅法的變化,導致我們去年的稅收成本大幅上升。因此,如果我們對一項業(yè)務的持股比例達到80%或更多,而不是只買了一點股票,那么它現(xiàn)在可以為伯克希爾多創(chuàng)造50%的財務回報。 手抄原文: @艷軍 打卡作品
11 Day254:投資股票的優(yōu)勢 巴神原文:The disadvantages of owning marketable securities are sometimes offset by a huge advantage: Occasionally the stock market offers us the chance to buy non-controlling pieces of extraordinary businesses at truly ridiculous prices—dramatically below those commanded in negotiated transactions that transfer control. For example, we purchased our Washington Post stock in 1973 at $5.63 per share, and per-share operating earnings in 1987 after taxes were $10.30. Similarly, Our GEICO stock was purchased in 1976, 1979 and 1980 at an average of $6.67 per share, and after-tax operating earnings per share last year were $9.01. In cases such as these, Mr. Market has proven to be a mighty good friend. 英文釋義:1.“offset”意為“抵消”; 2.“dramatically”意為“顯著地”; 3.“operating earnings”意為“營業(yè)利潤”; 4.“mighty”意為“巨大的”。 投資解讀:擁有有價證券的劣勢有時會被一項巨大的優(yōu)勢所抵消:股市偶爾會讓我們有機會以非?;闹嚨膬r格購買非控股公司的非凡業(yè)務,這一價格遠遠低于轉讓控制權的談判交易價格。例如,1973年,我們以5.63美元/股的價格購買了華盛頓郵報公司的股票;1987年,其稅后每股營業(yè)利潤為10.30美元。同樣地,1976年、1979年和1980年,我們以6.67美元/股的均價買入了蓋可保險的股票,去年的稅后每股營業(yè)利潤為9.01美元。在這些案例中,市場先生已經(jīng)被證明是我們極好的朋友。 手抄原文: @彈著吉他的少年 打卡作品
12 薦書
另外,給大家分享一個好消息。據(jù)上海的@齊苗苗 同學分享,《超越巴菲特的伯克希爾》亮相上海書展。巴菲特的價值投資和企業(yè)管理思想,早已跨越千山萬水,讓包括我在內的無數(shù)人受益。在巴菲特的生日到來之際,以這種方式向他獻禮,讓我感到無比開心。 《超越巴菲特的伯克希爾》 《巴菲特致股東的信》 《超越巴菲特的伯克希爾》特寫 冠亞說 今天是巴菲特先生94歲生日。