

筆記整理|人教版英語八上 Unit 5

 hercules028 2024-10-09



1.watch a talk show/talk shows 看脫口秀(談話節(jié)目)

2.mind sth./doing sth. 介意某事(物)/介意做某事

3.can’t stand news 無法忍受新聞


4.can’t stand doing sth. 無法忍受做某事

5.find out 查明;弄清

6.have a discussion about sth. 關(guān)于某事進(jìn)行一次討論

7.learn some great jokes from sitcoms 從情景喜劇中學(xué)到一些很棒的笑話

8.more educational 更有教育意義的

9.think of 想到;認(rèn)為

10.plan to watch a sports show 打算看一個體育節(jié)目

11. watch cartoons/action movies/ soap operas/ sports shows/ comedies看動畫片/動作片/肥皂劇/體育節(jié)目/喜劇

12.expect to do sth. 期待做某事

13.more meaningless 更加無意義的

14.scary movies 恐怖片

15.in American culture 在美國文化里

16.one of the most famous symbols 最著名的象征之一

17.the black mouse with two large round ears 長著兩只又大又圓耳朵的黑色老鼠

18.over 80 years ago 80多年前

19.come out(書、電影等)出版;發(fā)行

20.the first cartoon with sound and music 第一部有聲配樂的動畫片

21.become very rich and successful 變得非常富有和成功


22.in the 1930s 在20世紀(jì)30年代

23.make cartoons 拍動畫片

24.be like a common man 像一個普通人

25.in his early films 在他的早期電影中

26.have many problems such as losing his house or girl friend有很多麻煩比如失去他的房子或女朋友

27.cartoon characters 卡通角色

28.have problems doing sth. 做某事有困難

29.one of the main reasons 主要原因之一

30.face danger 面對危險

31.get/be ready to do sth. 準(zhǔn)備做某事

32.try one’s best to do sth. 盡某人最大努力做某事

33.not as/so simple as... 不像……那樣簡單

simpler, simplest(simple的比較級與最高級)

34.a symbol of Chinese culture 中國文化的一個象征

35.dress up 喬裝打扮

36.take one’s place 代替某人

37.do a good job 干得好

38.fight in the army 在軍中打仗

39.show her love for her family, friends and country 表達(dá)了她對家人、朋友和國家的愛

40.see sth.enjoyable 看點(diǎn)令人愉快的東西



1.I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.我希望弄清現(xiàn)在世界上正在發(fā)生什么。

2.I can’t stand them/it. 我無法忍受它們/它。

3.I hope to be a TV reporter one day.我希望有一天能成為一名電視臺記者。

4.I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜歡追劇,并想看看接下去會發(fā)生什么。

5.The movie is about a village girl, Mulan.這部影片是關(guān)于一個鄉(xiāng)村女孩木蘭的。

6.If you plan to watch a movie this weekend and you want to see something enjoyable, choose Mulan!如果你計(jì)劃這個周末去看電影,并且想要看點(diǎn)令人愉悅的東西,請選擇《木蘭》吧!

7.I like to watch comedies because they are fantastic.我喜歡看喜劇,因?yàn)樗鼈兲袅恕?/p>



1. learn from

learn from 意為“從……中學(xué)到;向……學(xué)習(xí)”。如:

①What can you expect to learn from talk shows? 你期待從訪談節(jié)目中學(xué)到什么?

②I think we can learn a lot from this movie.我認(rèn)為我們能從這部電影中學(xué)到很多。

③All of us must learn from Lei Feng.我們所有人都必須向雷鋒學(xué)習(xí)。

2. find out

find out 意為“查明;弄清”。如:

①Please find out when the train leaves.請查一下火車什么時候離站。

②I like to find out what different people think about this movie.我喜歡去弄清楚不同的人是怎么看待這部電影的。

3. famous

be famous for意為“因?yàn)椤雒?;be famous as意為“作為……而出名”。如:

①Lu Xun is famous for his articles.魯迅因他的文章而聞名。

②Lu Xun is famous as a great writer.魯迅作為一名偉大的作家而聞名。

4. come out

come out 意為“出版;發(fā)行;出來;開放”。如:

①The book comes out this week.該書本周上市。

②When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music.當(dāng)這部卡通片于1928年11月18日在紐約發(fā)行時,它成了第一部有聲有樂的卡通片。

5. take sb.’s place

take sb.’s place to do sth.=take the place of sb. to do sth.,意為“代替某人做某事”。如:

①She takes her father’s place tofight in the army. 她代替她父親從軍打仗。

②I had to go out, so Jane took myplace at the meeting.我不得不外出,因此簡替我參加會議。



1. I don’tmind them.我不介意它們。

mind +名詞/代詞/動名詞,表示“介意……”,通常用于疑問句、否定句或條件句中。如:

①Do you mind my dog?你介意我的狗嗎?

②Do you mind my closing the window?你介意我關(guān)上窗戶嗎?

③Would you mind opening the door?你介意打開門嗎?

④Would you mind if I sit here?我坐這里你介意嗎?

2. I can’t stand them!我不能忍受它們/我受不了它們!

I can’t stand+名詞/代詞/動名詞,表示“我不能忍受……”。如:

①I can’t stand the movie! It is too boring!我受不了這部電影!它太無聊了!

②The old can’t stand such hot weather.老年人不能忍受這么熱的天氣。

③Can you stand the pain?你忍受得了疼嗎?

④I can’t stand waiting any longer.我再也受不了等待了。

3. What do you think of talk shows?你覺得訪談節(jié)目怎么樣?

What do you think of...?相當(dāng)于How do you like...?,意為“你認(rèn)為……怎么樣”,它的常用回答有:I don’t mind.../I can’t stand.../Ilove.../It’s(They’re)...等。如:

—What do you think of your English teacher?

= How do you like your English teacher?你認(rèn)為你們的英語老師怎么樣?

—He’s very funny. I like him very much.他很滑稽,我很喜歡他。

4. However, he was always ready to try his best.然而,他總是樂意盡力。

sb. be ready to do sth. 意為“某人樂意做某事;某人準(zhǔn)備好做某事”。如:

①Are you ready to start?你準(zhǔn)備好開始了嗎?

②He is ready to help others.他樂于幫助別人。

5. He became very rich and successful.他變得非常富有且成功。

(1)become 是系動詞,后跟形容詞,也可跟名詞。如:

①The days are becoming colder andcolder.天變得越來越冷。

②I became a teacher five years ago.五年前我成為了一名老師。

(2)successful的比較級與最高級為“more/most successful”,其副詞形式為successfully。如:

①He became successful through his hard work. 通過不懈努力,最終他獲得了成功。

②He got to the top of the mountain successfully.他成功地登上了山頂。





Do you plan to watch the news tonight?你今晚打算看新聞嗎?

(1)plan vt.& vi.計(jì)劃;打算。常用搭配為plan to do sth., to do為動詞不定式,作賓語。如:

I plan to go swimming tomorrow.我計(jì)劃明天去游泳。

(2)類似的動詞本單元還有:want, hope, expect,decide, plan, need…


①I want to watch a talk show.我想要看訪談節(jié)目。

②I did not expect to see you here.我怎么也沒有想到能在這里遇見你。

③I hope to find out what’s going on around the world.我希望弄清楚世界上正在發(fā)生什么。

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