


 英語時文閱讀 2024-10-17

1. above
在……上-- below 在……下

We were flying above the clouds.我們在云層上面飛行。

The sun sank below the horizon.太陽落到了地平線下。

2. after 在……后 -- before在……前

We'll leave after lunch.我們將在午飯后動身。

He arrived before me.他比我先到。

3. all 全部 -- none 全無

They've eaten all of it.他們?nèi)怨饬?/span>

one of your business.不關(guān)你的事。

4. alone 單獨(dú)地 -- together 一起

He dines alone most nights.大多數(shù)晚上他都獨(dú)自進(jìn)餐。

We'll have lunch together.我們將一起吃午飯。

5. always 總是 -- sometimes 有時

That phone's always ringing.那個電話總是響個不停。

I like to be on my own sometimes.有時候我喜歡一個人待著。

6. answer 答案 -- question 問題

Your answer is exactly right.你的回答完全正確。

That's a very hard question.那是個很難的問題。

7. back 后面的 -- front 前面的

We were sitting in the back row.我們坐在后排。

There's someone at the front door.前門有個人。

8. bad 壞的 -- good 好的

I'm having a really bad day.我今天倒霉透了。

I'm good at English.我的英語很好。

9. badly 惡劣地 -- well 很好地

Her shoulders were badly sunburned.她的肩膀嚴(yán)重曬傷了。

The kids all behaved well.孩子們都很規(guī)矩。

10. beautiful 美麗的 -- ugly 丑陋的

She is a beautiful girl.她是個漂亮的女孩。

The ugly duckling drops his head.丑小鴨垂著頭。

11. begin 開始 -- end, finish 結(jié)束

When does the concert begin?音樂會什么時間開始?

How does the story end?這個故事結(jié)局如何?

12. best 最好的 -- worst 最壞的

English is my best subject.英語是我學(xué)得最好的一門科目。

What's the worst thing that could happen?情況最壞會怎么樣?

13. better 更好的 -- worse 更壞的

I'm better now, thank you.我現(xiàn)在好些了,謝謝您。

It could be worse.情況可能更糟。

14. big 大的 -- small, little 小的

This is a big house.這是一座大房子。

This is a small room.這是一個小房間。

15. black 黑的 -- white 白的

This is a black bear.這是一只黑色的熊。

This is a white cat.這是一只白色的貓。

16. borrow 借入 -- lend 借給

Can I borrow your pen?我可以借用你的鋼筆嗎?

 I'll lend you my pen.我把鋼筆借給你。

17. both 兩者都 -- neither 兩者都不

We have both seen the movie.我們倆都看過這部電影。

He seemed neither surprised nor worried.她似乎既不驚訝也不擔(dān)心。

18. break 打破 -- mend, repair 修理

How did he come to break his leg?他怎么把腿弄斷的?

They took a long time to mend the roof.他們花了好長時間修繕房頂。

19. busy 忙碌的 -- free 空閑的

I'm so busy today.我今天很忙。

I'm free today.我今天有空。

20. buy 買入 -- sell 賣出

I want to buy a new computer.我想買臺新電腦。

They sell all kinds of things.他們出售各種各樣的東西。

21. cheap 便宜的 -- expensive, dear 昂貴的

This bag is very cheap.這個包很便宜。

This bag is very expensive.這個包很貴。

22. clean 干凈的 -- dirty 骯臟的

Your room is very clean.你的房間很干凈。

Your room is very dirty.你的房間很臟。

23. clever 聰明的 -- foolish 愚蠢的

He is clever.他很聰明。

He is foolish.他很愚蠢。

24. cloudy 天陰的 -- bright, clear, sunny 晴朗的

Tonight will be cloudy.今天夜間多云。

On a clear day you can see the mountain.天氣晴朗時你可以看見山。

25. cold 寒冷的 -- hot 炎熱的

It's cold tonight.今天晚上冷得要命。

It's hot in summer.在夏天很熱。

26. come 來 -- go 去

Where do you come from?你來自哪里?

I want to go home.我想回家。

27. cool 涼爽的 -- warm 溫暖的

We found a cool place to sit.我們找了一個涼快的地方坐下來。

It was nice and warm yesterday.昨天的天氣暖洋洋的。

28. danger 危險 -- safety 安全

He looks around  sensing danger.他環(huán)顧四周,覺察到了危險。

They are anxious for her safety.他們?yōu)樗陌踩珦?dān)心。

29. day 白天 -- night 夜晚

I work during the day.我白天處理工作。

I slept very little last night.昨晚我?guī)缀鯖]怎么睡。

30. dead 死的 -- alive, living 活著的

My grandmother's dead; she died in 1987.我外婆不在了,她是1987年去世的。

He's still alive.他還活著。

31. down 向下 -- up 向上

sit down坐下

stand up站起來

32. dry 干燥的 -- wet 潮濕的

My mouth felt completely dry.我感到口干舌燥。

We got wet through.我們渾身上下都濕透了。

33. early 早的 -- late 遲的

I woke up in an early morning.我一大早就醒了。

Come along! We're late.快點(diǎn)!我們遲到了。

34. easy 容易的 -- difficult, hard 困難的;艱巨的

It's so easy.這很簡單。

It's so difficult.這很困難。

35. empty 倒空 -- fill 裝滿

She emptied the water out of the vase.她把水從花瓶里倒了出來。

Fill me with a glass of water, please. Thank you.請給我倒?jié)M一杯水,謝謝

36. entrance 入口 -- exit 出口

This entrance is in constant use.此入口經(jīng)常使用。

Where's the exit?出口在哪兒?

37. fall 落下 -- rise 升起

A light rain began to fall.小雨開始飄落。

The sun rises from the east.太陽從東方升起。

38. far 遠(yuǎn)的 -- near 近的

We didn't go far.我們沒有走遠(yuǎn)。

His house is very near.他的房子就在附近。

39. fast 快的 -- slow 慢的

I'm quite a fast typist.我打字相當(dāng)快。

The traffic is heavy and slow.車很多,走得慢。

40. first 最初的 -- last 最后的

This is my first job.這是我的第一份工作。

He came last in the race.這次賽跑他得了最后一名。

41. forget 忘記 -- remember 記得

Let's forget the whole thing.咱們徹底忘掉這件事吧。

I'll sure remember this trip!我絕不會忘記這次旅行!

42. freeze 冰凍 -- melt 融化

Can you freeze this cake?你能不能把這個蛋糕冷藏起來?

The snow was beginning to melt.積雪開始融化了。

43. give 給予 -- take 拿走

Give us the newspaper, will you?把報(bào)紙給我們好嗎?

I'll take my coat upstairs. 我將把我的外套拿到樓上去。

44. glad 愉快的 -- sad, sorry 悲傷的,難過的

I'm glad you came along.有你跟我一起來,我很高興。

She looked sad and tired.她看上去又傷心又疲憊。

45. great 偉大的 -- little, small 渺小的

It's a great piece of work.這是一個偉大的作品。

Human beings are very small.人類非常渺小。

46. happy 高興的 -- unhappy, sad 難過的

Happy birthday, sweetheart.生日快樂,親愛的。

I hate to see you unhappy.我不愿見你不高興。

47. hard 艱難的 -- easy 容易的

She's had a hard life.她一生艱苦。

It's easy to make a mistake.犯錯誤很容易。

48. hate 憎恨 -- love, like 熱愛,喜歡

I hate you.我恨你。

I love you.我愛你。

49. here 在這里 -- there 在那里

She'll be here presently.她馬上就會到這兒。

There were six or seven of us there.我們約有六、七個人在場。

50. high 高的 -- low 低的

The building stands 30 metres high.樓高30米。

The humidity is relatively low.濕度相對較低。

51. hold 持有 -- drop 放棄

They hold differing views.他們持有不同的觀點(diǎn)。

She looked about to drop.她看上去要放棄了。

52. holiday 假日-- weekday 工作日平時

Today is a holiday.今天是假日。

Today is a weekday.今天是工作日。

53. ill 生病的 -- healthy, well 健康的

I feel ill.我感到不舒服。

I'm healthy.我很健康。

54. in 在里面 -- out 在外面

The book is in my bag.書在我的包里。

Let's go out for lunch.咱們出去吃午飯吧。

55. innocent 無罪的 -- guilty 有罪的

The accused was found innocent.被告被判定無罪。

He pleaded guilty to murder.他承認(rèn)犯有謀殺罪。

56. inside 在里面 -- outside 在外面

We had to move inside.我們不得不搬進(jìn)去。

It's absolutely freezing outside.外面冷得不得了。

57. into 到……里面 -- out of 從……里向外

I walked into town.我走進(jìn)了市中心。

They highballed out of town.他們急匆匆地出了城。

58. kill 殺死 -- save 救活

Drugs can kill.毒品可以致死。

Doctors can save her.醫(yī)生可以把她救活。

59. laugh 笑 -- cry 哭

She always makes me laugh.她總是讓我發(fā)笑。

Babies cry when they are tired.嬰兒疲倦時會哭。

60. leave 離開 -- arrive 到達(dá)

She begged permission to leave.她請求允許她離開。

 When you arrive, ask for Jane.你到達(dá)后找簡。

61. leave 離開 -- stay 逗留

We didn't leave early enough.我們離開得不夠早。

Will you stay for supper?你留下來吃晚飯好嗎?

62. left 左 -- right 右

The shop is on your left.商店在你的左手邊。

The shop is on your right.商店在你的右手邊。

63. light 輕的 -- heavy 重的

You only need to apply light pressure.你只要輕輕地一壓就行了。

These books are awfully heavy.這些書非常重。

64. like 與……一樣 -- unlike 與……不一樣

They behaved like imbeciles.他們表現(xiàn)得像傻瓜。

It's very unlike him to be so late.遲到這么久可實(shí)在不像他平時的作風(fēng)。

65. lose 丟失 -- find 找到

Don't lose it, it's special.別丟了,這可不是一般的東西。

You'll find some in the drawer.你會在抽屜里找到一些。

66. many 許多 -- few 很少

How many people were there?有多少人?

It took only a few seconds.那只需要幾秒鐘。

67. miss 未抓住,未趕上 -- catch 抓住,趕上

We'd better hurry or we'll miss the train.我們最好快點(diǎn),否則就趕不上火車了。

Where did you catch the fish?你在哪兒捕到了這條魚?

68. more 更多地 -- less, fewer 更少地

I should exercise more.我應(yīng)該多鍛煉。

Her calls became less frequent.她打電話的次數(shù)減少了。

69. most 最多的 -- least, fewest 最少的

Who ate the most?誰吃得最多?

Choose foods with the fewest ingredients.選擇配料最少的食品。

70. move 移動 -- stop 停止


Can't you just stop?你就不能停一停嗎?

71.fat 胖 -- thin 瘦

He's short and fat.他又矮又胖。

He's tall and thin.他又高又瘦。

72.polite 禮貌的 -- vulgar 粗俗的

Please be polite to our guests.請禮貌待客。

The women laughed coarsely at some vulgar joke.女人們聽到某個庸俗笑話后便粗俗地笑了起來。

73.thin 薄的 -- thick 厚的

The sheets have worn thin.床單已經(jīng)磨薄了。

How thick are the walls?這些墻有多厚?

74.town 城鎮(zhèn) -- country 鄉(xiāng)下

Her mother lived in a town.她母親住在一個小鎮(zhèn)上。

Her mother lived in country.她母親住在鄉(xiāng)下。

75.whole 全體 -- part 部分

Four quarters make a whole.四個四分之一構(gòu)成一個整體。

Part of me feels sorry for him.我有點(diǎn)同情他。

76.wide 寬的 -- narrow 窄的

It's about 2 metres wide.它大約2米寬。

He turned into a narrow street.他拐進(jìn)了一條狹窄的街道。

77.with 有 -- without 沒有

They're both in bed with flu.他們雙雙患流感臥病在床。

They accepted without demur.他們接受了,沒有提出異議。

78.teach 教 -- learn 學(xué)習(xí)

I teach English in a primary school.我在小學(xué)教英語。

The kids were quick to learn.那些孩子學(xué)東西很快。

79.boring 無聊-- interesting 有趣

The movie is very boring.這個電影很無聊。

The movie is very interesting.這個電影很有趣。

80. much 許多 -- little 很少

She's much better today.她今天好多了。

As always, he said little.他和平時一樣,少言寡語。

81. neat/tidy 整齊的 -- messy 凌亂的

She was wearing a neat black suit.她穿著整潔的黑色禮服。

The table was messy.桌子是凌亂的。

82. never 從未 -- ever 曾經(jīng)

He never drinks alcohol.他從來不喝酒。

It's my best ever score.這是我得到過的最好分?jǐn)?shù)。

83. next 下一個 -- last 上一個

We're moving house next month.我們下個月搬家。

She started work last Monday.她上個星期一開始工作。

84. nobody 無一人 -- everybody 每個人

Nobody was in when we called.我們打電話時家里沒人。

The news heartened everybody.這個消息鼓舞了每個人。

85. nothing 什么也沒有 -- everything 一切

There's nothing to cry about.沒有什么值得哭的。

Everything is well.一切順利。

86. now 現(xiàn)在 -- then 當(dāng)時

What's the score now?現(xiàn)在比分是多少?

Things were very different back then.以前那個時候情況大不相同。

87. open 打開-- close 關(guān)閉

She opened the door.她打開了門。

She closed the door.她關(guān)上了門。

88. pain 痛苦 -- pleasure 快樂

The pain was indescribable.疼痛得無法形容。

Watching TV is our only pleasure.看電視是我們惟一的樂趣。

89. pass 通過,及格 -- fail 未通過,不及格

I passed the exam.我通過了考試

What will you do if you fail?如果你考試失敗打算干什么?

90. poor 貧窮的 -- rich 富裕的

There is no disgrace in being poor.貧窮不是恥辱。

He has become rich.他變富有了。

91. pull 拉 -- push 推

They use oxen to pull their carts.他們用牛拉車。

You push and I'll pull.你推我拉。

92. punish 懲罰 -- reward 獎勵

My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV.過去我父母常以不讓我看電視來懲罰我。

He rewarded us handsomely for helping him.對于我們的幫助,他大加酬謝。

93. rainy 下雨的 -- dry 干旱的

It was rainy yesterday.昨天是雨天。

The river is dry.河流干旱了。

94. serious 嚴(yán)肅的 -- silly 荒唐的

He's quite a serious person.他是一個相當(dāng)嚴(yán)肅的人。

I feel silly in these clothes.穿上這些衣服,我覺得很可笑。

95. short 短的 -- long 長的

He had short hair.他有一頭短發(fā)。

He had long hair.他有一頭長發(fā)。

96. shy 害羞的 -- social 交際的

She was quiet and shy.她文靜而又靦腆。

She has a full social life.她的社交活動非常頻繁。

97. sleep 睡覺 -- wake 醒來

Finally she drifted into sleep.最后她不知不覺地睡著了。

You have to wake up now.你現(xiàn)在得醒了。

98. smooth 平滑的 -- rough 粗糙的

It's skin feels really smooth.它的皮摸起來真光滑。

The rough cloth prickled my skin.粗布扎我的皮膚。

99. start 出發(fā) -- reach 到達(dá)

They determined to start early.他們決定早點(diǎn)出發(fā)。

They didn't reach the border until after dark.他們天黑以后才到達(dá)邊境。

100.strong 強(qiáng)壯的 -- weak 虛弱的

He's the strong silent type.他是那種強(qiáng)悍而沉默寡言的人。

She was too weak to stand.她虛弱得站都站不住。



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